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T-rump and Pence both lie to our military

On a Middle East trip which brought him in front of dozens of military troops stationed in Jordan over the weekend, VP Pence repeated lies which T-rump was telling America back home about the government shut-down and military pay.

Said devout Christian VP Pence in front of the group:

“I’m sure you’re all aware of what’s going on in Washington D.C. Despite bipartisan support for a budget resolution, a minority in the Senate has decided to play politics with military pay.”

“But you deserve better,” Pence explained. “You and your families shouldn’t have to worry for one minute about whether you’re going to get paid, as you serve in the uniform in the United States. So know this, your president, your vice president, and the American people are not going to put up with it.”

Truth is that it was none other than Republican McConnell who didn't want to pay the military during the furlough, though Pence (nor T-rump in his tweets) didn't explain that. He didn't tell the military that one of his own - Mitch McConnell - blocked a move to pay the military.

YES, a Democrat - Senator Claire McCaskill asked for a "Military Amendment Proposal" to pay the military during the government shutdown, shortly after the vote was taken to shut down the government on Saturday.

Republican Mitch McConnell objected to this amendment. It did not go through.

So thanks to the Republicans, the military didn't get paid during the three day shut-down. Take a bow, President T-rump. This is another 'accomplishment' of yours.



Yes, I also wondered about not getting paid "for three days". Certainly not getting paid would be a hardship and especially for married soldiers with dependents. But who gets paid every three days? Any job I ever had, there was a two week pay period.

However it IS infuriating that the Military would not be paid during a longer shutdown, but those chuckleheaded lawmakers in Washington would get paid! They never seem to have a problem exempting themselves from all the hardships they cause everyone else. I am talking about both parties.


This shows again how the left has to lie because they know they would lose the debate if it were to be based on facts.
Military pay is not set to go out until February. They don't get paid daily, as you imply.

The Left? You've just backed up that Pence lied to the military. No one was blocking their paychecks.

You're also clearly a partisan hack, because Pence was saying that Democrats didn't want the military to be paid and wanted to play politics with that pay, which is clearly a lie. A Democrat wanted to keep military pay out of the equation.

You literally can't admit that the Vice President of the United States LIED to the MILITARY in order to score illusory political points.

So in order to avoid admitting that, you call "the left" liars. It's sad to see such cognitive dissonance.


Frog cognitive dissonance is damn right. I fear for the future.


Frog cognitive dissonance is damn right. I fear for the future.


Yup, this was on McConnell. And last time I checked, he's not a leftist. Though conservatives called W. Bush a liberal at the end of his second term so you never know what's going through their heads.


WOW! You're really gulping up those alternate facts, aren't you?

McConnell objected to the move by Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill to let military families and members get paid during the shut-down. Period. This one is on T-rump, Pence ,Mc Connell and the rest of the Republicans.

And this ugly truth will rear its head again and again in 2018 - right up until election day, when the GOP feigns their support of our military. No matter how they twist it and turn it, this will come back and haunt them in November.
