MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Singapore Summit is ON!! TRUMP DID IT!!!...

Singapore Summit is ON!! TRUMP DID IT!!! 'comprehensive' document signed [still a wasted time like I predicted...]

You heard it hear first folks. A waste and nothing will come of it. After all the dissing, Un would only look like a fool if he accepts any US terms which doesn't call for total disarmament of nukes Gaddafi style. With that said, it'll be a fun failed watch because Trump is a master of entertainment and wasting of tax payers money. :)

Whelp, he managed to surprise me. The question now is what was agreed upon.


Giuliani is the stupidest person out of all of the stupid people in Trump's circle, which is really saying something. Somebody needs to stuff him in a locker somewhere and forget the combination.


No, don’t do anything to Giuliani!!! He’s the gift that keeps on giving.

So far he’s incriminated T-rump in the Stormy affair, which led to a federal take down of Cohen ( or was that a coincidence? Lol) and he’s insulted and humiliated Melania more than her worst enemy ever could.

Love the stupidity and chutzpah of this guy.


Yeah, but he's basically talking KJU into cancelling again.


It's been over two months and STILL no charges for Cohen.


Why would there be charges when investigators were only allowed to begin examining the tons of documents they seized in their raids just a few weeks ago?

You should strive for some dignity. Start by getting informed instead of shamelessly shooting blanks all the time.




investigators are paid hourly & waste as much money as possible digging into nothingness


Investigators are the PROSECUTORS and AGENTS at the SDNY US attorney office and NY FBI field office you moron. They want their case against Cohen to move as expediently as possible but were prevented on even looking at the documents because Cohen's lawyers kept challenging the seizure.

The judge finally agreed that it was Cohen's lawyers that were stalling and gave them the green light to start reading the documents a few weeks back.

You should take the same advise as I gave 3to10IQ and try getting informed instead of embarrassing yourself with silly ideas like prosecutors and FBI agents getting paid hourly.


i suppose you think they get paid minutely!


You've ceased to make any sense.


tit for tat good buddy


Yeah I'm just saying your 'tat' didn't make any sense bud.

Why would I think salaried prosecutors and FBI agents are getting paid 'minutely'?


This is your opportunity to bring up "fat-ass lying, crooked Hilary.
C'mon, bring some Repub Dignity to the convo.
Or like your buddy Joe Wilson inappropriately cried out -- YOU LIE !



I think you hit reply to the wrong post.


nuff said


If Kim plays his cards right he may get a casino and butt load of money from millions of tourists.


Ewww! Who wants yet another failed T-rump casino in their country?

reply < - Livestream

Trump fangirls:

And it's on folks. Meeting is taking place right now. Place your bets on this going bad or worse or maybe something will get done.

At least I think they're just going to open a burger shop. XD
At most it'll be in favor of Kim because Trump wants to be remembered for making the deal.

I just realized, if Trump actually pulls this off, this would definitely get him a re-election position. Liberals are probably in rage and hoping it'll fail.


Poor lemmings. Everywhere you go today they’re praying for a fail in the peace talks. Their leaders praying for recession as their only hope at not getting crushed in November. No ideas. No solutions. No platform. Nothing to offer but obsessive hate.

The demokkkrat platform?


Yep. Democrats are pissed they didn't get the deal made under Obummer. Now Hollywood is cursing Trump just as the historic meeting is taking place.

So far there are reports of Kim reframing from being asked to give up his nukes.


Sure -- Trump berates our closest ally in Canada and Trudeau then courts a Communist dictator.
Quite the shrewd fellow, (roll eyes, gag, sarcasm)
YOU lemmings would like to see a New-cue-lar War and twist it to make it the Democrats fault.
Maybe Cheney will come out of retirement and go all Sterling Hayden/George C Scott/Dr Strangelove on us,
and you'll happily cheer him on, and give Trump credit for trying to stop the madness. Gawd !
Talk about a freeking lemming. You want to see a lemming? Hold up a mirror, man !
You're on the hamster wheel -- so keep on running. We get energy from your worthless effort.


To be fair Trudeau isn't a dictator, a communist maybe.


