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Senator Durbin confirms racist remark by T-rump

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate who attended yesterday's bipartisan meeting on immigration in the Oval Office headed by White Nationalist T-rump, has confirmed the reports are true: T-rump did indeed refer to Haiti and African nations as 'shithole countries'.

Speaking to the press this morning, Durbin confirmed when the issue of TPS was brought up for Haitians, T-rump responded: " "Haitians. Do we need more Haitians?"

T-rump then went on to discuss protected immigration from Africa, "calling the nations they come from s---holes."

Durbin also recalled that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, also present at the meeting, questioned the President about his remarks.

Racist T-rump further questioned why our country should take more immigrants in from Haiti and Africa, rather than countries like Norway.

The exchange was first reported by WAPO last night, when an aide to a senator dashed out of the room to report what had happened. This morning, T-rump denied it ever happened in a series of Tweets (though the WH never ever denied it).

This morning at the UN, foreign minister Ine Eriksen Søreide was asked for a reaction about the T-rump's remarks about favoring immigrants from Norway rather than Haiti or Africa. Norway's foreign minister replied "I don't think right now," before dashing off to a scheduled meeting.


What's sad is I'm not shocked he feels this way or says these's that he's so monumentally careless as to say them in mixed company.

I'm not sure if he's racist, addled or both (and yes, his behavior is reminiscent of what I used to see in my mothers nursing home) but it's looking more and more like he needs the kind of "managing" Reagan got near the end of his second term when his illness had progressed to a bad state.


I'm not shocked by this at all - the only shocking aspect about it is the fact that it took him so long to say it in front of others, and it got out to the press. Nearly a whole year into his first term? I expected him to say something this deplorable by last summer.


"There were very fine people on both sides"

HE DID say something deplorable last summer! He defended Nazis! you of the top...2 things you just don't do?




no, see....I set you up. I said "one of the top two things you just don't do"

You're supposed to say "What's the other thing"

I reply "Defend a racist who defends racists!"

And then we watch Snagswolf have a hissy fit and somehow blame Obama for everything.


Trump is privileged to have been born in a country founded by those who fled from a government they disliked, and yet he just doesn't understand what that means.

He needs to go read that inscription on the Statue of Liberty, and perhaps write an essay on it. The paper needs to be turned into his teacher by Tuesday (since Monday is a holiday).


And of all holidays - Martin Luther King Day.

How much longer will we celebrate this as a national holiday, before T-rump decides to repeal this? It's just a matter of 'when'.


No kidding!

You know, I also wonder how many of those "shithole" countries have been damaged or held back by policies of first-world countries, particularly drug wars or military actions. Not just recently, either, but historically. Many African countries were devastated by colonialism back in the day. Like that Rwandan genocide from years ago, it was literally the fallout from old Belgian colonialist practices.


Ancient history, Froggy.



"How much longer will we celebrate this as a national holiday, before T-rump decides to repeal this? It's just a matter of 'when'."

Wow. Your stupidity knows no bounds.

Trump signs bill to upgrade Martin Luther King's birthplace to national historic park

WASHINGTON — President Trump signed a bill Monday to expand the Rev. Martin Luther King's birthplace in Atlanta into a national historical park — the first such park in Georgia.

Trump signed Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act of 2017 aboard Air Force One after touching down in Marietta, Ga., to attend the college football national championship game between the University of Alabama and the University of Georgia.

Alveda King, niece of the slain civil rights leader, joined Trump for a small, private bill-signing ceremony aboard Air Force One.

"Through his life and work, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made America more just and free," White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley told reporters aboard the plane. "This important historical park tells his story, and this bill will help ensure that the park continues to tell Dr. King’s story for generations to come."


Yes, because everything he says and does is solid.

The other day he couldn't make up his mind if he was for or against FICA - 'FOX&Friends" told him he should be against it, but Paul Ryan told him Rethuglicans were for it. SO he changed his mind...throughout the day.

So give him time - he'll say his signature was forged on that bill he signed Monday, when he repeals the national holiday. the KKK will tell him to do so - and give him a free Tiki torch for doing it!


"So give him time - he'll say his signature was forged on that bill he signed Monday"

Another jerkoff fantasy from Doggy. Let me know when it comes true.


The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Another jerkoff fantasy from Doggy. Let me know when it comes true."

More sophomoric responses from Snaggypuss.

Hey Snaggy - did you see where T-rumpty Dumpty said the word 'shithole' yesterday? More sophomoric humor for you!


"did you see where T-rumpty Dumpty said the word 'shithole' yesterday?"

Liberals hate the truth.


Once again, you're mixing up Republican's "alternate truth" with the "real truth" - probably because you enjoyed him saying 'shithole'. Made you and your friends laugh harder than when he said 'pussy', right?


There is only one truth, and you're not even faintly acquainted with it.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


No there are two truths.

The real truth which the Democrats, Independents and media share with the world.

The 'alternate truth' which Kellyann Conway explained last January, when T-rump said he had the 'yugest' inaugural in Presidential history (you know - the least attended one). That's the truth he feeds his conservative base, and FOX NEWS reports to brain dead viewers like you.


You mean the real truth where CNN ran a story on June 6 that claimed former FBI Director James Comey would use his testimony the next day to refute President Donald Trump’s claim that Comey had assured him three separate times that he was not under FBI investigation?

