34 people of his administration have left during T-rump's first eleven months in Office. 34!!!!
34 is also the average approval rating of his first eleven months in Office - a record for being the most unpopular President ever in his first year in Office.
What an embarrassment to America. What a shame for Americans.
LOL And let's hope YOU get a brain in 2018! You are just too funny!
For a moment there you had me worried. I thought you had wimped out and wouldn't talk to me anymore!
I can't believe you weren't trying to bait me with that "34" number. I'm sure you knew I'd reply and then you could give what passes for a "clever" retort in your world.
We won! Ha Ha! You lost! Boo Hoo! Get over it, Buttercup!
Oh yeah, like we weren't embarrassed when old Dumbo Ears thought there were 57 states, or when he didn't know how to pronounce "corpsman"? Or when he BOWED to the Saudi King? Or when he automatically assumed that a white police officer "acted stupidly" towards a black man before he got all the facts. And it was actually the black man who "acted stupidly".
Or when he allowed a racist, corrupt DOJ to not prosecute Black Panthers for threatening white voters outside a Philadelphia polling place?
No matter how conservatives try to save their asses and twist this around the facts (not the alternate facts) remain the same: 34 of 'the best people' have left for one reason or another in eleven months, and 34 remains his 'average approval rating' in his first year - making him the most unpopular president in history. God knows what that has done to his fragile ego.
Oh Doggie--- Just saying Vince Foster gets the left's panties in a twist. That's why I love doing it.
"Us taxpayers" wouldn't have to PAY for all these investigations if Bill and Hill managed to stay on the right side of the law. LOL
How about Jim McDougal, crooked Hillary's partner in crime in the Whitewater deal? He went to prison and she went to the White House.
I find it SO interesting that your gal Hillary skates free when her associates die and/or go to prison. Gotta give her credit for getting away with murder.
"Elections have consequences" - they sure do, ma'am, they sure do. And I'm sure T-rump and his freaky family never ever expected the consequences their election would face so suddenly and so soon. Months into his first year - what an embarrassment and a shame to our country.
Trump has been doing a great job erasing all of the damage done by Obama and the Democrats. He is improving our image in the world, the stock market is soaring and 80% of all Americans are about to get a tax cut. Unemployment is going down, people are getting off of food stamps and back to work.
You are just some pathetic butthurt liberal who needs to learn some respect. You will be sitting where you belong which is in the back of the bus at least until 2020. You don't matter anymore, we kicked your ass in 2016 and Trump is YOUR President. Deal with it dickhead.
"Trump has been doing a great job erasing all of the damage done by Obama and the Democrats."
There was nothing to erase at all, so how desperate are you to mention that? Oh yeah - alternate facts.
"He is improving our image in the world,"
Tell me when he wins the Nobel Peace Prize, as President Obama did in his first year in Office.
" the stock market is soaring"
It was soaring and setting new records under President Obama, and FOX & FRIENDS & OTHER CHUCKLEHEADS said the performance of the stock market has NOTHING to do with the President of the USA. Try again.
" and 80% of all Americans are about to get a tax cut."
Yes, we're going to average $18 more in our paycheck or about $1,000 annually. Or, as Trump's chief ecomonic adviser Gary Cohn - former Goldman Sachs president worth an estimated $266 million - advised those of us getting an extra $1,000: we can buy a new car, take a nice family vacation, or remodel our kitchens! Yes, where shall I spend that $1,000 first? What 2018 car can I buy for a grand? Any suggestions?
"Unemployment is going down, people are getting off of food stamps and back to work."
Unemployment went down with President Obama or have you forgotten? He inherited a mess of economy thanks to that other Republican "Dubya" (who now looks like a genius compared to T-rump) with an unemployment rate at 8% when he took Office in January, 2009. By the time he left office a year ago, he left T-rump an unemployment rate of 4.7% - well below the 'median average' of 5.6% set in 1948. His job openings when he left office was at 103% - nearing a new record. Housing prices were up 20% to what he started with under Dubya. Household incomes jumped 5.6% under Obama.
Those are the facts - the real undisputed facts.
Now please - continue with your ummm 'alternate facts'.
Wanna continue with the 'yugest crowd in history for Trump's inaugural'?
More lies that you were probably spoonfed by the liberal media. You can cite the left leaning Nobel committee all you want but the world treated Obama like a dog. Syria thought he was a complete joke with his "red line in the sand". Oh yeah I'm sure they were just about to piss themselves over Obama's little red line.
So you are complaining about getting $1000 back? If that's the case send it to me, or better yet give it to the Wounded Warrior Program and actually do something impressive with your life.
