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Melania in Florida this weekend instead of Davos

It looks like FLOTUS Melania Trump's "conflict of interest" in her schedule which - at the last minute - precluded her from traveling to Davos with her husband this weekend was an unscheduled solo trip to their Mar-a-Largo estate in Palm Beach. Reporters were tipped off that she would be boarding the plane, known as Executive One Foxtrot, by herself on Thursday afternoon, and heading to Palm Beach. Photographers and reporters in Palm Beach later met the plane there, where she exited by herself.

T-rump's sister Elizabeth is hosting a charity ball at the estate on Friday evening, but Melania was not expected to attend.

It's also being reported that for the past two weeks, since the story of her husband's 2007 affair with porn star Stormy Daniels was reported, the First Lady has been staying at a 'posh' Washington DC hotel by herself, as well as travelling back to Manhattan. One source says she hasn't been to her office in the West Wing for the past two weeks, and no one has seen her in the White House.


Well THANK the Lord!! Doggie is hot on Melania's trail and keeping us informed of her every move! I just hope our Republic can survive her "odd" behavior! LOLOL

What is the strange obsession with Melania. "Mommy issues"????
But I guess when one has no relationships of his own, he does have time to focus on other people's private lives.


"What is the strange obsession with Melania. "Mommy issues"????
But I guess when one has no relationships of his own, he does have time to focus on other people's private lives."

Geez - try to keep up. Why is the mention of her so foreign to you?

She's our First Lady, and she's making news right now because her husband - the man you voted in as President - cheated on her shortly after she gave birth to their son Barron, his fifth child by his third wife. Sorry of you're embarrassed for their current situation and wish it was not mentioned on the board.

You act like I'm stalking Hillary Clinton, a private citizen. I would never take that job away from you.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not embarrassed. I am not responsible for someone else's bad behavior. I am only responsible for my own sins. And if you and your lefty pals could hold your heads high and treat Bill Clinton like your hero, well... why does Donald Trump's behavior concern you SO much?

As the left reminded us, ad nauseum, "it's just about sex!!" It does not matter what politicians do in their private lives. However, now, somehow it does matter a whole lot to people... (caution!!! Hillary alert!!) who saw their candidate get her a@@ kicked!

You can mention their "current situation" all you want. But don't get mad when I continue to point out that you derive some bizarro joy in it. If you had a relationship of your own, posting about Melania Trump's life wouldn't be the first thing on your pathetic "to do" list every morning.


"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not embarrassed. I am not responsible for someone else's bad behavior. I am only responsible for my own sins. And if you and your lefty pals could hold your heads high and treat Bill Clinton like your hero, well... why does Donald Trump's behavior concern you SO much?"

The question is why doesn't Donald T-rump's behavior concern you SO much? You are more concerned with private citizen Hillary Clinton than the President. Yeah, you're embarrassed by him.

"As the left reminded us, ad nauseum, "it's just about sex!!" It does not matter what politicians do in their private lives. However, now, somehow it does matter a whole lot to people... (caution!!! Hillary alert!!) who saw their candidate get her a@@ kicked! "

And as the GOP reminded us, it was a call for impeachment. The rethugs were highly offended, as it went against their Christian morals and family values. Whatever happened to those in the GOP? Oh yeah - T-rump shit all over them. And you let him.

"You can mention their "current situation" all you want."

Well, it is the 'current situation' and it's embarrassing the GOP on a daily basis. Hell, it's embarrassing the GOP moment to moment. Can't blame you people of being ashamed of him. As I mentioned above - he shit all over your Christian morals and family values. And you let him.

" But don't get mad when I continue to point out that you derive some bizarro joy in it. If you had a relationship of your own, posting about Melania Trump's life wouldn't be the first thing on your pathetic "to do" list every morning.""

Whatever gets you through your dreary life is fine by me.


First of all, let us lay to rest your canard about the GOP wanting to impeach Bill Clinton for screwing around with a White House intern. (His behavior didn't even rise to the level of an "affair", at least JFK had more class!) Pres. Clinton was accused of perjury and obstruction of justice.
And he managed to lie his way through the questioning. "Whatever the meaning of "is" is." LOL

But I am sure you know that! However, just like Joseph Goebbels, you prefer to promulgate the "big lie", hoping that if you repeat it over and over, it will stick. And the clueless masses, aka, leftards and most college students, will accept it.

Trump #bleeped# all over MY "Christian morals and family values"? Geez, are you really as dense and nitwitty as your posts make you sound? LOL Once again, I am only responsible for my own behavior and my own sins. I knew full well going into the voting booth that I was not voting for a paragon of sterling virtue, unlike you Dems who were voting for a saint! haha

If it gets you "through YOUR dreary life" to think that I am embarrassed by voting for Trump. Well happy to oblige you. There seems to be so little that makes you happy other than digging up dirt on Trump. Your little "private citizen" didn't get her coronation and you are still seething with hate and resentment.

Actually my truly embarrassed moments for our nation were when Barry Obama was in office and taking a daily dump on our Constitution and bowing and scraping to his Moos-lim pals.


" Pres. Clinton was accused of perjury and obstruction of justice."

He was indeed, when they were investigating the Lewinsky affair. T-rump is being investigated for multiple charges of 'obstruction of justice' and (without a doubt) soon 'perjury'. So what's your point?