Or when CNN published, deleted, and then retracted and apologized for an article that claimed Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci was the subject of a Senate investigation for his ties to Russian bankers. Three key members of CNN’s investigative team resigned over their role in the retracted story.

Or when CNN cited a study from the Oxford Internet Institute, to show that fake news targeted swing states during election week. But the study didn’t show that.

Or when CNN spread fake news to its viewers during a segment on the infamous anti-Trump dossier in October. While CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer discussed the dossier, the chyron on his show indicated that a Republican donor had initially funded the dossier. That is incorrect.

Or when CNN claimed that Trump committed a faux pas while feeding Japanese koi fish by impatiently pouring out his entire box of fish food. CNN zoomed in close on Trump while he and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were feeding the fish, appearing to show the president making the embarrassing mistake.

Or when CNN took Trump's words out of context during his trip to Japan to make him appear ignorant of the fact that Japan makes cars in the United States.

Or when CNN reported that Donald Trump Jr. and the Trump campaign had received advanced access to stolen emails published by WikiLeaks.

You're being lied to continuously, and you don't even care.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


You're forgetting when FOX NEWS and Breitbart reported on Comet Ping Pong Pizza - where conspiracy theorist Alex Jones claimed that Hillary Clinton and John Podesta was running a child-abuse sex ring. Poor pizza parlor was 'shot up' with an assault rifle from some right-wing nut job names Edgar Maddison Welch , who believed it to be true - 'cause the Rethuglicans said it was true.

The Republican Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"You're forgetting when FOX NEWS and Breitbart reported on Comet Ping Pong Pizza "

Please post the link where FOX News reported this story.

"where conspiracy theorist Alex Jones "

Alex Jones is a nut, not a conservative. He spent the last 15 years accusing the Bush Administration of being behind the 9/11 attacks. That's a liberal point of view.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Come on Doggie, you're an intelligent fellow. That's Bullshit, and you know it.



"Come on Doggie, you're an intelligent fellow. "

Thank You for the compliment?


"Come on Doggie, you're an intelligent fellow."

I've seen no evidence of that.


Well he does know how to type. That's something.



They've taught monkeys to type.

But they just can't get them to stop shitting on the chairs.

I'm guessing Doggy has that same problem.


Good one! LMAO over here, Wolf! U da Man!



Plenty of African countries are "sh!tholes", I doubt the OP or any Democrat would willingly go live over there for a year. I fail to see what the race angle is??? Pathetic how race is everything to the left, sounds like they need sensitivity training.


Of course they wouldn't! They're moronic Leftists, but they're not THAT stupid! And of COURSE there's no race angle here, it's merely truth. But to the Lefty Loons, EVERYTHING is about race! THEY are the REAL racists.




So let me get this straight. These people want to leave their countries because they're shitholes, but Trump is a racist because he calls them shitholes?

Got to love liberal logic.

And they lose their minds when Trump calls Haiti a shithole, but say nothing about the Clintons ripping off the Haitians for millions of dollars.

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

It filtered money through Haiti and back to itself.

In January 2015 a group of Haitians surrounded the New York offices of the Clinton Foundation. They chanted slogans, accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of having robbed them of “billions of dollars.” Two months later, the Haitians were at it again, accusing the Clintons of duplicity, malfeasance, and theft. And in May 2015, they were back, this time outside New York’s Cipriani, where Bill Clinton received an award and collected a $500,000 check for his foundation. “Clinton, where’s the money?” the Haitian signs read. “In whose pockets?” Said Dhoud Andre of the Commission Against Dictatorship, “We are telling the world of the crimes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for in Haiti.”


The only one who referred to these countries as 'shitholes' is Trump, not the immigrants from there. You seemed to get mixed-up, eh?

Doesn't surprise me - Tr-ump loves you for being 'uneducated'. See how he warped your little brain?


"The only one who referred to these countries as 'shitholes' is Trump, not the immigrants from there."

If they didn't think they were shitholes, they wouldn't want to be moving out of them so badly.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons who believe their bullshit.


"The Democrat Party thrives on morons..." the understatement of the year!

Haven't we been told and told and lectured ad nauseum by the left that anyone and everyone who comes here from crappy countries has the "right" to be here? Their own garbage governments steal the billions we send them. Their citizens never see any of that money.

The sh@thole countries the President was referring to are indeed crappy places to live. NO clean water, no medical care, no jobs, starvation, deaths from things which most clueless young Americans have never heard of like cholera.

Honestly, who leaves a great country? Is there a mass migration from Canada?

President Trump only speaks the truth. Many countries are sh#tholes. As usual, the touchy left "can't handle the truth!"



You are clueless! If the USA is SO terrible, then why do we need a wall to keep out illegals? I don't think Afghanistan or any African countries have to deal with great influxes of immigrants to their "paradises".



"America is a crappy country"

Yeah, that's why people are literally dying to get here.




Good, then we won't need that wall! All the DACAs will go home!!! Yay.

"Moron"?? Guess you are looking in a mirror.



Colonies? Are you at all aware that the USA and Canada were colonies? Both have thrived and flourished because neither one has totally sh@t governments.

The "colonies" of Russia just so totally love being under the thumb of that country that they fight wars to throw off their yoke.

And everyone just wants to be colonizied by the Chinese! ha ha Most of the world flocks to be part of the oppressive Chinese world.

