The Democrats shut down the Government.
Who in the main stream media is blaming for this now?
shareThe MSM is blaming the Rep. as always. Go figure.
shareYou do realize McTurtle could've left the gov't open by using the nuclear option!!! The repugs are in control!
shareAnd the Dems were in control in 2013. I thought the Dems were better than the repugs.
shareThis is the first time in history we had a government shutdown when the White House, The House and The Senate are controlled by one party - the Rethuglicans. So slice it any which way you want to, but this is on the Rethugs...and their fearless leader T-rump (who blamed Obama in 2013- said 'it all starts at the top').
Don't worry - Dems will keep reminding the country about this right through November.
"and The Senate are controlled by one party"
And you KEEP making this dishonest claim, when you know this bill needs a supermajority to pass. So no, when it comes to the budget, the Republicans don't control the Senate.
But keep on lying. It's what you. Fucking dishonest turd. No conscience at all.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
"And you KEEP making this dishonest claim, when you know this bill needs a supermajority to pass. "
And they couldn't even get their party to pass it. Four Republicans voted AGAINST the bill on Friday night. T-rump couldn't even bring his whole party together to pass this. What a horrible leader.
"But keep on lying. "
It' not lying, it's called reporting facts. FACTS - TRUE FACTS. Not the 'alternative facts' Kellyanne Conartist and FOX NEWS wants you to believe...and you so willingly do.
"And they couldn't even get their party to pass it. Four Republicans voted AGAINST the bill on Friday night."
And there were five Democrats who voted FOR it. You're too stupid to understand that once it's determined how a vote is going to go, politicians will vote differently than they normally would, for political reasons. If you actually think that if there were enough Democrat votes, that Republicans would vote against it to shut down the government, then you're even stupider than I thought.
"It' not lying"
Of course you are. You continued to ignore the FACT that a supermajority is required.
That's because you're a dishonest lying turd without a conscience.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
"Of course you are. You continued to ignore the FACT that a supermajority is required."
OK - let's put it this way: A supermajority is required, but the master negotiator / self-proclaimed stable genius couldn't even pull his own party together on this one to help avoid a government shut down, never mind negotiating for a handful of Dems to cross over.
He's a loser. A failure. An embarrassment.
And YOU voted for him and stand by him.
"even pull his own party together on this one to help avoid a government shut down"
If the Dems wanted a shut down, and they obviously did, there's NOTHING Trump could have done to stop it.
Fucking moron.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
By the way, I see you're ignoring the Schumer hypocrisy thread.
Can't bullshit your way past that, can you?
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
"Can't bullshit your way past that, can you?"
More like can't make sense out of that bullshit 'hypocrisy' theory, based on the Rethuglican's infamous 'alternative facts'. Try the truth every now and again.
"More like can't make sense out of that bullshit 'hypocrisy'"
So, you're too fucking stupid to watch a video.
Yeah, that about sums it up.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
"This is the first time in history we had a government shutdown when the White House, The House and The Senate are controlled by one party"
The more I think about it, the more I think you're right. This is a momentous occasion.
The first time the American people have placed control of the Congress and President in one party's hands, and the opposing party has ignored that mandate and chose to use the 60-vote supermajority rule to shut down the government.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
The first time the American people have placed control of the Congress and President in one party's hands, and the opposing party has chosen to stand up and fight for what Americans want, and show how weak and ineffective the President and his controlling party really are in government. This will haunt Rethuglicans for years to come.
share"the opposing party has chosen to stand up and fight for what Americans want"
If Americans wanted it, they would've voted Democrats into power. You lost. The American people rejected your bullshit.
Elections have consequences.
"This will haunt Rethuglicans for years to come. "
Hahahahahaha! Yeah, that's why Dicky ended his shutdown so quickly. Because it was hurting Republicans.
God, you really can't be this brain-dead, can you?
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
"If Americans wanted it, they would've voted Democrats into power."
They did - Hillary won the popular vote by 3 Million over T-rump. You're still in denial over this?
"They did - Hillary won the popular vote by 3 Million over T-rump. You're still in denial over this? "
That's not how we elect a president. You shouldn't have fallen asleep in Civics class. It wasn't the goal of the election, so neither candidate tried to win the popular vote. To claim it has any meaning now is just moronic.
Trump was elected by the American people. You're still in denial over this?
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
"That's not how we elect a president. You shouldn't have fallen asleep in Civics class. It wasn't the goal of the election, so neither candidate tried to win the popular vote. To claim it has any meaning now is just moronic."
You didn't say America would have elected, you said America would have VOTED. See:
"If Americans wanted it, they would've voted Democrats into power."
That's 2 different things.
And I responded that they did - Hillary got 3 million more votes than T-rump, no matter how you deny it. And the popular vote does indeed matter - it shows she was America's choice. The more popular candidate which eats away at T-rump each and every minute of his life.
YOU must've dropped out of fifth grade, not seventh like I originally thought.
"You didn't say America would have elected, you said America would have VOTED."
Wow. Once again, you prove how stupid you are.
I said they would have voted them into office, not voted for them. You really can't understand the difference?
Here, fucktard:
Definition of vote
past tense: voted; past participle: voted
1. give or register a vote.
"they voted against the resolution"
synonyms: go to the polls, cast one's vote, cast one's ballot
"only half of them voted"
2. cause (someone) to gain or lose a particular post or honor by means of a vote.
"incompetent judges are voted out of office"
synonyms: elect, return, select, choose, pick, adopt, appoint, designate, opt for, decide on
"he was voted in as secretary"
3. informal
used to express a wish to follow a particular course of action.
