MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Where will Bannon go?

Where will Bannon go?

Down goes Bannon once again. So the Million-Dollar-Question many people have these days is:

'Where will (former President) Sloppy Steve Bannon go, now that he's bee ousted from Breitbart?'

Really, where can a White Nationalist get hired these days if you're on the outs with T-rump?

Granted, T-rump has promised "millions of high paying jobs", but probably none for his special qualifications. So it looks like his options are narrowed down to:

Talk show host on the FOX NEWS entertainment network.
Exec administrator at WalMart (low, low prices every day!).
CEO at the KKK.

Good luck Sloppy Steve! We await your new landing in 2018....


Gee, maybe if b#tching and moaning like a crybaby loser paid well, he could sit in his parent's basement and do what you do all day! i.e., pound out resentful, unimportant drivel and pray to a statue of Hillary. LOL


Probably back under the rock he came from.


I heard T-rump wants to send him to a sh!thole country.


LOL doggie!



With a face like that...wherever scotch whisky is sold...


Is every Democrat who is butthurt about losing as much a crybaby bitch as you, or are you a special kind of crybaby bitch? You post more about politics on a movie site than you post about movies. Move on,you lost. Trump will be in the Whitehouse for 7 more years,get used to it.


"You post more about politics on a movie site than you post about movies."

LOL! You do realize that T-rump is a celebrity who, through the help of Russia, became our President? I know many are in denial, and find it hard to believe, but this is very true. Hence, the discussion of his politics and administration on this movie site. I can't believe it's that hard for you to connect-the-dots (though T-rump loves the 'uneducated').

So to paraphrase your lead-in question:

"Is every Republican who supports T-rump as really stupid as you, or are you a special kind of stupid?"


The only person who help Trump get elected was Hillary Cartoon.





You mean Putin.


Oh doggie, I thought you were an intelligent fellow, and yet you believe that Russian nonsense? That's a fantasy concocted by the Lefty Loons. I guess you're a special kind of stupid.



" That's a fantasy concocted by the Lefty Loons."

You're thinking of the 'adoption' story T-rump wrote up for Donnie Diapers. Everything else is called 'evidence'.


Yep, a special kind of stupid. And "you can't fix stupid."

