Are Americans stupid enough to vote for Trump again?
Are Americans stupid enough to vote for Trump again?
shareAre Americans stupid enough to vote for Trump again?
shareThis coming from a moron who voted for Hillary.
shareIf Hillary runs again.
OMG! I hope not. He's confirmed that he is an imbecile among other things, racist, homophobic, eccentric egoist, xenophobic, mentally unfit for office of President. Everybody knows this, and why they would vote for him is incomprensible.
shareHonestly, there's no excuse for a president to lose re-election in the modern era. The incumbent has too much of an advantage. Granted, there was the rare case of HW Bush, but he lost because Perot took away too many votes. W Bush was way worse for the country than Trump, and even he won re-election, stronger than when he won the first time. That's what incumbency does for a candidate. However, I can't shake the feeling Trump will be the first to lose re-election in a fair contest in the modern era. If so, it shows just how much of a mistake his presidency was to begin with.
shareTrump = Americans are Doomed
There is no going back from letting the rich take over. So you either vote for corrupt paid off politicians or the corrupt corporate elite doing the paying off. Lose lose situation. Americans are doomed.
I hear ya, but Trump is no different than any other republican in that regard. The democratic establishment probably prefers Trump over Bernie because they too want the oligarchy to continue.
The big difference between Trump and the rest of them is his tweets. They are harmless for the most part, and are designed to distract more than anything, but we can't have him throwing barbs at North Korea. NK really the only thing that makes Trump potentially worse than the rest of the republican field.
However, the upside is Trump has such a difficult time gaining approval that he's dragging the GOP down with him as they are forced to defend his behavior which cannot be defended.
Yes they are. Most supporters have not changed their opinion of him, so everyone who is anti-Trump that didn't vote last time needs to do so or else he will be elected once again.
shareSomali Muslim Immigrants Harass Gay Man in Minnesota - YouTube