It’s embarrassing to see there are those in America known as Rethuglikkkans who can’t see what has been happening since this past weekend. They have no concept at all.


Looks like there is a signing coming up but alas there is another meeting all the way in November.



Trump re-election confirmed.


We don't even know what's being signed yet. For all we know Trump got fleeced after forgetting to insist on a time frame for denuclearization.


We'll find out soon.


The suspense is killing me.

I'd love to see it live up to the hype.


Can we check your history and find you defending voluntary Paris Climate Accord? I think you will have to invent a new arbitrary standard in order to condemn Trump.


You're welcome to try. You'll come up empty of course.


trump wins again!


What'd he win?

I'm reading the document now, it looks like a dud.

I'm seeing two pages that promises to “work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”

Holy shit, if this is all there is then NK won. They got the photo op and didn't have commit to any hard target concessions.


Welcome to politics. First time here?


You should be asking that of Trump. You don't have a summit with all this pomp and reward the NK leader with the photo op unless he gives you something for it.

A promise to work toward denuclearization is nothing. NK has a history of such promises.

Apparently you're the political neophyte. This is NOT typical politics. This is an epic fail.


trump won because he bridged the USA to korea...something your obama failed to do..among a lot of other failures


Ummm Obama didn't fail at that. He didn't try like every other president before him because it would legitimize a regime they didn't want legitimized.

Can't fail a test you didn't take. You can fail to take the test, but that's not the same thing. Especially when you have good reason not to take the test. Kkkaiser Drumpf's supporters are straight daft.... in both senses of the word.


trump is befriending kim so as to change his way of thinking/ruling,
he is more clever than you would give him credit for,
he will wind up saving lives in korea through this strategy,
i hope you're not against the rescue of many small children


They hate the President so much, that would rather everyone die in nuclear fire. Think about that for a second.


i can't think about it because it's too depressing,
their hatred scares me to my very core


No, Kim won because he has wanted to meet with an American president for years to help elevate himself and his regime. He also gets to keep his nukes. He said he would stop testing at a cave site after the cave collapsed and he couldn't test there anyway.

Trump is a chump and so are you if you believe he won anything.


were you or anyone else expecting kim to delete his nukes?


Kim also won because Trump won't have American do military exercises in the region which helps new soldiers stationed there in case there is a problem.

The only countries winning under Trump is China, North Korea and Russia.

Kim would be a fool to get rid of them. And unlike Trump, he's no fool.


What a complete joke this whole affair was.

THAT lightweight document with no hard target concessions was all that was signed?


You never read this document or any other.


Bitter that your boy got fleeced?


Well from what we know so far:
-Trump trusts Kim
-Kim says he's agreed to start releasing the dead bodies back and slow process of denuclearization (probably US leaving SK)
-Trump says he gave up nothing yet stops military exercises with SK as well as saving money in the process
-SK/Japan to fit the summit bill not US (according to Trump)
-No treaty has been signed but rather just an agreement.

What needs to be done:
-Reunification with SK
-Releasing dead bodies
-Releasing kidnapped Japanese citizens

Now we need to see if the international community as well as US inspectors are invited to verify the denuclearization process instead of just trusting on Kim's words.

If DPRK does open up, it's going to be open for exploitation to the max as companies will try to start building shit there and modernizing the country.

Maybe it is for the best, withdrawing troops near countries that feel threatened by the US presence within the vicinity. Maybe we can also get China to stop their 9-dash line claim of the South China sea as well but I doubt it.

Trump's 'comprehensive' document signed:
1.The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.

2.The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.

3.Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

4.The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.


Yeah, I outlined my critique in another thread in case you hadn't seen it:

The summit is typically supposed to be the end point of negotiations when an actual deal is struck. Trump is treating the summit like the starting point.


Well at least Un knows what western democracy is like. I mean he comes to a country like Singapore that's full of life, well fed people, nice hotels and the likes and wonder why his country is the shitter XD.

Who knows, maybe he's really opting for change. I think this all started once his sister or sister in law (whomever it was) attended the Winter Olympics in Seoul and saw how advanced the country is and how dark theirs was.