"I vote we have one more game"
synonyms: suggest, propose, recommend, advocate, move, submit
"I vote we have one more game"
Using 'voted' the way I did, it's a synonym for 'elected'. Try cracking open a dictionary once in a while, idiot.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
"the members who were elected to the committee"
Voting: A vote is a formal expression of an individual’s choice against ballot question for a selection of candidate or a political party. Democracies elect holders of high office by voting. In a democracy, a government is chosen by voting in an election.
Election: An election is a formal decision making process by which a population chooses an individual to hold public office. Elections have been the usual mechanism by which modern representative democracy has operated since the 17th century.
You said 'voted' - Americans voted for Hillary over T-rump by 3M, yet the electoral college elected T-rump.
Too much for you to grasp?
"You said 'voted' "
Once again:
2. cause (someone) to gain or lose a particular post or honor by means of a vote.
"incompetent judges are voted out of office"
synonyms: elect, return, select, choose, pick, adopt, appoint, designate, opt for, decide on
"he was voted in as secretary"
If you're too stupid to understand that simple definition, there's no hope for you.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
ha ha, You are so funny again Doggie! You tell me that I AM obsessed with Hillary. But according to you in another post, she is "private citizen Hillary" now! Yet you can't stop obsessing over her either.
3 million more votes? Well maybe... but if we take the dead people off voter rolls and don't allow illegals to vote, the number probably would be significantly smaller.
America's choice? Well I guess they didn't cover the electoral college in YOUR fifth grade civics class, if indeed you got that far!
Truth is, if you break it down state by state, Hillary would have been elected "President" by New Libtard York and Californication. Thank the Lord that our Founding fathers put the electoral college in place.
"And the popular vote does indeed matter"
No, it doesn't. If it mattered at all, the candidates would only campaign in the most populous parts of the country. The Electoral College forces them to spread out their campaigns, which is a good thing.
And if the rules were that the popular vote decided the winner, the candidates would have altered their campaigns to win it. And with Trump being an obviously better candidate than Hillary, he would have won that election too.
It's like a team winning more games in the World Series, despite being outscored in total runs. And the other team claiming they really won because they scored more runs.
Yeah, it's that pathetic.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
3M more than T-rump! And it eats at him every day....his ego is bruised forever. He's still the least popular President ever.
share"3M more than T-rump!"
And just as meaningless, except for ass-hurting libtards who, a year later, STILL can't get over the FACT that TRUMP boned them dry, and is currently occupying the White House. So they have to pathetically whine about the popular vote, when it doesn't mean a damn thing. Oh, and that Russian thing. The RUSSIAN's gave him the election!!!!! Waaaaaa!
And seriously? You're saying someone else has it 'eating at him every day', when you're on here EVERY DAY whining about Trump. We all know who has something eating at him every day. And it's YOU.
Fucking pathetic.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
They are better than repugs. Dems are not trying to deny healthcare to poor kids. They are not trying to kick dreamers out that know no other country and they most certainly not scamming folks with a horrible tax scam.
shareDon't forget - they also OBJECTED to financially supporting our troops during the shutdown, as well. Disgraceful. Democrat McCaskill proposed to keep the military out of the government shutdown, and McConnell jumped to the podium and declared "I object!"
share"Don't forget - they also OBJECTED to financially supporting our troops during the shutdown, as well. Disgraceful. Democrat McCaskill proposed to keep the military out of the government shutdown, and McConnell jumped to the podium and declared "I object!" "
More lies. McConnell didn't allow the vote, but said he'd reconsider at a different time.
And since the military is paid on the 1st and 15th, there was no need to rush the vote.
And, always remember, it was the Democrats who decided to shut down the government for some illegal immigrants, putting their needs above our military.
Stop posting lies.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
"More lies. McConnell didn't allow the vote, but said he'd reconsider at a different time. "
His two words: "I Object!"
They will haunt him and the Rethuglicans forever and ever. He fell right into that one - head first.
"And, always remember, it was the Democrats who decided to shut down the government for some illegal immigrants, putting their needs above our military."
And always remember, T-rump said "government shut-downs always start at the top" by leaders who can't lead. Despite his shut-down due to his ineptness, Senator McCaskill tried to pay the military, but McConnell sprang up and said "I object!"
Stop posting 'alternative facts' because they're really lies (Kellyanne Conartist just tried to make is sound legit to his sheeple).
"His two words: "I Object!""
Yes, to it being voted on then. Next military payday wasn't due for another 14 days.
Or are you too stupid to understand that? I see you ignored it in my previous post.
Dishonest turd.
"They will haunt him and the Rethuglicans forever and ever. "
Keep on dreaming and jerking. The American people will know it was the Democrats who put illegal immigrants over our military.
The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.
Just ask Schumer how stupid of an idea it is to shut down the government over immigration:
"There was a hard line saying, 'Unless I get my way, I'm going to shut the government down, I'm going to risk default for the nation.' Now, anyone can do that. I believe in immigration reform. What if I persuaded my caucus to say 'I'm going to shut down the government, I'm not going to pay our bills unless I get my way.' It's a politics of idiocy, of confrontation, of paralysis.
Thank you! He sure did!
shareThe Dems freely allow illegals in so they that they will vote for them even though they are not Americans and not legally allowed to vote. The other scam is to raise taxes so that the fat cats in Washington can get richer and buy bigger houses. The Dems have many scams going but most people are blind to whats really going on.
share"The Dems freely allow illegals in so they that they will vote for them even though they are not Americans and not legally allowed to vote. The other scam is to raise taxes so that the fat cats in Washington can get richer and buy bigger houses."
Didn't think so.
"You do realize McTurtle could've left the gov't open by using the nuclear option!!!"
It's obvious you have no clue what the ramifications of that would be. Thankfully, neither party has done that with legislation. It would change what the Senate is.
And yes, I know Trump suggested it. Proof that I don't agree with everything he says.