In case you don't remember your history or you are just too stupid it was Chris Dodd and Barney Frank (both Democrats I might add) who tanked the economy in 08 by forcing banks to make risky loans. Obama didn't do anything for unemployment, you do know where the unemployment numbers come from right? We had record number of people on food stamps and in poverty under Obama, he double the national debt and I'm pretty sure by his own standard that is "unpatriotic"
You need to lay off the MSNBC, I can tell you get dumber the more you watch it (as if that were possible). President Trump is going to take care of you, just go back to your safe space and leave politics to the mature adults.
"More lies that you were probably spoonfed by the liberal media. You can cite the left leaning Nobel committee all you want but the world treated Obama like a dog."
Stop watching FOX&FRIENDS and Kellyanne 'Microwaveable' Conway!
"So you are complaining about getting $1000 back? If that's the case send it to me, or better yet give it to the Wounded Warrior Program and actually do something impressive with your life. "
No - I want to buy a new car like Cohn told me I could! A brand new 2018 car for $1,000! Or I could remodel my kitchen - do you know of any brand new appliances, cabinetry, furniture and contractor I can get this all done for $1,000 ? I'm anxious to get started!
"In case you don't remember your history or you are just too stupid it was Chris Dodd and Barney Frank (both Democrats I might add) who tanked the economy in 08 by forcing banks to make risky loans. Obama didn't do anything for unemployment, you do know where the unemployment numbers come from right? We had record number of people on food stamps and in poverty under Obama, he double the national debt and I'm pretty sure by his own standard that is "unpatriotic" "
Oh good, more alternate facts from the right-wing nut jobs. Tell us again how 'yuge' the crowd was at T-rump's inauguration. Wasn't it 'the yugest'?
LOL the only reason there was a small crowd is because the butthurt liberals boycotted his rally unlike the Republicans who were respectful and attended Obama's rally. That is the difference between the left and the right, when the right loses we accept the results, we respect the winner and we re-evaluate our approach and try to do better next time. The left however pitches a fit like a bunch of crybabies who just pooped their diapers and they start rioting and burning buildings.
I think you should give that $1000 to the Wounded Warrior Program, if you can't even respect what Trump is trying to do for you then you don't deserve a tax cut. I didn't get a tax cut under Obama, my taxes went nowhere but up. You're taxes are going down, show some respect. I really feel sorry for you, you are just another brainwashed puppet of the left wing media.
Now go back to your cry room you stupid snowflake.
TheUltimateHippo: "In case you don't remember your history or you are just too stupid it was Chris Dodd and Barney Frank (both Democrats I might add) who tanked the economy in 08 by forcing banks to make risky loans. Obama didn't do anything for unemployment, you do know where the unemployment numbers come from right? We had record number of people on food stamps and in poverty under Obama, he double the national debt and I'm pretty sure by his own standard that is "unpatriotic" "
Doggiedaddy: "Oh good, more alternate facts from the right-wing nut jobs. Tell us again how 'yuge' the crowd was at T-rump's inauguration. Wasn't it 'the yugest'?"
Classic liberal dodge of the question. Can't answer the point being made, so they change the topic.
"Dodd and Frank? What?! How about that Trump inauguration?"
Oh Doggie-doo--- It is just so adorably juvenile how you continue to call President Trump, "T-rump"! What? Did you get tired of "Trumpster"? LOL... As if you are going to destroy his Presidency with your 3rd grade tactics.
This coming from the same people who wet their pants if the right dared say "Obummer", FYI, I never did. I gritted my teeth and said Pres. Obama. Even if I didn't care for the man, I still respected the office.
Good advice about "unplugging" things coming from you. I trust that the blow up doll and sex toys are unplugged in your house!
"Tell me when he wins the Nobel Peace Prize, as President Obama did in his first year in Office."
Obama didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize for anything he did, but instead the Nobel Committee gave it to him because Obama stated that his aim was to rid the world of nuclear weapons, and they wanted to give him a 'boost' towards that goal. The director of the Nobel Institute at the time admitted that didn't work, since Obama never achieved that goal. Just another of Obama's promises he didn't come through on.
Remember that Nobel Peace Prize that President Obama got in 2009? Well, maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all, a former top Nobel official said.
In a just-released book, Geir Lundestad, director of the Nobel Institute for 25 years until stepping down last year, said the prize committee had expected the honor to deliver a boost to Obama, something he believes did not happen.
Speaking to The Associated Press, Lundestad, who sat in on the secretive committee's meetings but did not have a vote, said the committee "thought it would strengthen Obama and it didn't have this effect."
"In hindsight, we could say that the argument of giving Obama a helping hand was only partially correct," he wrote, according to VG, a Norwegian newspaper.