I can't figure out if you are a moronic American millennium who has no understanding of history or a citizen from another country whose envy of the USA has made you a mental case!



Well you finally said it, "enough said" you that is! Too clueless to have a discussion with, good luck with countries like China who champion civil rights. LOL

Next time there's a disaster in the world, don't go looking to the American Red Cross. Look to all those great humanitarian nations like North Korea, Syria, etc. to help out. Flake off!!



Oprah? Well we have one area that we agree on, I think. I cannot imagine a worse choice for President than that egomaniac! She has had a magazine, "O", for many years where she puts herself on the cover every month!
And by the way, she AINT a President, just someone the self congratulating Hollywood "know it all" lefties want to anoint as our next Commander in Chief.

Kanye? What do you mean? I think he's an entertainer. What does he have to do with government policies?
"Chinese and Russian humanitarian agencies"?? Okay, let them take care of the sh#thole countries in the world. Show me some proof please.


"No one wants to be in USA."

Wow. Showing off your monumental stupidity with that claim.

The United States has a larger immigrant population than any other country, with 47 million immigrants as of 2015.[1] This represents 19.1% of the 244 million international migrants worldwide, and 14.4% of the U.S. population.

Since 2000, legal immigrants to the United States number approximately 1,000,000 per year.

I guess we're forcing all those people to come here.


Meanwhile, China has less than a million immigrants in their entire country of 1.4 BILLION people.


"President Trump only speaks the truth. Many countries are sh#tholes."

Many "shithole" countries have been and are continually damaged by self-serving policies of first-world countries.



Many of these countries have their own "elected" governments. Their own leaders screw them over. And that's our fault?


"Many "shithole" countries have been and are continually damaged by self-serving policies of first-world countries."

Another 'Blame America First' idiot.


"If they didn't think they were shitholes, they wouldn't want to be moving out of them so badly."

Too bad the Native Americans didn't have strict immigration policies to protect them against the invaders fleeing shithole Britain.

Those immigrants got violent and killed most of the Americans, and yet we're supposed to have pride in how this country was founded on principles like freedom and the belief that all men are created equal (except slaves, and "men" of course excluded women).

It's no wonder modern Americans are so schizophrenic, with foundations like that.



And this drives Rethuglicans absolutely nuts. Poor uneducated deplorables.


"Too bad the Native Americans didn't have strict immigration policies to protect them against the invaders fleeing shithole Britain."

America was a shithole when the Europeans got here, with savage tribes killing each other for centuries. The Europeans transformed the country into a civilized place where people from other shitholes want to come to.



And transformed the country into a place so great, people are literally dying to live here.

What shithole are you from?


Excellent post, Frogarama!


How in the world do you know what they're thinking?


"How in the world do you know what they're thinking? "

Huh? They're literally dying to get here. That means they want to come here.

Is that too complicated for you feeble mind?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


You think they're coming here because they want T-rump as their President, or live next door to someone like you? You have no idea what their motivation is to come here.


"You think they're coming here because they want T-rump as their President"

Huh? When did I claim that, you fucking illiterate?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Huh? When did I claim that, you fucking illiterate?"

Logic (which you seem devoid of these days) dictates that if they're coming here in the past year, they'll have T-rump as their President. So I ask again - do you think they're "dying to get here" to have T-rump as their President?

It's a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer to the question, for someone simple-minded like you. Trust me, I wouldn't throw something more complicated to you. I know you like it simple and stupid - just like T-rump and right wing news delivers to you.


Holy fuck are you stupid.

"Logic (which you seem devoid of these days) dictates that if they're coming here in the past year, they'll have T-rump as their President."

Yes, they'll have Trump as their president. That's not the same as coming here because they want Trump as their president.

Good god you can't be this dumb.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Yes, they'll have Trump as their president. That's not the same as coming here because they want Trump as their president. "

Really, logic escapes you.


"Really, logic escapes you."

Dumb as a fucking rock.

You seriously can't comprehend that people want to come to this country for the opportunity it presents them, and they couldn't care less who the president is?

They come here NO MATTER WHO THE PRESIDENT IS, not because they're the president. It's been going on long before Trump became president, and will keep going on long after he isn't president.

You have to be the dumbest fuck on the planet to think people are coming here because of who the president is.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Liberal logic"????

Wolf, you do realize that's an oxymoron, right?



Well considering that has said this is shaky at best. Figures Trumpstans would regurgitate this again and again and again. Snopes is a bipartisan site and has debunked several negative claims by the left toward Bush43 and Tump. But this is what they found in terms of that oft claimed fiction on The Clinton Foundation and Haiti.

So keep trying.


This is Snopes:


Well, it's not just Snopes. Yet Snopes has also fact checked some of the allegations against Trump and found them not truthful. So I guess if it's FOR Trump it's truthful. If it's AGAINST Trump, it's full of BS? Yah. Gotcha. Don't even answer back. Not worth it since you clearly are a dolt.


"So I guess if it's FOR Trump it's truthful. If it's AGAINST Trump, it's full of BS? Yah."

It's called a strawman argument. I never claimed Snopes was truthful, so you have no point.

And it's obvious you didn't read the article I posted about the Clintons and Haiti, and you just blindly searched Snopes (because you know you'll find them defending the Clintons) for any story about the Clintons and Haiti. This has nothing to do with Haiti's minimum wage, nor with government contracts for Haiti. This has to do with the money the Clinton Foundation raised for Haiti, and didn't pass through to Haiti.

