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Why are some of you still wanting to be friends with Russia or think it's a good thing?

Okay aside from Trump blaming Obama for Crimea and the hacking of the election. The shit happening right now with the 12 indictments of Russian agents/spooks, 1 Maria Butina spy agent, 1 Paul Manafort traitor. This is all happening under Trump's presidency and watch and yet we still want to be friends with Russia? Can't get my head around that or even fathom it.


The 12 indicted Russians will never be tried. Just a PR stunt. This is undisputed.

Given the benefit of the doubt, if they were involved in election meddling, it occurred under who’s watch?

Obama - President
Clinton - State
Kerry - State
Comey - FBI
Mueller - FBI
Brennan - CIA
Clapper - NIA

None of which have been questioned by who? Robert Mueller. No conflict of interest there. Haha!

Guess who’s name is missing?

President Trump, who authorized the strongest Russian sanctions in decades September 2017. Sanctions that remain in place today.

Meanwhile under Obama’s watch 20% of US uranium was given to Russia. Russians gave Clinton 400 million dollars. Obama unilaterally gave Iran 150 billion dollars. None of which are disputed. And of course there was the famous incident when Obama quietly whispered to Putin’s #2 “tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election”. Of course he didn’t know the conversation was being recorded. Whoops. Obama also ordered his chief of cybersecurity to stand down on Russia election meddling summer 2016.

So other than having an opinion based purely on spoon fed emotion courtesy the demokkkrat media, perhaps you could share with us the HARD evidence of Trump/Russia collusion. I’ll save you the time, there is ZERO evidence. Or perhaps you can tell us how Trumps sanctions against Russia are helping them?

Demokkkrat media hate of Trump is not evidence of collusion. Demokkkrat media anger at Trump is not evidence of collusion. Diplomatic relations by The President of the United States, is not evidence of collusion. The fact the demokkkrat media suddenly pretends it is such, is a perfect illistration of what a corrupt joke they are.

Now that you’ve been educated on reality. I’d suggest you open your mind and join the hundreds of thousands of others who have chosen to #walkaway from the lying, corrupt, no ideas, no solutions, no platform demokkkrat media/party. The sooner you do the sooner you’ll be free of your mental slavery. Until you do you’ll continue to live in a perpetual state of hate.


What's hilarious is you have to resort to repeating such a well known lie about Russian uranium to try to mount any argument at all.

That's because you know that facts alone cannot justify your overlord's Putin love. Only Alex Jones can.


And Obama giving Iran 150 billion... It was part of a settlement, they were previously frozen assets, and it wasn't close to that much.


Yes. His repetitive drivel is such a taxing read that I rarely bother. So props on catching that oft repeated lie of his too.


I like the snopes site. Really does the research. I've seen many photoshopped images making false statements to make the side look bad. People are too lazy (me included) to do the research and anger just takes over them or they'll outright believe it.



But the striking thing about trumptards like Gd5150 is that he simply doesn't care what's true or false. He'll talk about it anyway as a desperate deflection to avoid addressing the treachery of his idol.

He's still peddling the well known bullshit that Obama gave Iran 150 billion that he's been told is false many times already.

But whatever, his repetitive posts are barely readable and his charges never credible. But it is insight into the psychology of a trumptard. You can peek into their mind, but there's really nothing there.


Sadly, facts don't mean anything anymore.


Only to trump and his army of tards because they know the truth is annihilating.

For the rest of us it matters a lot.


russians are white,
better than being friends with mexico or south africa




hubba hubba


Führer befiehl, wir folgen dir!


u gay ass bitch


I always suspected many of you nazis were repressed homosexuals. At least you're now admitting it.


you misnderstood the text,
YOU are the gay ass bitch,
NOT me


I didn't misunderstand anything.

You were advertising that you were a gay ass bitch because you're a closet homosexual.

I'm telling you I'm not interested in having gay sex with a repressed nazi because I'm not gay. Sorry.


you don't go for the shaved head look?
not even the fit body could change your mind? ;)


Sorry, unlike you nazi pole smokers, nothing about the male gender gets me off.

But at least now I understand why you worship trump. You secretly fantasize of him plowing you in the butt. It all makes sense now.


actually, i usually fantasize about Ivanka plowing me in the butt


do you know what nuclear weapons are


tools used to deliver nuclear payloads?


