Thanks to T-rump, violent racist road rage against black drivers by Rethugs on the rise in US
Thanks to T-rump, and the divisiveness he has caused throughout America with his own behavior, road rage from White Rethuglikkkan drivers against innocent Black drivers has increased dramatically, according to reports. And many of these victims have taken out their cell phones to record what is happening to them by these violent Rethuglikkkans.
Many of these incidents involve a violent attack on the black driver, with the Rethuglikkkan attacker hurling the "N-word" and even the "c-word" at female drivers, trying to intimidate them.
Tiffany Sterling, a black woman who was the victim of road rage this past Fall, described the situation of when a white Republican male cut her off in North Carolina, then pulled next to her and opened his door, shouting:
“Take my picture, b*tch, I don’t care!I had the green light… little n*gger c*nt.” Sterling said he was making racial slurs and sexual gestures, trying to scare her.
Another incident in recent months involved a young black female, Geminia Aimable -
dressed in her uniform as a member of the Army National Guard of the United States - who was traumatized by a T-rump supporter. Though she tried to escape her tormentor, the white republican would not give up - following her and harassing her as she tried to lose him in traffic. When he finally caught up with her, she recalls he “Told me to never forget that I am nothing but a nigger and that us niggers do not deserve to serve this very country and to take off my uniform and to kill myself.”
Why so much hate from Rethuglikkkans? Why doesn't T-rump do something to stop this - control his sheeple? Why does he continue to be the poster boy of such bad behavior, and such a racist?