So yeah, the clear dolt here is you, moron.



"I am kind of glad that white women prefer black men impregnating them and making America black forever"

I'm glad you used the word 'impregnating' instead of 'fathering', because that would be, well, hilarious.


"I'm glad you used the word 'impregnating' instead of 'fathering', because that would be, well, hilarious."

About as hilarious as using the word 'fathering' when you talk about T-rump and his forgotten, neglected daughter Tiffany. The one whom he considered aborting, according to his interview with Howard Stern. Here's what he told his mistress Marla Maples, when she surprised him with the news he knocked her up:

‘Excuse me, what happened?’ And then I said, ‘Well, what are we going to do about this?’


"T-rump and his forgotten, neglected daughter Tiffany"

Wow. You really can't be THIS stupid, can you?

You mean this Tiffany Trump, who spoke at the Republican Convention":

Yeah, she really looks neglected, fucktard.

You want to compare that to multitudes of black youths abandoned by their fathers?

Unbelievable. So FUCKING stupid.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


So wealthy white daddys who knock up their mistress and then suggest abortion can't be neglectful to their unwanted child? Seriously?

What school did you drop put of in the 7th grade?


"So wealthy white daddys who knock up their mistress and then suggest abortion can't be neglectful to their unwanted child? Seriously?"

Huh? It's obvious Tiffany Trump hasn't been neglected. Did you even watch the speech, idiot? Or did you just believe what others have said about her?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Huh? It's obvious Tiffany Trump hasn't been neglected. Did you even watch the speech, idiot? Or did you just believe what others have said about her?"

How is it obvious? From the paid speech she gave in that video?

The girl is completely neglected by her father and her half siblings - grew up 3,000 miles away from them, and was solely parented by her mother Marla, the former mistress of T-rump. He told Howard Stern flat out in 2004 he wanted Marla to consider abortion when she was pregnant to her (out of wedlock).

When was the last time he spoke publicly of her or taken a picture with her like he does Donnie Diapers, Eric, Ivanka or Jared? That's right - a year ago.


"How is it obvious? From the paid speech she gave in that video?"

Please provide proof that she was paid.

"The girl is completely neglected by her father and her half siblings "

In Tiffany's own words:

He's always helped me be the best version of myself by encouragement and by example. He motivates me to work my hardest and to always stay true to who I am and what I believe.

But my dad takes such pride in all that I've done so far, no matter how big or how small. I still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten, because I like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. Contrary to what you might expect from someone who places an emphasis on results, my dad's comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers, about how I acted in and out of the classroom, just not even focusing on the letter grades themselves. Donald Trump has never done anything halfway, least of all as a parent.

A few years ago, someone very dear to me passed away and the first call I got, as I knew I would, came from my father. Without his unwavering support and care for me during such a challenging time, I don't know how I would have made it through.

I have admired my father all of my life, and I love him with all my heart.

That's your 'neglected daughter'.

You're a fucking buffoon.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Actions speak louder than words. Show us a photo taken in the last three months where he is with his daughter Tiffany. I can show you dozens where he is with Ivanka.

Poor Tiffany.


"Show us a photo taken in the last three months where he is with his daughter Tiffany."

Yeah, because having a photo op with your daughter shows how much you love her.

I guess he doesn't love Barron too, because he doesn't drag him in front of the cameras either.

Talking to you is like talking to a child.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"I guess he doesn't love Barron too, because he doesn't drag him in front of the cameras either."

Why in the world would you bring up a minor?

I'm discussing his four adult children - not his 11 year old. You really are a horrible person trying to drag his 11 year old child into this.


"You really are a horrible person trying to drag his 11 year old child into this. "

Hahahaha. Fucking retard.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Republicans laid out the rules last year - his son Barron is 'off limits', as he's only 11 years old (and Dems agree with this). His adult children up for conversation and criticism is fine, but not an 11 year old. Melania was very upset and distraught when his presence at the inaugural was mentioned last year.

And what's the first thing you do - you drag 11 year old Barron into this. Have you no respect for their wishes regarding their son?

To quote you: Fucking retard.


"you drag 11 year old Barron into this"

Fucking retard.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Fucking retard."

Still horrible on your part - you should not be discussing an 11 year old in the forum, never mind calling him a Fucking retard.




"No, it's quite clear you called Barron (who may or may not be autistic) a Fucking retard."

Only to a fucking retard like you.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Show us a photo taken in the last three months "

Also, I'd like to remind you how this topic came up.

So you're trying to compare a father who hasn't had "a photo taken with his child in the last three months" to generations of black children who grew up without fathers?

And you can't see how ludicrous that is?


The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"So you're trying to compare a father who hasn't had "a photo taken with his child in the last three months" to generations of black children who grew up without fathers?"

Can you be a little more racist please?


"Can you be a little more racist please? "

How is that racist?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Why have you not mentioned "generations of white children" who grew up without fathers?

And don't insult everyone's intelligence by saying 'they don't exist' because they do.

Why didn't you mention white children / fathers? Because you are a racist.


"And don't insult everyone's intelligence by saying 'they don't exist' because they do."

