Anyone here used or bought any of his produts
Like his dumb steaks or his university or his crowd funding where he just threw some change at you?
shareLike his dumb steaks or his university or his crowd funding where he just threw some change at you?
shareI bought his book about entrepreneurship many years ago, but I'm pretty sure he didn't write it. It was actually a good book.
shareI have a feeling many of his supporters went to Trump U, which explains why they still support him today.
shareThat's probably four more years of education than you ever got!! Ha!
Trump U didn't give anyone an education which is why they were sued and loss.
shareWell then Trump U is in good company. Most public schools don't give anyone an education either!! LOL Have you ever seen the rankings of students in the USA compared to countries like Japan and Russia?
shareApples and oranges. Trump U wasn't a real university. It was a company that was supposed to provide a service which it didn't. Working-class and middle-class people paid thousands of their own money to learn real estate investing which wasn't taught. Its purpose was to bait and switch more expensive seminars for $10,000 and $35,000. Trump paid $25 million to settle.
The petition brought by the NY Attorney General:
Are you supporting consumer fraud or are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?
Oh yes, by all means I always support consumer fraud!! LOL Forgive me but I forgot for a moment that lefties have no sense of humor and even less imagination!
But first, answer my question. HAVE you ever seen the test scores of American students and how they rank with the rest of the world? It is a national disgrace. Tax payers fork over a fortune for children to get fraudulent education. That's what I was referring to.
I know very little about Trump U, but if you must bellyache about it, why doesn't Berkley or any other liberal campuses which routinely graduate indoctrinated know-nothings bother you?
As for Trump U not being a real university. Well neither are most schools of higher learning these days. Indoctrination centers churn out liberals/socialists who couldn't think their way out of a paper bag taught by sixties radical nitwits and aging hippies who don't teach but rather fill their students' heads with radical, dumbass socialism.
Their faculties are guys like Obama's old buddy Bill Ayers, the well known terrorist who has blood on his hands. If he can teach at the University of Illinois, I think I'd rather attend Trump U. At least I probably wouldn't have a terrorist for a teacher.
And if "working class and middle-class people" being screwed out of their money UPSETS your delicate sensibilities, then I advise you not to read about Hillary Clinton's Whitewater scam and all the retirees who lost their life savings.
If it weren't so ridiculous it would be funny how the left continues on their crusade to crucify President Trump, yet they overlook their own heroes' "little" faux pas.
Nope. I'm not going to allow you to walk it back. You're supporting consumer fraud.
The Russian people are obviously poorly educated since they have a corrupt government and their "democracy" only lasted two minutes. They don't have the intelligence to create a true democracy and get rid of the corruption that infects their government including their schools.
I guess you're unaware that most top schools in the world are in "socialist" countries like Finland and Denmark.
I guess you're unaware that students entering universities are already left-wing and are not being "indoctrinated". If people are so easily "indoctrinated", then how come the "liberal media" hasn't made everyone in the country liberal? BTW, I'm being rhetorical.
You're so easily distracted. Continue to pay attention to Hillary while Trump robs the country blind. BTW, how's that high-paying factory job coming along? Open any new coal mines lately?
Students entering universities are "already left wing"??? Duh, yeah I know that! I taught school for a while and the left wing idiot thinking has infected our education system from kindergarten on up. Doesn't make it good! Just means that the government hands out money and the the schools have to say "Yes sir" to their demands or risk a cut in funding. Nice to see that education in this country is run by Washington morons.
Gosh you inadvertently hit the nail on the head with a few of your points! Not bad for a lefty.
"Factory job"? I assume that was a leftard attempt at an "insult. That's all you folks have got?? Factory work is hard, tough and demanding and doesn't come with perks like Secret Service protection or free limo service . I cannot imagine Hillary or "queens" like Sheila Jackson Lee toiling away at jobs like that.
My mom worked at a factory job for years until she got a better paying job. Sadly, most of the factories have shut down in our area and it's hard for people to find work.
Coal mines? Now I KNOW you are walking on thin ice! I live in an area that prospered on its coal mines. We are still called "the coal region". I had uncles who worked in the mines. Hard and dangerous work, nothing that the likes of which Hillary and Sheila would lower their fat butts to do.