The award, made by the committee in response to Obama's stated aim of ridding the world of nuclear weapons, came nine months after he took office.
"Even many of Obama's supporters believed that the prize was a mistake," Lundestad wrote in "Secretary of Peace. 25 years with the Nobel Prize".
"In that sense the committee didn't achieve what it had hoped for," he said, noting that Obama himself rarely mentions the prize.
Oh you'll love this, even though his taxes are going to be lower under Trump than they were under Obama he still has the nerve to attack Trump because he doesn't think his tax cut is going to be big enough. What a selfish, entitled attitude. If he can't appreciate what Trump is doing for him then he should just give his tax cut to the Wounded Warrior Program.
Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the friends he met at Mar a Lago Christmas weekend and said "I just made you all a lot richer." Nope, I wasn't one of them.
If I were, I'd be glad to donate my new million$ I'd be saving in taxes to the Wounded Warrior Project. I wonder how many of those rich friends of his are indeed donating their saved millions to the WWP? Care to take a guess yourself? I'm guessing - none.
Until then, I want to buy a new 2018 auto for $1,000 like multi-millionaire Cohn said I'd be able to do. Maybe I should go car shopping with him?
You are paying less under trump than you did under obama. If you are going to be a spoiled brat about it then you should give it to someone who appreciates it rather than bitch that it's not enough. If you give it away then nothing will change, you will keep the same amount of money you did under obama.
Not like he's give his wealthy friends at Mar a Lago.
BTW, CVS announced yesterday they are saving $1B in taxes due to the tax cut by T-rump. Because they need it more than the single working mother who's making $25,000 a year.
Uh no shit because they probably pay more taxes than a single working mother. If you pay more in taxes then you should have a bigger tax cut. Would you rather go back to the obama tax plan? You'll be paying more.
Wahhh, wahhh I wanted a bigger tax cut, I need a diaper change, wahhhh.
Of course it does, if a business has a tax break then they will hire more workers which will get people back to work and off of food stamps. Plus it's common sense that if you pay more taxes then you get a larger tax cut. The 45 or so percent of the country that doesn't pay taxes deserves nothing.
You didn't answer my question, would you rather not have the tax break and go back to the obama tax plan?
"Of course it does, if a business has a tax break then they will hire more workers which will get people back to work and off of food stamps."
We tried that under Reagan, called 'trickle down economics' - also known as 'voo doo economics' by his VP George HW Bush. It didn't work 30+ years ago, it's not working today. Corporations DO NOT 'trickle down' their tax savings to 'hire more people'...they enrich their CEOs and board members. I honestly hope you don't believe what you typed - which is right out of the Hannity 'play book'.
" The 45 or so percent of the country that doesn't pay taxes deserves nothing."
I agree - but T-rump and himself are going to do better than ever under his self-serving tax plan. And he bragged that he was 'smart' not paying taxes for over 10 years during his campaign What a dickhead.
"You didn't answer my question, would you rather not have the tax break and go back to the obama tax plan?"
Sure - I did fine under Obama's tax plan. An extra $18 (if I'm lucky!) in my paycheck each week is not going to make me rich....especially at the expense of the tax plan stripping CHIP and Obamacare of funding.
Again you fail to have a basic understanding of history. The economy thrived under Reagan, when you give tax cuts to businesses they then are able to hire more people which not only helps the business but it helps the middle class. That is the primary difference between the left and the right. The right wants to put people to work so that they can build up their own wealth which makes our economy even better. The left wants to convince people they can't amount to anything and that their a victim and then just put everyone on food stamps. Tax cuts to the wealthy helps everyone and if you had an IQ greater than your shoe size you would understand. Even if all of that is false just going by fairness the rich should get a bigger tax cut, if you pay more taxes then you should get more back. No matter what they will still be paying more than the people below them. It's a very entitled attitude on your part to think that people who are already paying more than you aren't paying enough or shouldn't get a bigger tax cut.
If you did fine under Obama's tax plan then you'll do even better under Trumps. If you don't want the tax cut then give it to the Wounded Warrior Program. As for Obamacare it has been a complete disaster. People who wanted to keep their health care plans weren't able to and premiums went up rather than down. That is a big problem I have with Trump, he doesn't go far enough, he should have had Obamacare repealed by now and he hasn't done it.
By the way how are those "shovel ready jobs" working out for you?