Once again, you prove you can't understand a simple concept. Yes, they exist, but the statistics show that blacks have a MUCH higher rate of fatherless households than whites. According to CNN's Don Lemon, more than 72 percent of African-American births are out of wedlock. And Politifact backs up that claim:

So Lemon is correct that "more than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock." To make sure we weren’t missing something, we asked two population experts -- Tom W. Smith, a senior fellow at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, and Douglas Massey, professor at Princeton University's Office of Population Research -- and they agreed that the statistic is the best available.

And according to that article, the percentage of children in the white community that are born out of wedlock is 29%.

So yeah, according to idiots like you, statistics are racist.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


So you're equating children born 'out of wedlock' with children who grew up with no father?

Actually, I guess that does makes sense. Tiffany Trump was born 'out of wedlock' and she grew up fatherless.


"So you're equating children born 'out of wedlock' with children who grew up with no father?"

Hahahaha! You didn't even read the article, did you?

From the article. Let me know if you need any help with the big words.

Lemon did overreach somewhat when he went on to say that the 72 percent "out of wedlock" figure "means absent fathers." The 72 percent figure refers to children who are born to women who are not married; it would, however, include unmarried couples in which the father is present.
That said, the rate of African-American children living in single-parent homes is almost as high as the rate for non-marital births.

The actual fatherless percentage may drop slightly from that, but it's still WAY above the white percentage.

So yeah, you're still fucking clueless.

Serious question: Do you EVER do any actual research on the topics you discuss? You should try it. You won't sound so fucking stupid all the time.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


I did read the whole article, and I also read the comments below where they say Lemon is equating 'out of wedlock' with 'fatherless'. Not all couples marry and have children - plenty have children and stay together without getting married. How dumb can you be?

I also provided (in the post below) the numbers - not percentages - of 'one parent white children' to 'one parent black children' in America, taken from data in 2015.

There are nearly 3 million more white children growing up in 'one parent homes' than black children.

Sorry to burst your bubble.


"Not all couples marry and have children - plenty have children and stay together without getting married."

Once again (since you obviously didn't read it the first time), from the article:

That said, the rate of African-American children living in single-parent homes is almost as high as the rate for non-marital births.

Need any help with the big words?

"There are nearly 3 million more white children growing up in 'one parent homes' than black children. "

Once again, you must've skipped the day in fifth grade when they covered percentages.

You is fucking dumb.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


I'm talking facts, not percentages. Too bad you dropped out in the seventh grade.


"I'm talking facts, not percentages."

Hahahaha! Percentages are facts, fucktard.

Let's try a brain teaser. (I know you don't have a brain, but humor me.)

Your job is to pick a winning ball out of a group of balls. There are red balls and blue balls.
There are a million red balls, and 10 of them are winners.
There are 10 blue balls, and 7 of them are winners.
Would you pick a red ball or blue ball?

According to your dumbass logic, you'd pick a red ball, because there are more winning red balls than blue balls. It wouldn't matter to you that the picking a red ball only gives you a 0.001% chance of winning, and picking a blue ball gives you a 70% chance of winning, only the total numbers matter in your feeble mind.

Yes, you are that fucking stupid.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


By the way, according to the most recent (2015) data from "National Kids Count" organization, there are nearly 9M White children growing up in 'single parent' homes in America.

That's compared to 6.3M African American children growing up in 'single parent' homes in America. I'll do the math for you - that's 2.7M less than White Children.

Yes, you are a racist.


"I'll do the math for you"

Hahahaha! No thanks. You're obviously a fucking retard when it comes to math, with no grasp of the concept of percentages.

Number of whites in the U.S.: 232,943,055
Number of blacks in the U.S.: 39,908,095

So, according to REAL math, that 9 million white kids are only 3.9% of the white population, while your 6.3 million black kids are 15.8% of the black problem. More than FOUR times as many if the data was normalized to population.

There is OBVIOUSLY a problem in the black community, but idiots like you would rather ignore it, and label anyone who tries to point it out as a racist. As a matter of fact, the percentage of blacks being raised by single parents have actually gone UP since Democrats began 'helping' them with social programs. Why do you think that is?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Number of whites in the U.S.: 232,943,055
Number of blacks in the U.S.: 39,908,095"

Idiot - how many of those individuals have children? Those numbers mean nothing - we're talking about those with children. You're obviously a fucking retard when it comes to logic.

You don't get it - there are still MORE white kids in America in single-parent homes than there are black kids in America in single-parent homes. i know that goes against the grain for what FOX NEWS is telling you each night (staring with Tucky Carlson) but it's the truth - more than you can handle.


"how many of those individuals have children?"

Doesn't matter. It's still a percentage of the population. It shows the ratio between those in that race, and the number affected.


"there are still MORE white kids in America in single-parent homes than there are black kids in America in single-parent homes."

I'll type this slowly and in uppercase so you can understand. THAT'S BECAUSE THERE ARE ALMOST 200,000,000 MORE WHITES IN AMERICA THAN BLACKS.


The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Trump is so very unpresidential! How much longer do we have to put up with this racist, misogynistic, egotistic maniac??!!! His staff are leaving in droves, and he keeps on with the insults and bullying behavior. Surely this will end before his term is over.


And just exactly who the hell are you to decide what is "Presidential"??

I got news for you, pal. ANYTHING President Trump does is presidential, cause he's like, you know, The President.