"Trump #bleeped# all over MY "Christian morals and family values"? Geez, are you really as dense and nitwitty as your posts make you sound? LOL Once again, I am only responsible for my own behavior and my own sins. I knew full well going into the voting booth that I was not voting for a paragon of sterling virtue, unlike you Dems who were voting for a saint! haha"

So are you saying that you do not share in the Christian values and Family morals which the Republican party is based upon, and T-rump ran under?

"There seems to be so little that makes you happy other than digging up dirt on Trump."

Digging up dirt? LOL! No digging necessary - T-rump just opens his mouth and the shit falls out. Just turn on the TV, read the headlines, surf the web - the dirt's all there in front of everyone....except FOX viewers and Breibart subscribers.


My POINT, since you asked, and I'm glad you asked, is that you keep advancing a phony story that the GOP could impeach someone based on adultery!

I would like to answer your question about "Christian morals and Family values", but I fear that you will call me a hypocrite or attack my relationship with my pastor, Father Martin, again! LOL

The Republican party is "based on" Christian morals? Since when? I know they blather on about it, but I don't base my faith on what politicians do!

Do you think I worship at the altar of Washington? Do you think I look to politicians for moral guidance? LOLOLOL That is too ridiculous. I don't mean to say that you are ridiculous, but anyone who looks to Congress for moral guidance IS ridiculous.

Do you somehow think I am in any way responsible for what comes out of the mouths of politicians? If so, you give me a LOT of undeserved credit! I have no doubt that our elected officials in both parties do an awful lot of sinning.

I can't be held responsible for those in the GOP who cite "family values." Once again, I am responsible to God for is my OWN actions.

And again, I voted for the candidate which I believed to be the lesser of two evils. No way could I vote for your queen, the "private citizen". She makes me gag. I sincerely hope she STAYS a private citizen.


"The Republican party is "based on" Christian morals? Since when? I know they blather on about it, but I don't base my faith on what politicians do!"

Since at least 1980 and Ronald Reagan. He brought the party back together with 'Christian morals' and 'family values'; he wanted to move away from the progressive 60s and 70s (which he found too liberal) and return to the values and morality of the 30s, 40s and 50s.

The Moral Majority (aka The New Christian Right) was led by Jerry Falwell, and was an early supporter of Reagan in 1979, as well as his re-election in 1984.

In the fall of 1980, they spent over $10M in advertisements across the south, accusing Jimmy carter of being a 'non-Christian' and telling voters to vote for Reagan, and his Christian conservative values.

After Reagan's presidency was over, Pat Robertson sought the party's nomination and lost out to Bush 41. TMM then backed Republican Bush 41 and his 'Christian values and family morals', and continued to back GOP candidates.

The Evangelicals are still backing T-rump today, giving him a 'pass' on everything he has done against their Christian values and family morals. Like I said - you voted for him, and he shit all over those Christian values and family morals.


Well, okay, interesting post. But again, I do not base MY faith and morals on what a political party says!
However, our Founding Fathers did believe that a nation needed to be grounded in moral principles to be able to govern itself.

Jerry Falwell and the "Moral Majority"? Yikes, I was no fan of his!! Ever! You do remember that I am Catholic? You have claimed to be one too. if so then you must know fundamentalist types like Falwell and Jimmy Swaggart are nothing if not totally anti-Catholic. They think we are a pagan cult.

I have a friend who invited me to her fundamentalist church. I went out of friendship and to keep an open mind. But I never heard such bigoted anti-Catholic bias and crap in my life.

The "fundamentalist" types think the earth is only 6000 years old. They take all Bible stories literally. I never cast my lot with those types.

Sure I believe in the Ten Commandments. But I never seriously believed that Washington politicians were following them to the letter! LOL

I really don't know what else to say about the Trump marriage or why I should have voted for an altar boy instead. I really could not vote for a career criminal like Clinton either. But you did! So which one of us is guilty of their sins?


"Jerry Falwell and the "Moral Majority"? Yikes, I was no fan of his!! Ever! You do remember that I am Catholic? You have claimed to be one too. if so then you must know fundamentalist types like Falwell and Jimmy Swaggart are nothing if not totally anti-Catholic. They think we are a pagan cult. "

I do know, and I stay clear away from them. In high school and college many of my friends and classmates left the Church to join them, and I stayed far away.


Haha, It took a long time, but we finally agreed on something!! There is hope for us yet! small steps, small steps...


I guess.


"Hell, it's embarrassing the GOP moment to moment. Can't blame you people of being ashamed of him."

More fantasy from Doggy. Typing with one hand.

"Trump colluded with Russia!"

*fap fap fap fap*

"Trump's going to be impeached!"

*fap fap fap fap*

"Trump's taking credit for Obama's surging economy!"

*fap fap fap fap*

"The Republicans will pay dearly for the Democratic shutdown of the government!"

*fap fap fap fap*

"Trump voters are embarrassed by him!"

*fap fap fap fap*

"His wife is leaving him!"

*fap fap fap fap*

"He's a racist Nazi homophobe drooling moron!"

*fap fap fap fap*

"His Christian voters are appalled (I say APPALLED) by his behavior!"

*fap fap fap fap*


Cleanup on aisle three.


That's the best you can offer? Just seventh grade bathroom humor?

Isn't there a Stormy Daniels DVD you can entertain yourself with in Mom's basement?


"That's the best you can offer? Just seventh grade bathroom humor? "

Just matching the level of intellect coming from you.

And Mom's been dead since 1963, but nice try. Hahahahahahaha!