I looked up comprehensive... I think Trump means 'catering to children of all abilities from a given area' :p


I guess you don't know that Kim went to school in Switzerland and is fluent in English, French and German. He knows plenty about western democracy and wealth. he's been creating nice recreational facilities in N. Korea for himself and other elites.


Interesting... never knew this. There is another report stating his grades and attendance rating are reported to have been poor during secondary school.

'Kim was described by classmates as a shy child who was awkward with girls and indifferent to political issues, but who distinguished himself in sports and had a fascination with the American National Basketball Association and Michael Jordan.'

Pretty much sums him up. No wonder he's such a basketball fanatic. Surprised he managed to easily go to other countries without really being noticed. What a way to teach/train your enemies to your culture, language, etc. etc. >:P


His Swiss boarding school background is why there was a lot of surprise in western diplomatic circles when he returned to North Korea and seamlessly took over the 'brutal dictator' role of his father without missing a beat.

The West had pinned hopes on him that his boarding school background would get him to see the light and modernize.

But if he doesn't it wouldn't be the first time the West had wrongly expected Western influence growing up would moderate the rule of a dictator-in-waiting. Syria's Bashar Al Assad is a trained ophthalmologist who had done his post grad in London. He never showed interest in politics and was never expected to rule, but his older brother died in a motorcycling accident when he recalled to Damascus to follow in the footsteps of his father's brutal regime when he died. He was a quick study and soon consolidated power, much like Kim.


He is modernizing North Korea. Rodman compared what N. Korea looked like during his first and last visit. There are also unofficial private businesses running throughout the country. There are probably N. Koreans in power who thought he may be a pushover because of his youth, but Kim was quick to show that's not the case.


Ah really? Well that gives me hope that he is motivated modernize.

But modernizing is one thing, allowing his isolated people contact with the outer world is another. How could he hope to maintain his brainwashing of them otherwise?


Many N Koreans watch bootlegged foreign movies and TV shows so they know more than you think.

Rodman made one or two documentaries about his visits to N. Korea. It could be rented on Amazon.

Westerners are brainwashed too. Instead of just buying the government line about N Korea, I like to read accounts from various people who have visited or lived there.


Actually I have, but admittedly I haven't seen any of the Rodman stuff.

Last firsthand account I read was from US defector Charles Jenkins who married a Japanese woman kidnapped by NK. It didn't sound like he ever had access to any foreign material.

I also read the account from Kim Jong Il's former bodyguard who escaped from a manual labor camp and described the hard regimen of indoctrination and brainwashing their leaders would subject the populace to at a young age. You make it sound like Western brainwashing can come anywhere close to those imposed living in the forced isolation tank mostly sealed off from the rest of the world aka North Korea.

I had never read of any accounts of having access to western media by any escapees, but maybe that's a more recent development.


S. Koreans TV shows are popular. They sneak them in on flashdrives.

Escapees are going to be anti-Kim and N. Korea and reinforce the Western narrative. I wanted to get the other viewpoint so I borrowed some books from the library:

"A Capitalist in North Korea: My Seven Years in the Hermit Kingdom" by Felix Abt

"North Korea Confidential: Private Markets, Fashion Trends, Prison Camps, Dissenters and Defectors Hardcover" by Daniel Tudor & James Pearson (written by 2 journalists)

I plan to read this one next:
See You Again in Pyongyang: A Journey into Kim Jong Un's North Korea" Travis Jeppesen, an American student studying there.


Ah how cool.

Had no idea that perspective even existed there. Right on. I'll check it out, thanks!


You're welcome. I really recommend the Rodman movie too. It's very entertaining and you get to see a glimpse inside the country.


Un is a mixed bag. He's not an idiot, but not what I'd consider highly intelligent. I've been saying for months now that his plan all along was to barter his nuclear program for some economic deal with the US. There were steps toward President Obama talking with him, but idiots like Bolton and Fox News banged the drums against it. It's unfortunate that it takes a republican in office for them to get on board, but I'll take what I can get.


There were steps toward President Obama talking with him

I'll just bet there were.