"And just exactly who the hell are you to decide what is "Presidential"?? "

History and the men who have come before him have decided what is Presidential. He's an embarrassment to those who have served before him, and those who love this country.


Who cares? He was telling the truth. There ARE shit hole countries in this world. I've visited at least four of them, and can speak from personal experience. The truth hurts sometimes, but it's STILL the truth, even if a bunch of PC weenies get their panties in a wad over it.

Meanwhile the DJIA has SOARED from around 18,000 under old Dumbo Ears to 25,803.19 under President Trump. For all you Lefties out there, I'll do the math for you: that's an increase of over 7,803 points! And you're welcome.



Idiot. You're a real idiot.

The DOW was 'just under 20,000' when Obama was in his last days at the White House, peaking at 19,887. When Obama took over the Oval Office from Repbublican Bush in Janaury, 2009 the DOW was around 7,000. So under Obama, the DOW SOARED 140%, after he inherited the worst economy since the ICE AGE.

So come back when the DOW increases more than 140% from when T-rump took the Office.

And while the stock markets soared under Obama, Rethuglicans said 'The President has absolutely nothing to do with the stock market'. So let us remind you Republicans once again - T-rump has nothing to do with the stock market.


"The DOW was 'just under 20,000' when Obama was in his last days at the White House"

You just love flinging the bullshit, don't you?

On Nov 4th, just before the election, the Dow was at 17,888. Once Trump was elected, the Dow surged, and kept on surging to the inauguration and beyond. By Jan 20th, the day of the inauguration, the Dow was at 19,827. A pickup of almost 2,000 points since the election, all due to Trump.

By comparison, the Dow was at 17,910 on Nov 6th, 2015, a year before the election. Obama actually LOST points in the Dow during that year. Then Trump gets elected, and BANG, the Dow surges.

So it's obvious that whatever growth the Dow had between election day and inauguration day, belonged EXCLUSIVELY to Trump.

But nice try with your pathetic lies.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"You just love flinging the bullshit, don't you? On Nov 4th, just before the election, the Dow was at 17,888. "

Once again, you prove comprehension is not a skill you own. I didn't say 'on election day' - I said in his last days in Office , which he unfortunately left on January 20. On his last full day in Office - Janaury 19, 2017 - the DOW closed at 19,805 - just under 20,000 like I said in my post.

You really should try to go back to school and pick up where you left off in the 7th Grade.


"Once again, you prove comprehension is not a skill you own. I didn't say 'on election day' - I said in his last days in Office "

Wow. You really can't comprehend English, can you?

I pointed out your dishonesty of choosing his last day in office, when the rise in the Dow between the election and his last day in office was ALL due to Trump being elected.

The REAL end of Obama's effect on the Dow ended on election day, not inauguration day. So for you to claim that the Dow was just under 20,000 when Obama left office, you're dishonestly giving Obama credit for raising the Dow from 17,888 to 19,827.

Understand, idiot?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"I pointed out your dishonesty of choosing his last day in office, when the rise in the Dow between the election and his last day in office was ALL due to Trump being elected.

The REAL end of Obama's effect on the Dow ended on election day, not inauguration day. So for you to claim that the Dow was just under 20,000 when Obama left office, you're dishonestly giving Obama credit for raising the Dow from 17,888 to 19,827."

Well that's a nice way of twisting things around! LOL

That rates right up there with the conservative belief that T-rump would have won the popular vote if California and NY didn't vote.

Nice try, Snaggy! Not going to work.


"Well that's a nice way of twisting things around! LOL "

All your blathering, and you didn't address the point I made.

The Dow went DOWN in the year before the election, then after the election of Trump it surged 2,000 points between then and inauguration day. And you want to give Obama credit for that?

Fucking hilarious. And totally fucking dishonest.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"The Dow went DOWN in the year before the election, then after the election of Trump it surged 2,000 points between then and inauguration day. And you want to give Obama credit for that?"

Obviously, you know nothing about the stock markets and economics.


"Obviously, you know nothing about the stock markets and economics. "

Typical vacuous response from you. Making no effort at all to refute the FACTS I presented, but just saying I know nothing about stock markets.

And the fact is, the Dow went DOWN in the year before the election. And you're too stupid to know that.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Durbin is a dumbass for making melodrama about unimportant details.

For sure , these countries are sh!tholes. And why do we have to take them in? How many homeless persons have you taken in to your home yesterday???

Doesn't it make more sense to stabilize the country they are fleeing from?

Who flees a stable 1st world country? Why aren't people in Norway fleeing in boats with only the shirts on their backs??? Why???

This will impact low income population the most, public education and services are already overloaded ,over budget, and under performing. Trump is right, there needs to be some sort of absorption rate. Just dumping 100,000 non-english 3rd worlders into a community?

Only a gated community bureaucrat wouldn't see any problems with that.

Tell these idiot bureaucrats to fix their VA hospital first.


Looks like Slovenia is a shithole of a country - Melania fled there when she was in her 20s, and decided to stay (illegally) in America. She had no desire to go back there - so she stayed here. Even married a professional philandering billionaire much older than she, just to stay in America. She should be deported.


Again, we are talking about absorption rate, 100,000 ...1,000,000 people is a different story. Would it be a good idea to take in 200,000 slovenians in one go? All of them unskilled , no assets , no-english 5 kids each......

