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Trump accuses Russia of currency devaluation.


It's like smashing someone's face into the floor and then blaming that person for making your floor dirty.


He's just doing what you nagged him incessantly to do:::shoot spitballs at the KGB agent Putin.

"You know he's former KGB?" -CNNMSNBCABCCBSNBC personnel.


Nah - I was hoping he'd improve the US-Russia relations, not make them worse than they've ever been.

CNN/Clinton and the rest of the mainstream media were all for nuclear war - Now Trump is also on the bandwagon.


You're an idiot if you think Trump gets his foreign policy from CNN and Clinton whose currently hiding in a hole somewhere. He gets it from Fox News. A week ago Fox and Friends said he should probably attack Syria to distract from Comey's book.

Everything the democratic establishment wants, the republican establishment wants too, and usually more. Lindsay Graham and Nicki Haley are banging the war drums just as hard as the democrats. It's like a face-off to see who can look strongest before the midterms. The GOP needs Trump to puff out his chest for them, and so he is.


I didn't say he gets it from them - he's now simply aligned.
At the end of the day, the deep state controls all. You have people coming in with promises of change and not long after they are elected, they fall in line and do whatever the deep state wants. That's the conspiracy theory, anyways.
Another theory is, they are all lying their sucks off from the get go, and simply start doing whatever it is that they were planning in actuality.

With Trump - if I were to judge his personality strictly from his tweets, I'd argue that he's a bipolar freak, so what he does/says is largely dependent on what chemical imbalance passes through his brain in any given moment - which makes his highly volatile and unpredictable.

At the same time, I can't help but recall that most well-known people say how the president Trump is very different from the Trump they knew as a semi-private person. His twitter could actually be an intelligent ploy to make people freak out and think that they are dealing with a mental case who has his finger on the red button.
