MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The silence from the Left is deafening!

The silence from the Left is deafening!

What a speech!


Now is the time for the Republican supporters to excitedly shout, "He actually looked Presidential!" 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream for all!

Just like they did last year after his February speech to Congress...and we know how the rest of 2017 turned out.

Lowest first-year approval rating for any President in history.


Two scoops, seriously?

Lock her up!


We're going to have to lock up Bannon, Manafort, Pap, Gates, Flynn, Kushner, Diapers, and T-rump first.

He may have to build a whole new prison just to accommodate the T-rump administration. Maybe he can put his big gold letters across it? Make it look like a resort from the outside? He loves branding - so let him brand his prison.


But you are admitting that we should lock her up?


No, not an admission. Just saying what needs to be done first - before anything else (including entertaining the idea of locking anyone else up).


Surely the earlier account of illegal communications from a White House representative has to be considered prior to the current administration?

We can't just change what is just to fit the current paradigm.


Has this 'earlier account' been proven to be illegal or is this just speculation and wishful thinking over another distraction?


Why not get a congressional effort in to investigate it?


So it hasn't been proven illegal yet? It is just speculation?


"Has this 'earlier account' been proven to be illegal or is this just speculation and wishful thinking"

"We're going to have to lock up Bannon, Manafort, Pap, Gates, Flynn, Kushner, Diapers, and T-rump first. "

Oh, the irony.


The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit."

This is where I point out how rich this is since Trump's political career was launched by promoting the completely nonsensical (and racist) birther movement.


They will blame Obama for the birther movement.


The speech was pretty good overall and seemed to be well rcvd, even a fair amount of Democrats seemed to like it not a lot but still anything over 40% approval from Democrats is significant for Trump. Even the left leaning networks are struggling to make reasonable arguments against it. Democrats picked a bad time to look childish. They looked like fools sitting on their hands during some of that speech.


"Sitting on their hands"??? You mean sitting on their brains! They looked like a bunch of petulant brats who just lost a game of CandyLand.


Full disclosure, I didn't watch Trump's speech (I almost never watch SotU speeches) but Trump tweeted today:

"Thank you for all of the nice compliments and reviews on the State of the Union speech. 45.6 million people watched, the highest number in history...."

This has already been debunked by numerous sources including Time:

"Trump’s three immediate predecessors — former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton — all amassed higher ratings from their first State of the Union than he did: 48 million people tuned in to watch Obama in 2010; 51.7 million tuned in to Bush in 2002; and 45.8 million tuned in for Clinton in 1994. (The President delivers an address to the joint sessions of Congress during his or her first year, and the State of the Union the following year)."

Which to me is the most baffling thing about Donald Trump....why lie about something so easily verifiable? He does this so frequently it makes it impossible to believe anything he says without verifying it through fact-checking sources first.


What's that?


Without a doubt it was the best SOTU address in modern times. The democrats are scared shitless that not only will they lose seats in the midterm, but that President Trump's re-election in 2020 will be so great that it will make Reagan's 1984 re-election blowout look tame by comparison!