It would be a disaster to the place community. Like low-income projects worked out so well? Have some logic.


"Looks like Slovenia is a shithole of a country"

The American Social Progress Imperative ranked Slovenia 21st around the world regarding the quality of life.
The ranking took into account such indicators as the standard of living, the level of education, medicine, access to technology, sanitation, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, tolerance, and the protection of human rights. The calculation was carried out on a 100-point system and Slovenia in total scored 84.32 points entering the category of states with a high level of social progress.

"Melania fled there when she was in her 20s, and decided to stay (illegally) in America."

From Wiki:

"After attending the University of Ljubljana for one year,[32] she modeled for fashion houses in Paris and Milan, where, in 1995, she met Metropolitan Models co-owner Paolo Zampolli, a friend of her future husband Donald Trump, who was on a scouting trip in Europe. Zampolli urged her to travel to the United States, where he said he would like to represent her.[14]

In 1996, she moved to New York City,[14][31][30][33] living in an apartment in Zeckendorf Towers on Union Square, with roommate, photographer Matthew Atanian, per Zampolli's arrangements."

So yeah, you're still an idiot. Do you have any ethics at all?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


WIKI? You're using WIKI as a source? Seriously?

Well, of course you are. LOL!

OK, where in your source does it say that Melania stayed here legally?

From the AP on 11/5/16:

"The wife of the GOP presidential nominee, who sometimes worked as a model under just her first name, has said through an attorney that she first came to the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and then obtained an H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996.

The documents obtained by the AP show she was compensated for the modeling jobs that she worked between Sept. 10 and Oct. 15 of that year, altogether worth $20,056. During this time, her visa allowed her generally to be in the U.S. and look for work, but not perform paid work. The documents consist of detailed accounting ledgers, her contract and related papers."

She violated her permission to be here, and was therefore here illegally.

She did not reveal this on her Citizenship papers to become an American citizen, which means she lied on her egal documents and should have her citizenship revoked.


So you're giving me the opinion of her immigration status from a news reporter, and not an actual legal determination of whether she was here illegally?


Was she actually convicted of this crime you and this reporter accuse her of?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"So you're giving me the opinion of her immigration status from a news reporter, and not an actual legal determination of whether she was here illegally?"

They're called facts, not opinions.

Go back to school and pick up from when you dropped out of the 7th grade.


"They're called facts, not opinions."

Then show me her conviction.


The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


I never said or indicated she was ever convicted.

Again, comprehension isn't in your wheelhouse.


"I never said or indicated she was ever convicted."

I know, because she wasn't convicted.

So all you have is some reporter's opinion that she was here illegally.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


No, not an opinion - a fact. You can't differentiate between the two?


"No, not an opinion - a fact."

Nope. Just an opinion. Otherwise she would've been convicted for her 'crime'. Or maybe even arrested. Do you have an arrest report?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"Otherwise she would've been convicted for her 'crime'."

Nope, not convicted nor arrested, so no arrest report. Are you really that stupid? Do you think everyone who commits a crime is arrested and convicted? Seriously? You really should have stayed in school. I know Junior High was tough for you with all the bullying and you found it best to stay home in your room all these years in your 'safe space', but it's gotten you no where except to be a T-rump follower.,,,and that's pathetic.


"Nope, not convicted nor arrested, so no arrest report."

So we just have the opinion of a journalist that she committed a crime?

What a joke.

Just like you.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


No, we have a REPORT from a journalist that she committed a crime, done with research from the forms she and her lawyer filed in the 1990s.

What is so hard for you to comprehend?


"No, we have a REPORT from a journalist that she committed a crime, done with research from the forms she and her lawyer filed in the 1990s."

No, you have a reporter taking the facts of the case and coming to the conclusion she committed a crime.

As the article I posted stated:

Because the news media has dug up few facts, we (and they) can only speculate on what might have happened. For example, let us suppose that in 1995 a modeling agency in Europe hired Mrs. Trump to do a one-week photo shoot in New York. Such an arrangement would fit the guidelines the State Department has put down for a B visa.

Alternatively, I could easily invent a set of facts that would suggest something illegal. However, at this point this entire line of analysis requires inventing theories.

If you weren't so fucking stupid, you'd understand that.

That's the reason why...

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Again, comprehension escapes you.


"Again, comprehension escapes you. "

And that's all you have. A vacuous reply. No attempt to reply to the logic presented by that article. Just a dismissal.

Because you're too fucking stupid to make an intelligent counter-argument.

So, once again, how do you respond to this logic, that there's no proof of any criminal activity:

Because the news media has dug up few facts, we (and they) can only speculate on what might have happened. For example, let us suppose that in 1995 a modeling agency in Europe hired Mrs. Trump to do a one-week photo shoot in New York. Such an arrangement would fit the guidelines the State Department has put down for a B visa.

Alternatively, I could easily invent a set of facts that would suggest something illegal. However, at this point this entire line of analysis requires inventing theories.

And try not to gurgle out "Again, comprehension escapes you" again (with drool running down your chin.) Make an attempt to respond with logic and facts. I know, I'm asking the impossible from you, but at least try.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


"And that's all you have. A vacuous reply. No attempt to reply to the logic presented by that article. Just a dismissal. "

Sometimes you just have to meet people where they are.


"Sometimes you just have to meet people where they are. "

And there you have it. Another hollow reply from Doggy, proving he has no intelligent argument.