Why does that terrify you?


nothing terrifies me more than having to socially interact with those people


I don't think we should be "friends" but we should keep open communications with them and try to avoid confrontations that lead to war. I don't know why it appears that many want a war with Russia.

Before Trump met with Kim Jong Un, they were shouting back and forth paving the way for a nasty war. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed and military conflict has been avoided ...for now. Democrats were afraid of the Trump-Jong Un meeting but I think not having any level-headed talks would have gotten us into a war. Well resuming the original war. Heck we still might be headed for a nasty war with NK.


No what gets us into war and why escalations had shot through the roof is Trump threatening to annihilate North Korea on twitter like he's doing now with Iran.


Liberals are such hypocrites.

“Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize Al Qaeda as a threat because a few months ago, when you were asked what’s the biggest geo-political threat facing America, you said Russia. Not Al Qaeda, you said Russia,” Obama continued. “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because you know, the Cold War has been over for 20 years. When it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s." -- Barack Obama, 2012 Presidential Debate

And Obama again:

“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” Obama told Medvedev, referring to incoming Russian president Vladi­mir Putin.
“Yeah, I understand,” Medvedev said.
“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility,” Obama added.
“I understand,” Medvedev replied. “I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

Not to mention Hillary's 'reset button' with Russia, and her State Department approving the transfer of 20% of America's uranium holdings to Russia.

And Obama knew about the Russian meddling in our election, and did nothing about it.

But now Russia is our enemy again. All for political purposes in an attempt to bring down an elected president. Fortunately we have a president who understands there's a greater goal here than responding to political attacks from the dishonest Left.


Hilarious how you're parroting Hannity talking points he test ran the day after the disaster of Helsinki exposed Putin as trump's puppeteer on the global stage. Since you're aping him word for word, it looks like the test run worked.

Problem with you trumptards is that there's a giant hole in the center of your talking point that you're too unintelligent to recognize yourself. That's because you lack even cursory critical thinking skills to see that you're peddling a false equivalence.

Bush tried a reset, he failed. Obama tried a reset, he failed. But when Putin invaded Crimea Obama did step up to punish Putin's war of imperial aggression by enacting sanctions with our NATO allies.

Trump is trying a reset, the difference being that this comes after Russia attacked our presidential election and continues full scale cyber attacks to this very day in attempts to compromise election vendors and manufacturers, state election boards, energy, and critical infrastructure including nuclear.

There's another word for trying to reset with Russia while they continue their full scale cyber warfare on our country's infrastructure and are not made to pay any price for their aggression. It's called "appeasement". I know you don't know what it means so look it up.

And if you weren't so illiterate you would have seen that Rorikon already debunked your little uranium fantasy with links to facts above. You trumptards are so lacking in independent thought that you actually don't know how dumb you sound pushing a dead canard.


Hacking a Gmail account isn't "aggression" you fucking idiot. It's not even remotely newsworthy or interesting. The idea that a superpower should concern itself with such a non-event is an absolute joke. You Trump haters are the biggest group of delusional losers ever assembled.


A gmail account? WTF are you smoking exactly?


You are a Grade A imbecile if you think nuclear power plants are vulnerable to Russian hackers. LMAO! Pathetic fear-mongering for the easily persuaded.


I do this for a living son. You're talking out of your league.

So who is the imbecile now? Come again?


Yellow journalism at its finest. The study in question involved a simulated COAL power plant, not a nuclear plant. They even admitted that nuclear plants are cut off from the outside world, but still chose to hype up the threat. What a joke.


BTW, hacking nuclear power plants by Russian hackers isn't even just theoretical. Russians did compromise a nuclear power plant as widely reported last year:

Again, so who is the 'grade A imbecile'?

I'd say it's the guy who constantly tries to speak about subjects he has no knowledge of and has to be put in his place like a small child. That would be you.


Nuclear power plants can't be "hacked" because they aren't connected to the outside world. What don't you understand, dumbass? The incident involved unauthorized access to personnel and business files, not power plant systems. Posting a link to a dishonest blog post doesn't prove your point. It just proves that you're an imbecile who can't separate fact from fiction.

