MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Americans Prepare to celebrate the Unite...

Americans Prepare to celebrate the United States 242nd birthday. Demokkkrats outraged.

The summer of demokkkrat obsessive hate and insane outrage continues. Tomorrow is the 242nd birthday of the United States of America.

It will be full of all things the demokkkrat party, their media, and their lemmings hate:

American flags
Patriotic parades
People celebrating freedom and liberty
Red White and Blue
Hot dogs and apple pies
People smiling and having fun
People not obsessed with anger and outrage





Lol dude I have no idea if you are really reporting as much as you claim but if so how are the moderators not sick of you yet?


Looks like he is. SJWs deserve it.



You're an embarrassment to rational humans.

You decry obsession and yet all of your posts are the same obsessive, whiny, snowflake bullshit.

You're a great example of hypocrisy, bullying, dishonest, and zealotry.


Someone is a little obsessed... not to mention flat out wrong.


Harvard study suggests that people that celebrate the 4th of July are overwhelmingly Republican.

It seems to back up your claims above.


people that celebrate the 4th of July are overwhelmingly Republican.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."
-Dr Samuel Johnson, circa 1775.


A British poet, butthurt because of American Independence!


Perhaps because Johnson recognized the foundational American Hypocrisy:

"How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?"

His comment on patriotism was to attack FALSE patriotism. He was attacking those who didn't consider him PURE because of his non-English ancestry (something happening in America right NOW).

Overall, he hated hypocrisy, and that's why he criticized early America.


"A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish."
-Ty Webb, circa 1980.


Well letโ€™s see...they celebrate by drinking, overeating, playing with gunpowder and not working.

Sounds like Trumps base to me.


Your right. The majority of the left doesn't work any days,so that probably does seem odd to you.



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If the Demokkkrats ever take control again I have a feeling one of the very first things they try to do is abolish Independence Day as a National Holiday.


Such a ridiculous comment....I mean if we did that I'd have to go to work on July 4th and that would really suck!


For Hilary everyday is โ€œIn Dependsยฎ๏ธ Dayโ€.





not to mention firing GUNS in the air...


Whilst screaming "allahu akbar"?? Or are those the other gun enthusiasts? I find it difficult to tell primitive voilent individuals apart.

Happy piracy day (you are celebrating the largest act of piracy in history after all ๐Ÿ˜‰) to all my Merican neighbours!!


Wow,if you really think that,then you don't know your history.


Oh I know history just fine.

Your founders were pirates who stole from the British. "Taxation without representation" is a joke. All the Brits wanted was a return on their investment, same as the US uses NATO to protect infrastructure in volatile regions. They learned from their own theft to protect their assets.

Also the elitists that benefitted from the revolution refused to pay a bunch of the revolutionary veterans resulting 400 vets mobbing the state house. Nothing changed for the average joe, just the ones at the top didn't have to give a piece to those that out up the capital to settle a new nation.


I was saying that this is far from the largest act of piracy, if you decide to see it that way. Man's been taking land from other men since recorded history began. The British empire was by far the worst. The Mongolian hordes conquered most of Asia and Europe. The Ottoman Empire was over several continents. Remember Rome too? How about Hitler's invading forces? That was a big chunk of Europe. Ming Dynasty,let's not forget that... Come on man, if your going to try and come across as a anti US troll,at least get your facts together.


Umm those were all examples of conquest. The American revolutionaries did not conquere anything. They were opportunist that took advantage of the situation in Europe and saw an opportunity to take what wasn't theirs as the Brits were busy/tired of fighting in Europe.

4 July "Arr Dee Arr Arr"


So your saying it's better if the conquest is done through violence? Because make no mistake,it's still a conquest. It was just done with a little more diplomacy than before,but again,the British empire was already taking land in a "legal" way that was taking advantage of less advanced civilizations. It's still better than raping and pillaging like the Mongolian hordes did.


I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean. I never said I liked violence, stop projecting please.

I have no idea where diplomacy comes in in regard to this discussion.

And your rant about the Brits doesn't change the fact that your founding fathers were a bunch of land Pirates


You're clearly feigning a lack of comprehension because you have no other recourse. Sad really, bring your A game next time.


No, your reply lacked any cohesive link to the discussion we were having. Just a ranting mess.

Please bring at least a B game level to the discussion ๐Ÿ‘‹


Just basically repeating what I said? Lol, that's super original of you. If this is your A game,you might need to repeat the 8th grade next year. Your terrible at this and I'm not justifying anymore of your stupid and ignorant replies with my time. Consider this my final thoughts on anything you have to say.


No, what you replied still makes no sense in regard to my original statement.


Your terrible at this and I'm not justifying anymore of your stupid and ignorant replies with my time. Consider this my final thoughts on anything you have to say.


Amazing!! You have nothing of substance to add anyways. ๐Ÿ‘‹


You're terrible at this and I'm not justifying anymore of your stupid and ignorant replies with my time. Consider this my final thoughts on anything you have to say.


๐Ÿ˜˜ muffin๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘‹


You're terrible at this and I'm not justifying anymore of your stupid and ignorant replies with my time. Consider this my final thoughts on anything you have to say.


This is fun. Your turn๐Ÿ˜˜


terrible at this and I'm not justifying anymore of your stupid and ignorant replies with my time.(if you reply you're a moron)Consider this my final thoughts on anything you have to say.


This is like a merry go round. Should I get you some funnel cake, muffin?


I see you proved my last post as accurate.


I doubt anything you post is accurate. I was just going around the carousel with my muffin ๐Ÿ˜š


