MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Melania's busy schedule this weekend

Melania's busy schedule this weekend

As we all know, Melania had to drop out of her scheduled trip to Davos with her husband, the President for now, because suddenly she had a 'conflict with her busy schedule'...days after some 'Stormy' news broke at the White House.

Now Melania has been more or less a recluse at the White House, usually only seen in public when she's walking about ten yards behind her hubby as they board their plane for Florida each weekend. She's rarely at public events, and has hardly done an interview in the past year.

So what could be so pressing that she had to stay at the WH rather than support her husband in Switzerland?

I wonder if she's meeting with her divorce lawyer while he's away? Anything can happen in this current White House.


I doubt they'll get divorced but who knows. Honestly I feel bad for Melania. Whatever her reasons for marrying Donald Trump (love, security, wealth) I don't think she wanted any of what's happening now. I think she liked living in NYC, liked not having Secret Service shadows, and like just being a mom who could shy away from publicity if she chose. Regardless of what any of us think of President Trump, Melania is an actual person with real feelings. The news that her husband (likely) paid a porn star over $100K to keep quiet about an affair would be tough for any woman to take and there seems to be way too much of a sense of gloating over what I imagine is a feeling of misery she has.


"I doubt they'll get divorced but who knows. "

In this new White House, anything is possible. Anything at all - including a divorce.

"Honestly I feel bad for Melania. "

I don't - she married him with her eyes wide open. She was an adult of 35, not exactly a 'child bride'. She knew his past, including his womanizing and his cheating on his first wife (who knows about his second - the verdict is still out on that one). She knew his personality, his ego, his behavior towards her and others - everything she needed to know before entering into a marriage with him.

None of this should come as a shock or surprise to her, certainly not his behavior in public nor his behavior in his marriage. Therefore, I really can't feel 'bad' for her. She knew exactly what she was getting into when she said "I do".


....and Doggiedaddy continues to dog the steps of Melania Trump!! Seriously, just apply for the job of her social secretary already!!

"Ten yards behind her hubby"??? Duh, someone is delusional.

"She's rarely at public events and has hardly done an interview"... So what? The same was true for Pat Nixon. Some First Ladies realize that they were not ELECTED to any office, nor do they have overwhelming egos and the need to tell us how they are "finally proud" of their country.
After eight years of hearing Michelle evangelize and spout from her big blowhole, it's nice to have a First Lady who doesn't think she poops French vanilla yogurt.

"Support her husband in Switzerland"? Duh, LOL Yeah, that's such a hostile country!! He would need Melania wearing a flak jacket and carrying an Uzi.

I know a Former First Lady, she who will not be named lest I be accused of stalking her, thought she was part of a "blue plate special". But not all First Ladies are power mad.
The First Lady is not an elected official and she can support her husband in any way she sees fit.

Though according to Doggie, she must be a lap dog!


"....and Doggiedaddy continues to dog the steps of Melania Trump!! Seriously, just apply for the job of her social secretary already!!"

Wow - what a boring job that must be, huh? Staring at her empty social calendar day after day, sending out fake 'official statements' that she has 'scheduling conflicts'. LOL! Talk about mind-numbing. Actually, you would enjoy it - though you may find it too difficult.

" So what? The same was true for Pat Nixon."

And it looks like she has more in common with Pat Nixon than anyone could ever imagine. Let's hope she reads Pat's memoir and gain pointers on how she coped with tsunami of chaos her husband brought to the White House.

"nor do they have overwhelming egos and the need to tell us how they are "finally proud" of their country."

Their egos look small compared to the ego of each of their husbands, and I can certainly understand why they won't publicly say they are 'finally proud of their country'. Each married to a national embarrassment, I wouldn't be proud either; they have their integrity to protect.

"After eight years of hearing Michelle evangelize and spout from her big blowhole, it's nice to have a First Lady who doesn't think she poops French vanilla yogurt."

And it hasn't stopped Melania from plagiarizing Michelle Obama the handful of times which she has spoken in public, now has it?

"I know a Former First Lady, she who will not be named lest I be accused of stalking her, thought she was part of a "blue plate special". But not all First Ladies are power mad.
The First Lady is not an elected official and she can support her husband in any way she sees fit."

Woo-hoo! You brought Hillary into the conversation! You couldn't resist.
Again - let's take the dolly out and you point to where Hillary (or Mommy) hurt you when you were a little girl.


And again, YOU are obsessed with ME!! It would be flattering if I wasn't sosure that you are such a nut job! haha

Sometimes I don't know whether you are actually really dumb or just prefer to misinterpret what I write because you have no intelligent comeback.

Being "proud" of her country for the first time was in reference to Michelle Obama. Of course I understand that comment! The USA never did anything noteworthy until it elected her husband. LOL

Melania "plagiarized" Michelle? So tell me, what speeches did Michelle ever compose? So Melania's speechwriter used some of Michelle's speechwriter's phrases. That will be the downfall of the our Republic! Actually I think it WAS a mistake. If I was Melania I would never want to repeat anything Moo-chelle had to say. I would definitely have said to my speechwriter, "Make me sound smart and not like an egomaniac."

Oh admit it, you love it when I bring the Hildabeast into the conversation! I do it just for you. I know you need some fun to break up the monotony.

Again, "the dolly"!! You ARE aware that most pop psychology is bull@!$$! Of course as a leftard you are steeped in it, so it must seem normal to you.


"And again, YOU are obsessed with ME!! It would be flattering if I wasn't sosure that you are such a nut job! haha"
By responding to your post which was a response to me? Seriously? Are you off your meds?


