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Rock Star Trump Rules at Davos!

Are there any questions as to why the Destroyer of Economies, Barack Obama, refused to attend even one annual gathering in eight years at Davos? Obama was a disease and worse than that he was an infectious disease to all national and international economic growth.

When President Trump arrives though it's the equivalent of a Beatles reunion circa 1975! I can't believe that we only have seven more years of his sage leadership to go. Perhaps we should just make his President For Life?


Yeah, ... having a wealthy swindler like Trump talk to other wealthy swindlers is sure going to end up great for the rest of us.

President for life? What is this, North Korea?


I was going to bring up that Trump attending this is like the Godfather showing up at a Mob convention, but...

a) you said it better

b) let's face it, Trump is Fredo.


I think Trump is more Sonny than Fredo... 😉


Yeah I guess "a wealthy swindler" like Hilary Clinton would have been better. But oops! Did she ever create a single job for ANYBODY? Guess not. She only made herself and Billy boy rich.


Yay! You've mentioned Hillary Clinton again!

Yay! Doesn't take you long to insert a dumb-ass remark about Hillary Clinton into each and every thread, now does it?

You really are fixated with that woman. You definitely have some "mommy issues".


LOL And YOU have issues with me!! Tell me why you are fixated on someone you think has been " in a coma" since last summer.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself, but if there was an entry in the encyclopedia under "wealthy swindler", Hillary's picture would be there. How else do you explain a "public servant" who became a multimillionaire?

"Dumb ass"? Well okay , you apparently think you are SO smart. How did she become wealthy? How many jobs did she create? What comes out of her except hot air , lies and bull#@#?

I'll concede to being a dumba@@ if YOU can list all the jobs that she created for people. Tell us the things Hillary did which did not first and foremost benefit Hillary?

Mommy issues? Again you astound me with your lack of understanding and your obvious affection for pop psychology nonsense. Hillary is about as much of a "mommy figure" as a rattlesnake or any other snake. They lay their eggs and abandon them. One of my worst nightmares would be to have a "mommy" like her.


Dude....he does have a point. you can't promote Trump even at an event tailor made for him, where he's done nothing wrong...without dragging down the guy who doesn't have the job anymore and/or the woman who never got the job in the first place! It's kind of...sad. Talk up trump by talking UP Trump, not by talking down others.


The reason Trump supporters constantly bring up Hillary is because they are trying to deflect the attention off of the imbecile they voted into office. It's not working. Trump is in trouble.


You forgot the part where he was booed by members of the audience when he brought up 'fake news' and 'fake media'. Seems there were foreign journalists in the audience who didn't like what he was saying.

Rock stars don't usually get booed by their audiences.


Obama left the economy in much better shape than when he took office.


Trump, like Bush and Reagan, passed a new tax plan that is basically a credit card purchase for the wealthy.

It looks good at the beginning, but it is horrible once the bill comes due - with interest.

Unlike Trump does with his real estate companies, the U.S. Government can't just declare bankruptcy.
