Apparently, T-rump didn't like Oprah's segment on his Presidency last night on '60 Minutes' (what the hell was he doing watching a news show like 60 Minutes???) and decided to Tweet storm her during the show. Spoiler: T-rump calls her insecure (gasp!) and biased and slanted (oh my!).
Why are you upset that President Trump was watching 60 Minutes? I thought the left loved that show! If he only watched FOX News, you'd be mad at him for being close minded.
Maybe I shouldn't comment because I don't watch 60 Minutes. Gave up on it years ago when Leslie Stahl did a hatchet job on Pres. Reagan, the LAST time I ever watched that program.
Actually I would disagree that Oprah is insecure. I never saw a celebrity who is so in love with herself, so confident of her "wonderfulness" and so sure that she is the world's latest savior. I wonder how she gets her big, fat head through a doorway. LOL
I would rather he spent that time doing one of the following:
1. Figuring out a way to keep our schools safe, and a better policy on gun control.
2. Figuring out a way to keep our voting booths safe from foreign hackers, such as Russia.
Those are 2 I can think of off the top of my head after what went on in the USA the past few days.He would be much more productive and Presidential doing either of those two things last night than getting whipped up over Oprah on '60 Minutes'.
But I have confidence in the President's ability to multi-task. I think he can watch 60 Minutes AND take care of national matters. LOL
Actually, there was a headline in our newspaper today. The local high school is increasing security. Schools really should be managed on a local and state level anyway and not by Washington.
Hard to believe it has come to this in our country! People always took advantage of the second amendment. In the " good old days" just about every house had a hunting rifle and schools DIDN'T get shot up.
The difference?
Almost every household practiced a religion and belonged to a church. I just don't know HOW the government can force its citizenry to become followers of the ten commandments and act in a moral way. It's not the government's job. Or is it? Maybe I missed something in that whole "separation of church and state" thing.
Gun control? We only have about a zillion laws on the books regarding gun control. The latest shooter was known to the FBI and they did absolute squat about him.
If someone is bent on destruction, he will find a way. No gun? Use knives. No knives? Create a bomb from a recipe which anyone can easily find on-line. No bomb? Drive your vehicle into a crowd.
It is a sad fact that in a free and open society, the deranged will always find a way to get guns.
I just have NO idea how to keep our elections safe from foreign interference considering our own CIA has interfered with foreign elections too. You may be familiar with Obama's attempt to interfere with Israel's election.
Maybe HE could have kept our schools safe if he didn't go on a personal pity party and spend so much time saying, "IF I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin."
Geez, don't these politicians ALL use every tragedy to further their political aims?
Would love to hear what your school will be doing to increase security. What do they have now? Locked doors, check in area should already be in place. Will they be adding armed guards and letting their staff (those who choose to) carry guns? Short of that, there is no "increasing security".
Considering how much Trump is probably the last person on Earth with any major insecurity, the man couldn't be more happy with himself, no one probably ever saw him emotionally imbalanced, sad or even really angry (emotionally), always in balance stating and defending his own truths, so people could see a different angle to the truth and his fighting competitive spirit. So I think what he says about Oprah might be quite obvious, it's just an opinion, and I tend to agree with it ias well, insecurity is always well hidden, all the trauma and self hatred she carried since her childhood is always there, projected out through her speeches and topics she is interested in.
"Considering how much Trump is probably the last person on Earth with any major insecurity,"
Let's stop right there....
1. When you ask your staff to pledge loyalty, there's insecurity.
2. When you think the whole world is out to get you (the FBI, DoJ, Media) there's insecurity.
3. When you need reaffirmation from those around you that you're doing a good job, and they even 'filter' the news coming in to you - there's insecurity.
I don't have time to continue with this endless list.
And what about that it is all in your head projected onto him? Like with all people criticizing him, paradox isn't it. Or maybe you are not sure what insecurity implies? It means revealing what we feel, otherwise no one can ever know who has an insecurity. That's why people used to go to psychologists. Everything else is all, and I mean all of it, a self projection, we all are projecting our own selves onto the world we experience. Until the one we are depicting in our heads reveals their own feelings, no one knows anything. The same things you are describing about Trump, I could describe as a reflection of an incredible degree of clarity of the mind seeking order in life.
That's your own truth in your reality. And I agree. But I also agree that it is not an objective concrete truth expressed and admitted by Trump himself or his psychologist who was permitted to do deeper sessions with him. Hence why people's opinions are so divided. Personally I've never seen a more stable and self confident president in my life, in full control and mastery of how to push people, their own fears and insecurities, it's good to know there are people who got hooked on like little fishes. I don't mean just his supporters, I mean also and especially anyone who has any hatred, disgust, anger or fear for him. No one is immune to their own demons.