MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump : 'Great News' from WalMart!

T-rump : 'Great News' from WalMart!

WalMart, the retail giant who rakes in billions of dollars, has praised T-rump's tax plan in which they will save millions of dollars starting this year. To celebrate, WalMart said they will raise their minimum wage paid hourly workers to $11 an hour (yes, you read right - $11 an hour which was considered generous about 35 years ago), which still qualifies most of their work force for Obamacare and Section 8 housing.

To further the celebration, they will be handing out bonus checks in the amount of $1,000 to employees who have been there for 20 + years, and more measly bonuses of $200 for employees who have been there less time.

Trump responded accordingly by saying it’s “great news...a result of our TAX CUTS & JOBS ACT!”

In related great news from WalMart (as a direct effect from the tax cuts), the company has continued to celebrate by announcing the closure of 63 "Sam's Club" warehouse stores across the country, putting thousands of workers in the unemployment line within the next few months. (Similar to what other big corporations have been doing the past month - announcing small "bonuses" to their employees while laying off part of it's workforce in the same breath).

T-rump hasn't tweeted about that great news - yet.


yeah, it's all about making the board of directors and sharholders happy, sucks when you're poor smuck who doesn't know any better, it's tough to get ahead for a lot of people.



Each Sam's Club averages about 200 workers, according to one source. So do the math - that's approximately 12,600 workers soon-to-be unemployed. Yet, the company is saving millions of dollars in taxes. What a day to be a Sam's Club employee.


yea, I agree, why do the democrats vote for more military spending? can you explain that for me? I hear the Jill Stein supporters talking about money from the military could give everyone in the US a free education. It's a necessary evil to be at war all the time? what do you got?


Don't know the answer to that for certain, but I surmise both parties have a 'soft spot' for military funding. if you don't support the military, you look very un-patriotic to your constituents and opponents, so it will come to haunt you later on.


The military employs lots and lots and lots of civilians in states that have bases and contracts that crank out Military hardware or have Defense Spending.

# 1 California: $27,882,008,000.00
# 2 Virginia: $23,391,866,000.00
# 3 Texas: $21,050,237,000.00
# 4 Maryland: $9,214,124,000.00
# 5 Connecticut: $8,958,624,000.00
# 6 Arizona: $8,429,925,000.00
# 7 Florida: $8,385,036,000.00
# 8 Massachusetts: $6,962,816,000.00
# 9 Missouri: $6,502,161,000.00

You reduce those Federal/Military expenditures and those states will bleed dollars and jobs. Senators and Congressmen will forever protect their military workforce because it supports their local economies war or no war. Some more so than others. The Prison industrial complex is exactly the same structure even more so when you privatize it.


Geez, Doggie, the only "soft spot" is in your head!

Article One of the Constitution gives specific powers to Congress to declare war, raise and support an army, provide for a navy, etc. It's one of the few powers our Founding Fathers granted to those chuckleheads in Congress. The Federal government is supposed to defend its citizenry, ya doofus!
National defense IS the job of the Federal government. But the crybabies in this country would have us disarm to show folks like North Korea and Iran that we are "nice" and can play well with others. Then we'll all be good pals!

If Congress doesn't support national defense, well duh yeah, they are unpatriotic.

I know you folks on the left think that the Constitution provides for birth control, abortion on demand and life time support for the lazy. But take a moment from posting nonsense and READ what the Constitution actually says!



The left is made up of a bunch of entitled brats, they get a tax cut and then bitch and moan that it's not enough. The left could go back to the Obama tax plan, I mean I don't know why they would want to they'd be paying more but there's always that option.



What's criminal is that California is supporting freeloading states (many red states) which pay less in taxes, but receive more in Federal dollars.


But what about the thousands of Democrat and Republican employees of Sam's Club who are losing their jobs in the next few weeks - what should they do with their last paychecks before they get hired in one of those millions of 'high paying jobs' T-rump promised to create?



Well it's great that T-rump is going to create millions of high-paying jobs to America. When does it start?


If you've ever worked for Walmart you'd know they already cut as many corners as possible to keep their prices low. If jobs go away because of the minimum wage increase, those jobs were going away anyway. Why would Walmart keep extra employees around that they don't need? It makes no sense. You're probably thinking that since Walmart is increasing wages, those workers are going to be worked harder, and the ones that can't handle it are going to leave, which isn't the case except in rare cases like elderly and special-needs workers.

Primarily third shift is worked the hardest, so those jobs will probably remain the most intact. Meanwhile, the people in day shift who don't work in the back, and are not cashiers, but just sit around waiting for someone to enter their department, will probably lose their jobs or be moved. The thing is, that's going to happen eventually anyway. Now it'll just happen sooner.

The minimum wage increase is just a means for Walmart to continue doing what they've already been doing, but now they can be vocal about it instead of hiding it. Before, Walmart would skirt the issue when you questioned their treatment of employees. Now, they'll say "$11 an hour" and be done with it, while watching their profit margins continue to grow.


"If you've ever worked for Walmart you'd know they already cut as many corners as possible to keep their prices low. "

And their profits very high - just ask the Walton family and their stockholders.

"Why would Walmart keep extra employees around that they don't need? It makes no sense. "

WRONG - it makes plenty of sense when it comes to profits. Payroll is the easiest to cut.
Many companies - WalMart included - get rid of employees which they do need to save on payroll to be more profitable. They overwork the remainder of their employees, as most are picking up the slack the fired workers left behind. This is not just true of WalMart, but other big companies as well - starting with Bank of America, and most medical facilities. Hospitals are notorious for this as they cut their staff and add more patients to the remaining staff, which they can't handle properly. They keep their stockholders happy with big profits, and the first place they cut is payroll. It's the easiest thing to cut.


I already know Walmart gets rid of employees they need. So my question still stands, why would Walmart keep extra employees they don't need? Simple answer, they don't because they don't have extra employees they don't need. They have a roster that's stretched as thin as possible, and they continue stretching. That's the Walmart way, but they've previously had to be sneaky about it. Not any more with Trump's tax cuts. Now they'll raise wages and not only continue to make record profits, but they'll get to be vocal about their firing practices by pointing to wage increases as the excuse.
