MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > I’m American and not white

I’m American and not white

What’s so bad about this guy? How is he different from any other politician? He wants to make America great again. Shit let him try, go for it.

I can see why people who depend on hand outs might fear his way but fuck get a job. And if you’re here illegally you don’t even have the right to complain.

I just don’t get all the hate. So he said a couple fucked up things. Who gives a shit. That’s 85% of the net.


Liberals want Russia and the united states to be enemies...... they should ask their parents how great the cold war was. living in fear of nuclear destruction is apparently awesome !


Yeah that's not what liberals want. And I was alive during the Cold didn't end by Reagan telling Gorbachev that America's stupidity was to blame for the poor relationship between the two countries. So yeah we just don't want a President who's compromised by Russia which it's seeming more and more likely that Trump is.


I remember those times. Hide under your desk drills. Fun times, kids scared shitless of the big boom coming.


Russia still has nuclear weapons directed at the United States. We just stopped the drills because everyone knows hiding under a wooden desk isn't going to stop anyone from being alienated from a nuclear bomb.


Nuclear bombs really are the ultimate form of alienation!


And annihilation, too!


Yes, that too!


"Let him try"? He's already made it great again. Unemployment lowest in years. Especially BLACK unemployment I mean have you been keeping up with the statistics? Not to mention illegal immigration is down 70%, the economy is booming, NATO now paying their fair share, the wall is getting built, better trade deals than ever before, I mean it's like we're living in two parallel realities. The real one where everyone is happier than ever before and is enjoying having this man running the country, and the other one on TV that is desperately trying to make it out like it's never been worse.

Bill Maher for crying out loud said he would rather America be plunged into a massive recession than to have Trump remain president. I really do not understand the disconnect between liberals and reality these days. It's gone way beyond rational. They're starting to scare the shit out of me. I just hope conservatives keep their guns handy because it's starting to feel like they're going to need them.


Yes amazingly to tout his great unemployment numbers he uses the same job reports he swore were fake during the campaign.


Oh, so the same ones democrats swore were real?


They are real. I'm just baffled at how a month into office, Trump could start touting his great unemployment numbers when he campaigned on that report being a lie. It was such an insult to people's intelligence. But then again he also said his supporters would be cool with him shooting someone on fifth avenue so maybe they like to have their intelligence insulted.


Not a month, it's been a year and a half...


Yes I'm aware of how long he's been in office. But he started going on about his great unemployment numbers a month or less in office (and hasn't shut up since). Like I said, it was an insult to our intelligence. Then again he's good at insulting US Intelligence like by siding with Putin over them.


Nothing is more insulting to our intelligence than the government insisting that Russia meddled without showing a lick of proof of it to the American people.


Whatever you say comrade.


They've given us plenty of proof. You just have to be literate enough to read an indictment.


Not a shred of evidence has been released. What in blazes are you babbling about?


Again, you're just factually wrong.

Do you know what an indictment is? If not, look it up. Then go to the DoJ website and read the indictments against the Russians. The evidence is meticulously detailed and overwhelming.

Then you might start to realize how ignorant, foolish, and just plain stupid you sound peddling your Kremlin talking point.

There are hundreds of pages of evidence for you to read so get your lazy ass in gear and stop embarrassing yourself by proving that trump supporters don't read.


12 Russians swayed an election with facebooks ads....riiiiiight.


Keep going. You've only touched the surface of all the things the Russians did as detailed in the multiple indictments. It's hilarious how ignorant you are.


Can’t have 1% economic growth, Obama’s “new norm” and create jobs. Obama’s jobs number were a joke. His Obamacare caused a recession that should’ve lasted a year drag out 9
Years. 0-2% economic growth is a recession no matter how many times the demokkkrat media told us things were improving. Wake up and walk away. You’ve been had.

The demokkkeat party only serves to empower itself. And the American voter knows it. No ideas, no solutions. Just hate and blame.



You should really give up on your intentional misspelling of the word democrat considering Fox News just published an article talking about the problem the GOP is having with nazis and white supremacists slipping through their primaries. Maybe the GOP doesn't like white supremacists, but white supremacists sure like the GOP!


The recession happened under Bush. It was actually a near worldwide banking and economic collapse.

I'm relieved that an egghead like Obama was president to lead the recovery. Dummy Trumputin wouldn't have a clue on how to solve it. He would be looking for ways to line his own pocket and kiss Putin's tookis like he did in Helsinki. Two hour secret meeting with Putin indeed!


You are right, sir. M.A.G.A.


What does that even mean?

When was america great?

The 50's when even white women didn't have full rights?

The 60's when minorities didn't have full rights?

In the 70's when women and minorities were still fighting for equal rights?

In the 80's maybe? But that wasn't a great time by most standards. Wall Street was doing well, but no one else really.

Maybe the 90's right before the Dotcom bubble? That's what we need, more assumed profits!!


I don't think you're aware that you're repeating Trumputin's propaganda. He says the sky is orange and you are mindlessly repeating it with no intent to look for proof. I challenge you to fact check what he claims to have done.