"The economy thrived under Reagan, when you give tax cuts to businesses they then are able to hire more people which not only helps the business but it helps the middle class. That is the primary difference between the left and the right. The right wants to put people to work so that they can build up their own wealth which makes our economy even better. The left wants to convince people they can't amount to anything and that their a victim and then just put everyone on food stamps. Tax cuts to the wealthy helps everyone and if you had an IQ greater than your shoe size you would understand. Even if all of that is false just going by fairness the rich should get a bigger tax cut, if you pay more taxes then you should get more back. No matter what they will still be paying more than the people below them. It's a very entitled attitude on your part to think that people who are already paying more than you aren't paying enough or shouldn't get a bigger tax cut. "
Theoretically this may look good - but in actuality, this doesn't happen and everyone knows it. For the past 30+ years, the 'great divide' between the upper class and the lower class became even wider. The wealthy got wealthier and the poor got poorer - as the middle class became non-existent (which is what Reagan and the Republicans wanted in the first place). There was no trickle down, there was trickle up - as the CEOs and their board-members /top stockholders got wealthier from the taxes they were saving. They did not invest in their employees. To suggest otherwise is pure nonsense.
Again more lies that you have been fed by the fake news over at CNN and BSNBC. You have no clue at all what the Republicans want, Republicans want to give everyone a equal shot at being successful, Democrats want everyone to have the same result which is why they are in favor of raising your taxes so that they can give it to people who don't even work. The economy was booming under Reagan, who did a fantastic job cleaning up the mess of Jimmy Carter.
As for Trump, you've gotta give him a chance, kind of like how in 2014 it was still Bush's fault. Trump inherited one of the worst economic disasters since the Great Depression. The Democrats drove the economy into a ditch so you need to learn your place, sit in the back seat and shut up while we clean up your mess.
"Republicans want to give everyone a equal shot at being successful,"
They want every wealthy white man who was born into money to be successful. No one else - certainly not minorities. Which is why the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer for the past 35 years. Remember - it was Reppublican George HW Bush who called this 'trickle down economy' proposed by Reagan "Voo Doo Economics". The GOP should have listened to him.
" Democrats want everyone to have the same result which is why they are in favor of raising your taxes so that they can give it to people who don't even work."
Wow, have you misinterpreted the Democrats mission. I don't know where to begin in correcting you - so I'll move on.
" The economy was booming under Reagan, who did a fantastic job cleaning up the mess of Jimmy Carter. "
Jimmy Carter had to get the country back on its feet after the mess the GOP left us with Nixon, Watergate and Ford. Which is why Reagan wanted to be the GOP nominee in 1976 (instead of Ford) to 'reinvent' the GOP, and leave the tarnished mess behind.
"As for Trump, you've gotta give him a chance, kind of like how in 2014 it was still Bush's fault. Trump inherited one of the worst economic disasters since the Great Depression."
LOL! Trump inherited one of the worst economic disasters since the Great Depression? OK, Sean Hannity. I guess you forgot about the economic disaster President Obama inherited on January 20, 2009 - the worst economy since dinosaurs roamed the earth. Thanks Dubya Bush!
"The Democrats drove the economy into a ditch so you need to learn your place, sit in the back seat and shut up while we clean up your mess."
LOL! Like Dubya in 2000 - Democrats left the White House in great economic shape to the incoming Republican. And like Clinton in 1993, Obama had to clean up the economic mess the GOP left for the incoming Democrat. History repeats itself - doesn't it? So T-rump inherits a healthy economy and we will clean it up when he's purged.
I have no misinterpreted the Democrat mission, they want everyone to be equal at the finish line so instead of trying to uplift the poor they have discovered that its a lot easier to attack the rich, tax the sh!t out of them so they can put everyone else on food stamps. Make no mistake, they don't care at all about helping poor people, they just want to convince them that their victims so they can get their votes.
They want every "wealthy white man" to be successful? Now why does it have to be about race with you Democrats? I'm pretty sure there are poor white people and wealthy black people.
Hahahahahaha? If I had a time machine I would take you back to 1978 so you could see the disaster of Jimmy Carter who became a 1 term president. Reagan had a hell of a mess on his plate and he fixed the economy by lowering taxes and allowing businesses to hire more people. You can say all you want that "trickle down economics" doesn't work but history begs to differ. You seriously need to take some kind of history/economics course.
The economy wasn't great when Obama took office (thanks to Dodd and Frank) but Obama took a bad situation that was fixable and made it magnitudes times worse. He doubled the debt, doubled the defecit, put more Americans in poverty and on food stamps (ironically enough blacks suffered the most). His stimulus failed, his health care failed so he engaged in identity politics and set back race relations to the 60's. Trump inherited all of those problems and he has almost fixed them just one year into his presidency. If he can finally get the GOP to get their act together and do the right thing by repealing Obamacare then his mission is complete.
"By the way how are those "shovel ready jobs" working out for you?"
Can't wait for those 'millions of high paying jobs' promised by T-rump. I bet the 500+ newly unemployed Macy's workers will be scooping up those high paying jobs, right?