No one was holding a gun to your head to respond to me! LOL You could just do the simple thing of ignoring me! But you can't, can you?

"Are you off your meds?" What an original question!!! I only asked you that same question several times at IMDB. Well I guess it's true, imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery.

But "off my meds", I'll tell if you will! LOL Although I seriously doubt that at this point any meds would help you. As they say, "There's no cure for stupid!"

Gosh, this is fun. My old "pee-ster" is back and attacking me. LOL


" "Are you off your meds?" What an original question!!!"

Apparently, this is asked of you many times throughout the day - not just by me on this forum?


Haha!!! Actually you are the ONLY person to ask me that. Thanks for your concern. However there have been one or two people who suggested that I needed them!

Funny coincidence, my ex-husband, who was verbally and emotionally abusive suggested that I needed "meds". He was actually a physician and he tried to put me on antidepressants and tranquilizers a number of time. He figured that if I was "medicated" he could get away with even more bad behavior.

Being on meds is really no joke. Some people do need them. But when you are married to someone who is trying to "gaslight" you at every turn, it's serious.

I like to think I am mostly normal even though you think being a "Rethuglican" is cause for electroshock therapy. LOL Have a good day!


Who cares about her? Why would she need to be in Davos or meet government officials and such? She's just married to the president... No one elected her...

I don't understand American obsession with "First Ladies"... You have a republic, not a Monarchy... Why do you want to have a royal couple?!

Why is everyone acting surprised that Trump likes his women? That is well established at this point... I doubt it is a surprise to her...

I think it's great that you finally have a president who doesn't turn his wife into a queen of the nation (for whaever reason)... I hope this trend continues, even if you have a woman president... It would be great to not have her husband (or wife) act as a pseudo unelected government official just because they share a home and life... It would set a good example for other republics to follow...


Melania, hates being first lady, let alone doesn't care about being first lady. She can't wait until she's out of the White House forever.


"Melania, hates being first lady, let alone doesn't care about being first lady. She can't wait until she's out of the White House forever."

Libtards need to stop presenting their private jerk-off fantasies as facts.

It's getting embarrassing.

After all, you wouldn't want to hear about what Maxine Waters and I do in my dreams, do you?

Do you?!


"Libtards need to stop presenting their private jerk-off fantasies as facts."

This is rich considering how Trump's most hardcore supporters latched on to the completely non-sensical (and racist) birther movement.


"She can't wait until she's out of the White House forever."

And her prayers may be answered sooner rather than later!


"Who cares about her? Why would she need to be in Davos or meet government officials and such? She's just married to the president... No one elected her...

I don't understand American obsession with "First Ladies"... You have a republic, not a Monarchy... Why do you want to have a royal couple?!"

In the most basic of terms, she's living in what is considered "The People's White House" and all her daily expenses (and then some) are coming out of our taxes. So yes, there is public interest in the family living in the WH, enjoying a very comfortable lifestyle on taxpayer's money. Why shouldn't there be?


Interest is one thing, expecting her to be on the road with the President, meeting government people and doing such work is something else...

There is something very odd about the culture of elevating the "First Lady" into an important symbolic post... Do you not see this? If you don't find it odd, do you at least recognise that the role of the first lady in the US has been elevated to be more than just being the president's wife?

From Nancy Reagan's Just Say No campaign to other first ladies efforts and being involved in policy... Do Americans not question why they should have these roles? More interestingly, do Americans expect first ladies to have these roles?

On Melania specifcally, what if she just spent her time at one of her other properties on her and Trumps expense? Or more interestingly, if she just lived at the white house but spent her time being a mom with the rest of her time at leisure as a billionaire's wife, doing billionaire's wife things?

What if another President's wife did this? Would Americans expect her to do more?


"Interest is one thing, expecting her to be on the road with the President, meeting government people and doing such work is something else...

There is something very odd about the culture of elevating the "First Lady" into an important symbolic post... Do you not see this? If you don't find it odd, do you at least recognise that the role of the first lady in the US has been elevated to be more than just being the president's wife?

From Nancy Reagan's Just Say No campaign to other first ladies efforts and being involved in policy... Do Americans not question why they should have these roles? More interestingly, do Americans expect first ladies to have these roles?"

The woman who is First Lady is in a very unique position - she is granted a platform very few have access to in life. Therefore, she is indeed elevated (to an extent) to some importance with the 'reach' that she is given and the attention that goes with it. Most First Ladies in the past have used this platform wisely and proficiently, and have not squandered such a rare opportunity which is history making in itself.

Being on the road with one's husband - whether it's the President or not - and supporting him and basking with him in the glow of his achievements is not exactly out of the realm of a happy, loving marriage.

"On Melania specifcally, what if she just spent her time at one of her other properties on her and Trumps expense? Or more interestingly, if she just lived at the white house but spent her time being a mom with the rest of her time at leisure as a billionaire's wife, doing billionaire's wife things?"

Again, she's given a rare opportunity and a wide platform that few have access to in life. It's her own legacy she is creating and leaving behind - if her choice is to squander the opportunity given and 'just live a simple rich billionaires wife lifestyle', so be it. It's her legacy. But it will come with some justified criticism from those her husband governs.


Dude, you're getting as bad and unreasonable and trollish with the Anti-Trump stuff as Snagswolf does in his support of Trump.

Want to be taken as better than he is? Act it.


"Want to be taken as better than he is? Act it."

Dude, thanks for the advice but I'm really not in any competition with him or anyone else. But thanks!
