MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > 12 Russian intelligence officers charged...

12 Russian intelligence officers charged with hacking DNC, Presidential campaign and Hillary Clinton and releasing it under Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks.

In a hastily scheduled announcement today, Deputy Attorney General announces indictments of 12 Russian intelligence officers charged with hacking DNC, Presidential campaign and Hilary Clinton and releasing it under Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks.

New indictments:


So is Trump going to come home? Like ever again?


LOL! I personally would prefer he didn't.

Maybe he's set to meet Putin on Monday to plead for asylum. It'd be poetic if Putin responded to his request in kind the way Trump treats US asylum seekers. 😓


It's impossible to know if anyone hacked the DNC server because the DNC never turned over their server to investigators. But we do know that US intelligence community have a history of lying in order to start wars, like the WMDs in Iraq.


No, it's just impossible for *you* to know because you're not mentally equipped to understand the issue.

I know just fine since I work in network forensics and understand exactly how images of the drives are taken by forensic investigators immediately upon analysis with checksums that would have been impossible to fake. I also know these images were all turned over to the FBI upon request, which Comey acknowledged in congressional testimony.