For instance:

"NATO now paying their fair share"
This isn't true.
"...French president Emmanuel Macron said that the other alliance members had simply agreed to keep to the spending commitments which had already been made." BTW, past presidents have also tried to get NATO to increase funding with no success.

"...better trade deals than ever before..."
Not true. Americans are going to be hit hard by sanctions and are talking bankruptcies and lay-offs. ex: Harley Davison and soybean farmers.

"the wall is getting built"
No wall. Replace fencing and additions in some areas.

"Unemployment lowest in years."
Depends. The real unemployment rate is 21.5% which includes people who can't find work for a long time and part-time workers who can't find full time work.
The official stat is 4% which doesn't count the above. When people give up looking, they're not counted in the official stats.

"economy is booming"
For who? Most people haven't had their wages increase. BTW, we are in the final cycle of both business and stock market cycles. The tax break for the rich helped to extend stock market cycle since companies do buybacks with their tax break which forced the market to go up. Usually, the stock market falls before the business cycle.


More and more I'm convinced that Trump is simply a cult leader and there is no lie too big or action too vile that would turn off his supporters.


I agree. That means his supporters are behaving like cult followers. It's called "cult of personality" and people like Trump, Putin, Hitler, Stalin, etc. are able to manipulate and gain power. I'm still not sure how followers regain their reason if the leader is still in power.


I personally have to call it a cult of loyalty (actually counter loyalty against the opposition), because Trump has no personality to speak of.


That's like shooting yourself in the foot because your opposition doesn't like the sight of blood.

The irony is that Trumputinettes are going to be more adversely effected especially if they're in red states with little to no buffer against his policies. Some Democratic governors and mayors are at least trying to protect their constituents.


Actually I believe there's one. The immigration issue is the central plank of his racist base.

If he flips on immigration he'll lose his most ardent support from this segment of his base and he knows it.

Which is why he'll never go soft on demonizing immigrants.


Why do you want the wall? It's a colossal waste of money. First, illegal immigration is at a 46 year low and second, most people in this country illegally are here because they simply overstayed their visas. Don't get me wrong, I'm against illegal immigration, but I'm also against a multi billion dollar wall thats going to cost an arm and a leg for its upkeep.


It will cost more to upkeep an active patrol across the entire border at all times just to maintain that low.


You think the wall will negate the need for active border patrols? Walls aren't that hard to get over so without active border patrols the wall is just a slight inconvenience for anyone looking to cross.


No it's not, it's a major inconvenience. And I'm not suggesting that the wall will eliminate the need for active border patrols, but cutting ongoing salaries in half saves a shit ton of money over time. These men aren't getting paid minimum wage to protect the border ok?


Nope, minor inconvenience. Can you clarify whether projections of them saving "a shit ton of money" is your opinion or based on some study you've read. If you've read that could you provide a link because I'm highly skeptical that the wall in any shape or form can save money.


It's my opinion. Of course if I had it my way I'd have both the wall AND the active patrol units across the border. With a few sentry turrets thrown in for good measure.


sentry turrets huh? Would you like if they used those turrets to shoot unarmed people?


Yup. So long as they were illegal. Don't worry, we would have warning signs posted on the Mexican side of the wall so they would be given fair warning.


No idea if you're trolling or if you really place so little value on the life of someone born less fortunate than you. Either way both this conversation and you disgust me and I don't wish to talk to you further. Good night.


Sweet dreams.


Markdown474 you self righteous, liberal douche lol Your comments were cringe worthy and laughable.


You think it's cringe worthy and laughable that I'm opposed to shooting unarmed people? If that makes me a self righteous liberal douche, then I'm guilty as charged.

If you're only argument is to call me names, I won't respond further.


You must be trolling because anyone with half a brain knows murdering unarmed people is illegal, even if they are entering illegally. Nice fantasy though.


That was kind of implied when I said "if it was up to me"...


You should seek help...Also up to you....


You the United States military does that all tim, right? Only in other countries though.


What a stupid comment! Do innocent people die in war? Of course and its a terrible thing, but its not like its the United States Policy to shoot innocent people for no reason.Where are you from that makes you so high and mighty?


No, thats not true.

"The report said the border wall could cost nearly $70 billion to build and $150 million a year to maintain. An internal report by the Department of Homeland Security said the wall could cost about $21.6 billion, not including maintenance."


Never responded to Trumps contradictory unemployment claims, meaning one side had to be a lie, but happy to repeat whatever you want to believe most.

Blind puppet race baiting troll with nary a thought to share, just parroting.


"How is he different from any other politician?"

Politicians are different from each other. Was Hitler different from Kennedy? Was Pol Pot different from FDR? Is Trump different from Reagan? His children and former Reaganites have answered a resounding yes.

"Who gives a shit."
This sounds like you are taking democracy for granted. It's not a given. Many democracies have become totalitarian or autocratic governments. Recently Russia, Venezuela and Turkey. Their leaders tend to use the same methods as Trump which is why more people including Republicans are alarmed.

