MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > why does he still have supporters?

why does he still have supporters?

when even any random kid knows that hes bad or at least not doing a good job at being the POTUS.


1) They don't want to admit they've been duped.

2) They limit themselves to media like Fox, Trump tweets, Brietbart or other pro Trump media sources so they have no idea what's really going on.

3) They haven't been effected negatively by his policies yet.

4) Blinded by bigotry. They cheer every time Trump says something bigoted which helps their already low sense of self worth.

5) Anti anti-Trump. They don't really like Trump. They just cheer him because it makes "liberals" upset.

6) He's their last hope. Instead of facing reality, they'll continue to hold on to their last hope for a better life.

7) A few are being helped by his policies. The 1%. Bigots. Oil companies and other polluters. Religious Right. Banks. Coal miners.

It's happening slowly.


Trump fooled some of the people at one time, and continues to fool some of the people ALL of the time, but I'm counting on him not fooling all of the people all of the time. He's an embarrassment the white, status quo loving folks love to push the rest of our noses in. Has nothing to do with effectiveness as a leader, he's like a high-school bully that appeals to that kind of personality type.


I agree with everything you said.

Still a much better POTUS candidate than Clinton though.

Put that in your culturally appropriate pipe and smoke it.


I don't get this.
Every time someone points out what a buffoon Trump is - and a lot of people agree - there is this baseless accusation that HRC unqualified for office. It's a great big lie people figure if they yell it loud and long enough we will begin to believe.
She's not a witch, she may be a flawed person for whatever reasons, but I see no evidence that she's some devil incarnate, other than panting, rabid right-wingers screaming it. Why not pick on Andy Griffith? He worshiped Satan, for gosh sakes !!
Facetious alert, I have nothing against Andy G, but that's how silly all this HRC hate is, while Trump daily demonstrates his unfitness. Just shout lies, and expect the sheeple to follow. I hope the American people are better than this.


I reckon when HRC shat of 50% of US voters by calling them Alt-Right she forgot that they have sisters, mothers, wives and friends who don't believe that they are bad people.

Minus the apathetic voters and she set Trump up to win.

Why a mind with apparent critical thought cannot consider this amazes me.


My guess is that the reason a lot of people find him so deplorable is because he's likely the biggest liar we've ever had in office, and the reason his supporters still rally is because their media of choice isn't going to point any of them out.
People say, "Well that's what politicians do", but no...not to this degree. They may lie about certain affects policy has, or lie about receiving blowjobs, but Trump lies almost every time he opens his mouth as a part of habit. He's a habitual liar that lies about things for no particular reason, he lies about things to make himself look better, he repeats false narratives from Fox and gives them life, rallies his supporters with falsehoods...
Everything about this guy is false...but depending on your brand of media, you'd never hear anything about it, would have no idea that so much of what he says isn't true...
I think a lot of people, myself included, thought that the chances of someone like him lying his way into the white house were pretty slim, but..we underestimated people's ability to hear only what they wanted to hear. Their ability to spend a couple minutes doing a Google search to seek out the truth about things that they're apparently so passionate about.

And thanks to the DNC for not only running Hillary, a woman with more baggage than Samsonite, but for pushing Sanders out of the election, a guy that I think really had a much better chance of winning against Trump than she did. So thanks to the Democrats for having this demagogue in charge, I hope Hillary finds something to do with her life other than politics now...please God lol



Yes, he may be a bit abrasive BUT:

Cause he passed a massive tax cut bill, confirmed a Conservative for the SCOTUS, is dismantling Obamacare, has been eliminating business killing taxes and regulations, and has been kicking ISIS's butt! Oh yeah, and because the DJIA has SOARED from around 18,000 under old Dumbo Ears to 24,719.22. Check it out on the WSJ. And you ain't seen nothing yet!
Wait til the tax cuts become effective in a few days. The economy will continue to soar.

You really should switch from MSLSD and the Communist News Network to Fox and get the truth, Buttercup.

