Rate his 1st State of the Union.
I give it 5/10.
+Very forceful.
-Too Divisive.
More of the same from Trump. Brags and lies and not much substance.
Outstanding! He knocked it out of the park! A 9/10!
I thought it was hilarious when they showed the Democrats. Schumer, Pelosi and Crazy Bernie all looked like they were trying to pass a kidney stone.
Hillary will have her snatch in a knot after he says the things he says.
Of course, the unhinged Democrats and media will never give him credit for anything. But it was a presidential situation, and Trump obviously looked comfortable in it. Most Americans can see that, putting a lie to the media's narrative that Trump isn't qualified for the job.
He said a lot about the 'illegal immigrants' and the "Ms 13", but I don't recall him mentioning the White Nationalists and White Supremacists in America...
He didn't mention the Unite the Right Rally this summer in Virginia where hundreds of white supremacists gathered, chanting “White lives matter!” , “You will not replace us!”, “Jews will not replace us!”, “Go the f--- back to Africa!”' and “F--- you, n-----!” during their torchlight parade.
I don't recall him having Heather Hyers' survivors sitting next to Melania, and saying how horrific her death was when white nationalist James Alex Fields Jr. roared his Dodge Challenger at a crowd of sidewalk pedestrians.
He said much for heroes, but I didn't hear him give his regards to Virginia state troopers, Lt. H. Jay Cullen, 48, and Berke M.M. Bates who would have been 41 the day after their helicopter crashed outside of downtown Charlottesville while monitoring the White Supremacist rally.
Could it be he just didn't have enough time to talk about this last night?
Shouting “White lives matter!” Call in the National Guard!
Just imagine if protesters shouted “Black lives matter!” and torched their ghettos and shot cops!
That’s because the 3 white supremacist demokkkrats left are completely irrelevant.
shareSo the 100+ white supremacists Republikkans are relevant in his congress?
share"So the 100+ white supremacists Republikkans are relevant in his congress? "
They're only relevant in your delusional mind, which is the only place they exist.
This is what libtards do. They place labels on people (racist, bigot, homophobe, Nazi, fascist, etc.) so they don't have to actually participate in a discussion.
And in Doggy's case, he hasn't a single intelligent thing to add to the discussion, so this is just his way of venting his frustrations over being metaphorically ass-raped by Trump's election.
Isn't there something more on your level for you to discuss? Like what shoes Melania's wearing today?
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
it did seem kind of forced and he didn't say anything new.
It was good overall. Given the year he has had to deal with for him to come out with overall good SOTU address that probably improved people’s outlook of him and have the Democrats act foolish during it was kind of a win/win for him.
shareA billion out of a billion. He just keeps winning and winning and winning, people. It’s getting to be almost impossible for the fake news to ignore anymore. And there’s going to be even more winning in 2018. Once the swamp is finished draining and that terrific wall goes up, I tell you, it’ll be so great you won’t even believe it. We’ll be a trillion for a trillion before you know it.
shareThis winning is exhaustive. Don't forget the millions of high-paying jobs he's created so far! He's the best 'job creator' ever.
shareHe’s the best best-er (at everything) in history. The only thing I’m worried about with Trump and jobs, is Trump creating more jobs than there are people. Wait and see. It’ll be huuugly un-be-lievable. 👋👌
share"The only thing I’m worried about with Trump and jobs, is Trump creating more jobs than there are people. Wait and see. It’ll be huuugly un-be-lievable."
I love T-rump's modesty, don't you?
Well if had created a job for me, I would be an even bigger fan of his! But so far, not! I guess I will just have to look harder. Just goes to show you, politicians can promise all they want, but each person has to take personal responsibility. I don't think Hillary Clinton would have given me a job either. LOL