"What’s so bad about this guy?" "So he said...things."
Tearing children from their mothers arms and putting them in cages. Discriminating against people based on religion. Inciting violence against the press and anyone in opposition. Dividing Americans. Supporting autocrats like North Korean, Russia and Turkey leaders over American democratic values. Speaking out against NATO which has helped defend America and its allies while defending autocrat Putin.

"He wants to make America great again."
You are taking hard fought rights for granted. The old days weren't so good.

I guess I'm older than you because when I was young it was normal for a raped woman to be blamed because her skirt was too short or she wasn't a virgin. It was normal to kill a black man or child for hate and receive no sentence. The air was dirtier which gave me daily nose bleeds before creating environmental laws. Discrimination in housing was rampant including at Trump Tower. TV news was reported only by white men. A class action suit forced the three networks to hire women & minorities. ETC.

People fought and died in the streets to bring change which Trump wants to get rid of.

"...people who depend on hand outs..."
Yet, you don't complain about the large handout rich people received that middle income people like myself will be paying for. Why not?


Politicians are the same. All they seek is wealth and power through greed and corruption. If they didnt start that way they will end up that way. You claim to be old so you everything comes full circle. You have been witnessing that for decades.

As for making America great again, obviously that would be in reference to the positive. When men were gentlemen and being noble meant having high moral principles. When a handshake was worth more than a lawyer’s laws. When marriage was sacred and family meant virtue.

There was a time when Pro aris et focis coursed deep in veins of many men and held true for patriots in either parties. For god and country is lost these days.


Not old. Older. LOL.

What was corrupt and greedy about Jimmy Carter?

Republican voters rightfully complained about corruption and greed and said they wanted someone different in the White House which is why they wanted an "outsider" like Trump. Instead he's worst, but Republican voters won't admit they made a mistake in trusting him. It's become a sweet lemons scenario.

"...everything comes full circle.."
Yep. And I promise you that people who were struggling financially before Trump will still be struggling after he leaves office. Same crap with Reagan which is why I know trickle-down economics doesn't work.

I know you don't want to hear this, but the Information Age brought a new economy which makes it important for people to retrain in order to find good paying jobs. The problem wasn't immigrants - but job loss through technology.

"...reference to the positive..." "...being noble..high moral principles..."
Except that was a myth. I'm old enough to have seen some of that world and the changes as well as hear my parents talk about it.

Many people were miserable, things were just done in secret. There were less opportunities and people were forced to live lives didn't want. "Roles" which is what you're talking about can be stifling. People now are able to pursue what makes them personally happy.

Trump is 3x married who whores every chance he gets. He also didn't pay for work done and cheated Trump University students. Lies constantly. hateful. Rude. Nothing noble about him therefore he can't deliver it to you. What's noble about taking babies and putting them in cages, anyway? "For God and Country" was not Trump's behavior last week with Putin. He's all myth.

Just make the world better starting with yourself. Be polite. Teach your kids manners. Don't hurt anyone. Help if you can. Not rocket science. Trump not needed.


he is unstable


Your post sounds foolish as hell. And who cares if you're not white? There are plenty of idiotic sheep in ALL races/colors.

I can see why people who depend on hand outs might fear his way but fuck get a job. [/quote]

Like every Trumper, you seem oblivious to the fact that red states make up the highest percentage of welfare recipients. In fact--every person I know who is one food stamps/some form of welfare is a Trumper (and I know plenty, for I live in a heavy red state)--every one of them. Every single one of them voted for Trump.

I know dozens of immigrants and not one single one is on any sort of aid. I had to bring that one up because that's another Trumper claim: that immigrants are a drain on our country. Statistically, immigrants make up the lowest percentage of welfare recipients in the country by FAR.

[quote]And if you’re here illegally you don’t even have the right to complain.[/quote]

To my knowledge, the only complaints about the deportations are the MANNER of which Trump is having ICE do it. He's damn near having ICE act like the Gestapo. Illegal or not, people should be treated with respect and not animals. Hell, animals are treated better than some of these illegals have been. No one is defending illegal immigration--people are defending simple, human common DECENCY.

[quote]I just don’t get all the hate.[/quote]

Then there's no helping you. If you can look at this disaster of a presidency and just shrug in confusion then nothing anyone on this forum says is going to sway you. In fact--I highly doubt you were even looking for real answers and I highly suspect your motives to be trollish.

[quote]So he said a couple fucked up things.[/quote]

You should replace Sarah Sanders because you're better at downplaying his insanity than she is.

[quote] So he said a couple fucked up things.[/quote]

I do. At least 65% of America does. Most of the world does.

[quote] That’s 85% of the net.

So that makes it OK?


He's the worst. Rude, obsessively self centered, clumsy with his choice of words. Unfit to be President.


I'm American and white and I don't understand what's good about the guy. He's dumb and reactionary and doesn't know WTF he's doing.


And he also loves to throw praise at dictators while bad-mouthing us Americans who don't agree with him. He also endorses authoritarian policies and seems to think he's the only branch of power in our government.


The OP is right on!


When your lord and savior is having a bad day and you don't want to read about it. Then just scatter the board with old threads. Right? Its not like you should use the board for what it was intended for. Right? Nah. Just troll instead.