Once again:

Because the news media has dug up few facts, we (and they) can only speculate on what might have happened. For example, let us suppose that in 1995 a modeling agency in Europe hired Mrs. Trump to do a one-week photo shoot in New York. Such an arrangement would fit the guidelines the State Department has put down for a B visa.

Alternatively, I could easily invent a set of facts that would suggest something illegal. However, at this point this entire line of analysis requires inventing theories.

Can you actually read that with comprehension?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


I have "no intelligent argument" because I'm not arguing with anyone of intelligence.

Like I said - sometimes, you have to meet people where they are.


"I have "no intelligent argument" because I'm not arguing with anyone of intelligence."

You have no intelligent argument, because you're a fucking idiot.


Because the news media has dug up few facts, we (and they) can only speculate on what might have happened. For example, let us suppose that in 1995 a modeling agency in Europe hired Mrs. Trump to do a one-week photo shoot in New York. Such an arrangement would fit the guidelines the State Department has put down for a B visa.

Alternatively, I could easily invent a set of facts that would suggest something illegal. However, at this point this entire line of analysis requires inventing theories.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


Actually, it's more like speculation, not facts:

Melania Trump's Immigration Status: Without Facts, Speculation Is Irresponsible

I have received quite a few inquiries about Melania Trump's immigration status. These started after Politico published an article questioning Mrs. Trump's immigration status.

There is not a whole lot to say on Mrs. Trump's immigration history. The Politico article is a shoddy piece of journalism, where the authors have raised theories but have done no research to confirm their theories. Mrs. Trump claims to have received an H-1B visa in 1996. However, she did a photo shoot in the United States in 1995. Therefore, according to Politico, Mrs. Trump could have been working in the United State illegally.

The bottom line here is Mrs. Trump could have done a photoshoot in the United States legally or she could have done it illegally. Before the release of his birth certificate, one could just as well have said that Barack Obama could have been born in Kenya or he could have been born in Hawaii. For there to be a story, there needs to be lot more information, and Politico has simply been too lazy to do the leg work to transform a theory into news.

Some news outlets, such as the San Jose Mercury-News, have boldly proclaimed, "If she was in the United States on a visitor's visa, she wouldn't be allowed to work." Unfortunately, that is a very narrow view of the law.

What you can do under a B visitor visa is a gray area of the law. The State Department has published guidelines about it.



Because the news media has dug up few facts, we (and they) can only speculate on what might have happened. For example, let us suppose that in 1995 a modeling agency in Europe hired Mrs. Trump to do a one-week photo shoot in New York. Such an arrangement would fit the guidelines the State Department has put down for a B visa.

Alternatively, I could easily invent a set of facts that would suggest something illegal. However, at this point this entire line of analysis requires inventing theories.

There is also a suggestion that Mrs. Trump did not have an H-1B at all because Mrs. Trump said she was going back and forth to Slovenia for her visa. However, Mrs. Trump apparently received permanent residency in 2001, before she married Mr. Trump. That suggests (but does not prove) that Mrs. Trump, in fact, had an H-1B visa.

This story does raise some issues above and beyond the shoddy reporting at Politico.

First, I have complained for decades about the poor data collection and reporting at USCIS. We cannot even determine who is getting H-1B visas, where the aliens are, what they are doing, and what they are supposed to be paid. Assuming that Mrs. Trump, in fact, did violate visa rules two decades ago, finding evidence to prove that would be nearly impossible.

Second, we also have the problem of terminology. Esquire asks "Was Melania Trump Working in the U.S. as an Illegal Immigrant?" The New Republic is more politically correct, asking, "Was Melania Trump an undocumented immigrant who worked illegally in the U.S.?"

The correct answer is that, if the Politico's speculation is true, Mrs. Trump would have been an "unauthorized alien." In the law, we have terms like "illegal alien" and "unauthorized alien" that have specific meanings. The folks in the press do not like the legal terms and invent their own misleading terminology. This affair illustrates the folly of such political correctness.



Third, I find that immigrants frequently describe their immigration process in ways that are incompatible with the law. It is not because they are lying, but rather because they do not understand the overly complicated process.

Fourth, the State Department, INS, and USCIS have pushed the bounds of alien work authorizations. Currently in the news we have the DAPA and DACA programs. Even if we limit our discussion to the B visa, there are numerous examples of the executive branch allowing extensive employment on B visas. The State Department created the "B in Lieu of H-1B" program (BILOH). My employer in the mid-1990s was using B visas in place of H-1B visas. The aliens would leave the country when the visa expired and get a new one (as the "news" articles suggest Mrs. Trump was doing). The INS was aware that this was going on and did not care one bit.

At this point, Politico has a theory but few facts that support the theory.

So there you go. Doggy once again promoting unproven conspiracy theories about Trump.

What else is new?

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


What you referenced above is opinion, not facts. You keep getting the two mixed up.

What else is new?


"What you referenced above is opinion, not facts."

Hahahaha! You're so fucking stupid.

The Democrat Party thrives on morons like you believing their bullshit.


senator double D is a bold-faced liar


Sen. Lindsay Graham confirmed it!!


Read Graham’s statement, he in no way confirmed it. Furthermore, Senators Purdue and Cotton both denied Trump said it.


I read it!!! That's why I responded to you!!
