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Can't wait for his State of the Union Speech tonight!

Can't wait for his STOTU speech tonight. "Sources" from inside the WH have said that he spent the whole weekend working on his speech, so you know he's going to screw up bigly.

Of course, he's going to push his great economy - and how unemployment is falling, stock market is rising - both accomplishments by Obama in the past 8 years which Republicans never gave him credit for - but T-rump WON'T mention the most important economic factor: the GDP.

Here's the GDP for 2017:

T-rump promised significant GDP growth in office - in the unlikely 4 - 6% range.

"We're bringing [the Gross Domestic Product] from 1 percent up to 4 percent," he said in October, 2016. "And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent."

In his first full year in Office, the GDP averaged a 2.3 percent annual rate for 2017, the Department of Commerce announced on Friday. Though the second and third quarter rates came in at an impressive 3+%, the fourth quarter dipped to 2.6% bringing down the growth of the economy.

In comparison to Obama, in 2015, the economy rose by 2.9 percent, followed by a 1.5 percent boost in 2016. Overall, the 2017 economic growth has been average - coming in 11th place over the past 20 years. But T-rump probably won't mention this tonight.


Trump will prattle on like a ten year old child and end up embarrassing himself. It's going to be very entertaining.


I can't wait till he ends every sentence with "No collusion with Rusher" . He's bound to incriminate himself when he goes off script - which he will.

Speaking of the economy, he's going to toot his horn over every facotry that opened and hired fifty people. But I'm betting he won't mention the massive loss in retail jobs over his first year in office (hundreds of thousands of jobs lost) which has a ripple effect in the job market and economy.


Trump is a buffoon. This will become very apparent tonight.


Oh boy! I know you are going to hate every word that come out of his mouth, but at least wait until he says them. LOL There is such a thing as being TOO prejudiced ya know!

I'm sure you will loathe his speech. But let him make it first. There are already about eight Democrats who won't be attending.
Maxine Waters asked, "What would he say that I'd be interested in?"

The question is more like, "Well how can I listen if he uses words with more than one syllable?" Nitwit.

So when did this become an acceptable trend? The President is mandated to give a State of the Union speech every year. Now we have a bunch of whiny crybabies who won't attend because their candidate lost. And really, there IS no other reason!

I never figured you folks here to be such a bunch of crybabies. Let him make his speech, then trash it! ha ha


"So when did this become an acceptable trend? The President is mandated to give a State of the Union speech every year. Now we have a bunch of whiny crybabies who won't attend because their candidate lost. And really, there IS no other reason!"

Republicans boycotted Clinton's last SOTU speech in January, 1999.

Republicans were asked to boycott Obama's speech in January, 2014 under the organization of republican Mark Levin.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz didn't attend President Obama's last STOTU in 2016.

And Republican Joe Wilson infamously stood up at one of President Obama's speeches to Congress in September, 2009, and yelled "You lie! You lie!" showing the utmost disrespect to a President.

I hope one of the Democrats - or Republicans - do the same tonight when a proven liar takes the podium.
Paging Joe Wilson....


Okey dokey Doggie, I stand corrected! You seem to have a better memory for this stuff than I do.

But for the record, I think it's a LOUSY and immature trend!! There should at least be a modicum of respect for the office of the Presidency, even if you don't like the President.

Anyhow, I was really referring to people here criticizing a speech which hasn't been given yet. Wait until he gives it, then tear him a new one. LOL


You will never have to worry about trump using multi syllabic words😉


Oh!!! and I will never worry about Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee and a host of other Democrat dummies ever UNDERSTANDING multi-syllabic words!! LOL

You seem to think fools like that who have a low I.Q. voting base (read, folks on the government dole) are so "smart".

Why are you so happy to have your tax money go to lazy losers? For Mrs. Waters, of course, it is a slam dunk. She keeps promising stuff to her lazy a@@ constituency and they keep voting her into office. How ELSE would that brainless twit become a millionaire? And you keep supporting folks like her!


It's winter time here in the US...might want to invest in a thicker skin😉 No I do not think those with low IQs are smart...I also do not correlate intelligence with socioeconomic placement in society nor do I associate those criteria for how a person votes. If I did I would be posing the question as to why the majority of welfare recipients are white rural Americans that vote for individuals that are not in favor of government provided assistance?

As far as the taxes I pay...I am far more concerned that my tax dollars, your tax dollars and every other tax paying Americans dollars go towards paying the interest on the federal reserves release of currency! The myth that our taxes pay for roads, military, welfare, NASA, food stamps, abortions, health care, a fucking wall, nuclear powers,DACA,FEMA, or the rest of the alphabet a ridiculous ruse that anyone with an Internet connection should be ashamed for not knowing! Where does the money come from to keep us afloat? FUCKING CHINA! And any other country wealthy enough to do so...that is debt to a foreign nation...and THAT is the driving force of our ever expanding national deficit...and these tax cuts will blow it into a new dimension!
So I would rather my tax dollars go to lazy domestic losers than foreign lazy losers and Wall Street cunts that run the banking cartel known as the federal reserve bank.
But fuck it...I'm wealthy so it's all gravy for me🤑


You are wealthy? I am happy for you!

Interesting and a coincidence that you should say it's winter so I should want to invest in a "thicker skin". So true. I wish I could. This morning my furnace was not working and I am waiting for my oil company to come by and fix my furnace. it's about 20 degrees here and my house is cold.

At this point I do not give a sh$t about domestic losers who get their heating oil for free. I don't care about foreigners either.


Of course, he's going to push his great economy - and how unemployment is falling, stock market is rising - both accomplishments by Obama in the past 8 years which Republicans never gave him credit for

That is also part of the 8-year right-wing industrialist "conspiracy" where these business leaders publicly vowed to not invest in things like infrastructure, expansion, and hiring, until they got another Republican as President.

During Obama's time, the story was consistent: The slowness of the economic recovery was obvious intentional stagnation, and it was common knowledge that corporations were sitting on unprecedented levels of cash reserves.

They were literally protesting Obama by using their businesses against the economy, as a political war game. They didn't care about hurting their own bottom line or their employees or holding back the economy, because the ones in charge were financially comfortable already.

This wasn't a reaction to any policies of Obama, the vow was made before he ever implemented anything. Frankly, it could have been driven by racial animosity as much as anything else.

Then Trump gets elected, and they start investing again. The stock market booms, but it's all very intentional. It didn't need to be Trump, it could have been anyone as long as it was a Republican. Could have been Hitler.

In the end, it's all just more proof that business leaders know the Republican party is easy to purchase.



You think that people will power will give up their gardens poles, because that's what you are asking.

Trump got elected not through conspiracy nor backlash but from an entitled votership who forgot what war is.

It's that simple Spanners.

Complacency begot what it always does.

Blame yourself and others like you in your unbreaking attack on what you saw as the enemy, you made them king.

Job done, well done to you and yours!


And today, the companies who are saving millions of dollars in tax breaks are making their stock holders happy while firing thousands of workers over the past few weeks. AT&T, WalMart, Kimberly-Clarke, etc.


Three minutes is all I could take of that speech. Too much friggin' clapping!


Like a concert, right?

It's the silent audiences, the people staring in disbelief, the bewildered and astonished crowds that hold my attention.

There was some of that too, though. RMAO. Ralphing still.

Good thing it ran over an hour. YouTube. Loop it.

[spoiler]What happened was she lost.[/spoiler]


And it was mostly his clapping for himself. What a guy.

And that heavy breathing into the mic when he inhales. I guess it's because he has the yugest nostrils!