From the Washington Post:

The U.S. officials said there is no evidence the hackers breached or disrupted the core systems controlling operations at the plants, so the public was not at risk. Rather, they said, the hackers broke into systems dealing with business and administrative tasks, such as personnel.

You have been thoroughly owned once again. Thanks for playing.


Again, I do this for a living and you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

It doesn't fucking matter if they're connected to the outside world or not.

The Iranian reactors were not connected to the outside world either genius. But the stuxnet worm that the US and Israelis unleashed penetrated and destroyed Iran's nuclear reactors because the malware was piggybacked into their systems from operators that connected their devices they used from the outside world. Malware that can penetrate airgapped systems that are not accessible directly by the internet are all the rage now BECAUSE of Stuxnet.

God you are so fucking ignorant.

So again, who is the 'grade A imbecile'?

I'd say it's the guy who constantly tries to speak about subjects he has no knowledge of and has to be put in his place like a small child. That would be you.


I'm afraid you have absolutely no credibility at this point. You peddled a fake story about Russian hackers infiltrating "nuclear power plant systems". The fact that you think such a thing is even possible proves you have no expertise on the subject. Your claims about malware are equally bogus. Safety critical systems like nuclear plants have many layers of safeguards. You aren't going to trigger another Three Mile Island with some malware on a USB stick. LMFAO! What a joke!


HOLY SHIT! How many times do I have to repeat myself?

Stuxnet is proof of concept of how it happens dumbo. Are you trying to deny Stuxnet destroyed Iranian reactors in Natanz? All you're doing is broadcasting your ignorance right now.

The ONLY reason the malware hadn't penetrated more mission critical systems within that nuclear power plant was because it was detected in time. Had that malware just sat dormant, all it would take would be for a single shared device, a single usb pen drive that an operator had used on work laptop that he plugs into a mission critical server and it would have been compromised.

You literally have no clue as to what you're talking about. I can't help that I'm talking over your head because you're not mentally equipped to understand how airgapped malware works.

But any objective reader of this thread won't have a hard time understanding that you're talking out of your ass and have been officially owned once again. Thanks for the amusement.


You still don't understand the difference between a nuclear reactor and a centrifuge. LMAO! You're a joke buddy.


LOOOLZ. The point is that stuxnet successfully targeted the PLCs.

You know you made a fool out of yourself so you're trying to pretend you actually knew what the difference between a reactor and centrifuge was prior to about 20 minutes ago. It's hilarious.


You're also highly misinformed about Stuxnet. It targeted Iranian centrifuges (not nuclear reactors) and caused only limited damage to their systems. It is laughable how clueless you are.


lololol. Now you're crying over parsed words because you know you lost the argument. Hilarious.

Also pretty rich seeing how you learned about stuxnet for the first time just now from me. Until I schooled you, you were saying this:

"You are a Grade A imbecile if you think nuclear power plants are vulnerable to Russian hackers."

"Nuclear power plants can't be "hacked" because they aren't connected to the outside world."



Liberals had a much higher opinion of Russia when it was a totalitarian communist state. Now that Russia has moved towards capitalism and democracy, they're an existential threat to America and must be stopped. Too funny.


Read it and weep son. Trump is a traitor who has betrayed his duty as commander-in-chief and left the states to defend against Russia on their own.


Trump is the chief officer of the executive branch. He has every right to reject the conclusions of the intelligence community as he sees fit. Intelligence agencies are subservient to the President, not the other way around. Try reading the Constitution you ignoramus.


The ignoramus is the one rejecting the expertise of his intelligence agencies whose duties and responsibilities are also to defend this country and have the understanding to recognize when we're under cyber attack unlike the ignoramus in chief.

You're acting like a silly little boy throwing a temper tantrum. Your argument is tantamount to saying the president has every right to reject the conclusions of his military chiefs that have alerted him to oncoming missiles from a foreign attack.

Ok, so what? That doesn't change the fact that he's not fit for the office he holds because he's abdicated his responsibility as command-in-chief to defend us. That doesn't change the fact that his clear subservience to Putin in refusing to defend this country against ongoing Russian attacks makes him a traitor.


The Republican party was taken over in the 90's by conservative/fascist supporters who wish to undermine our democracy and destroy the US from within.
