Ha, I think I just saw that on youtube! Were these the students at John Jay University? If so, good grief, that was frightening!
I never knew college students could express themselves so clumsily and well, stupidly. And I don't mean that they were stupid because they disagreed with what they thought were Trump quotes. They were just plain stupid! None of them seemed to have an intelligent thought in their heads. It was all kneejerk reactions (or whatever their idiot professors drummed into their heads).
Their vocabulary and phrasing was more in keeping with high school dropouts.
"I mean, well it's like you know, I mean, China, China, China, that's so like, I mean, you know really mean..."
It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic. How do such morons get into college when they cannot string together two or three intelligent sentences?
Fake news!
Campus Reform is a biased right-wing group that is notorious for distorting information through editing and out of context delivery. The tape is so heavily edited that it's impossible to know what the students are replying to since no clear question is ever presented. None of the "students" ever identify themselves as "liberals". Most narrow-minded people can't figure out that it's possible to dislike Trump and be from any party. Not too long ago, the Republican party and Fox news had nothing good to say about him.
Thank you for explaining that to these idiots. A blind man can see how heavily edited these 'interviews' are on the campus - and like you say, not one identifies himself as liberal or anything else.
"And of course no Left Wing groups are biased. They are all sanctuaries of truth and wisdom."
I don't agree with that at all, as I believe every group doing these types of surveys are biased and have an agenda. But we're talking about this particular survey from this particular group.
I have to say, most of these 'surveys' are always done in conservative media. I've seen them all the time on FOX - starting with that smug over-grown frat boys Jesse Watters, Tucker Carlson, Hannity and Greg Gutfeld - as well as Jeanine Piro (who should be locked up).
I can't recall the last time I've ever seen one of these faux surveys on MSNBC or CNN, but I'm sure they may exist somewhere. Just not a regular part of their broadcast.
Keelai- If you noticed, I posted that they were inarticulate. They were asked their opinions. Even if they were 'edited" as you contend, these students still sounded dumb. Even if we don't know WHAT questions they were responding to, bottom line is that their answers sounded so stupid!
If Campus Reform had edited out their "ya know", "like", "well I mean', it's like I mean",etc., there would have been no sound on the tape!
I seriously doubt that they could articulate the left OR the right's position on ANY topic. They know nothing about anything. They just rattled off phrases which they undoubtedly heard.
My concern is that college professors are not teaching their students how to analyze situations or to think for themselves. These kids don't seem to have any real convictions. They are just blank slates that their professors write their opinions on.
And they express themselves in the vernacular of the uneducated non thinkers of today, ya know? I mean well it's like, they like can't articulate like you know, a clear thought, like I mean they are like clueless. LOL It would be funny if it wasn't so scary.
In contrast, consider Lawrence O'Donnell or the late Alan Colmes. I mostly disagree with their politics. But O'Donnell is and the late Colmes was, articulate and intelligent men. They both expressed themselves without the "like you knows". I can consider their viewpoints and listen to them without wanting to stuff cotton in my ears.
I don't think there is anyone in the U.S. who would disagree with you about the American educational system being bad. I wouldn't limit the criticism to college, though. I would include elementary and high schools. The problem is that the school system teaches people to only memorize "facts", rather than include critical thinking. Robots are easier to control, I guess.
BTW, I do a language exchange with a foreigner so I have the opportunity to compare cultures including the differences in our educational systems. His country's schools have a strong emphasis on verbal communication, critical thinking and history in relation to current affairs. There are very young children who express themselves beautifully without any language fillers.
Remember how inarticulate George Bush 43 was? And Trump isn't too articulate. When we lower the bar for the highest office in the country, what does that say about us?
I haven't found a conservative equivalent to Lawrence O'Donnell on TV, but I have noticed there are a few very good commentators on CNBC.