Many of the mines have shut down around here. Some are still open though. Thank God Hillary didn't get into office or they would be shut down too. Guess she heats HER home with the hot air that spews out of her mouth.
I was looking to buy a car in 2016. The one place I went to had 'Trump for president' signs in the window. The owner said that he relies a lot on people who work in mines for his business. And Hillary was planning to shut them down.
Take your elitist, snot nose attitude and shove it (preferably up Hillary's fat a@@!!)
"I taught school for a while..."
You just contradicted yourself since you had said the teachers are left-wing.
Sigh! Obviously my rhetorical questions went way over your head so I guess I will have to explain it to you.
Trump lied to you! High-paying factory jobs will NOT return. The coal industry will NOT return. What you described was my whole point and it won't get better. France has announced that they will ban all diesel and gas vehicles by 2040. They are banning coal powered plants by 2023. Other countries will follow. It would've been more helpful for your community to introduce green jobs which has seen a wave of hiring since that's the future. For someone who reads economic books, you don't appear to be knowledgeable about macroeconomics.
You're calling me elitist? You're the fool who voted for an elitist rich guy who hates us mere peasants and who just gave a huge tax break to other elitist rich people.
More Schadenfreude today for me as my middle-income house-owning co-workers who had voted for Trump had to scramble to prepay their property taxes to avoid being hurt too much by Trump's anti-middle-class tax changes. The joke is that their counties voted heavily for Trump and they're the ones who will be hurt the most.
And Hillary ISN'T elitist? Did you not hear any of her comments during the campaign about how she was going to close down coal mines? That went over real well in places like West Virginia.
You think Hillary "loves the peasants"? LOL Hell, she won't even talk to anyone beneath her lofty station. Since her days as First Lady of Arkansas, she has been quoted as swearing at the state troopers who protected her, then the Secret Service who protected her, etc. She is elitist, foul mouthed and just plain mean. The thought of her as POTUS makes my skin crawl.
France is banning gas and diesel vehicles by 2040. Ask me how much I care what France is going to do. What does that have to do with the USA?
The left just loves to talk about "green" energy. So what do you put in the tank of your car?
Most factory jobs left this area decades ago. I doubt if they'll come back. I didn't say that they would.
I know enough about economics to know that whenever the government is involved in anything, it effs it up.
I didn't contradict myself. While teaching school I realized that there is far too much government involvement. The textbooks were filled with left wing thinking. Common Core math is too ridiculous for words. It's hardly my fault that our education system has been subverted by the left.
You're easily distracted unlike me. You haven't addressed why you voted for elitist Trump who just gave a HUGE tax break to other rich people while taxes for us peasants will eventually rise.
It sounds like you prefer pretty lies rather than be told the ugly truth. Coal is in the past. If you don''t adapt then you won't financially succeed in the future. My grandfather worked in the coal mines too, but he died a long time ago.
The U.S. has abdicated its leadership role while other countries have stepped forward including China and France.
Trump said high paying factory jobs will return. Are you calling him a liar?
Then you don't know economics since I already listed plenty of wonderfully run government institutions. I do agree with you about Common Core, though. But, I believe most math is a waste of time.
"It's hardly my fault that our education system has been subverted by the left."
But, YOU were a teacher!
Well keelai, you give me more credit than I deserve! I was ONLY a teacher. I could not do what I wanted. I was stuck with the curriculum given to me to teach. I couldn't even discipline students properly without the Principal telling me that parents called to complain that their "little darlings" were scolded. Some people cannot raise dogs, much less children.
Sorry for my anger in other posts. I get cranky. Not your fault that I live in an economically depressed area.
Maybe some high paying factory jobs will return. I have NO idea!
It's just that my anger comes from people blaming Trump for what has gone on for decades.
The area I live in grew prosperous on coal mines. A lot of the mines closed decades ago. Nothing to do with the past three or four Presidents. The sad truth is our local and state politicians who were running things were SO short sighted. They didn't try to attract any new industry or business.
I live in a town which is about ten miles from my home town. This town was considered a small city years ago. The population was about 16,000. Now it's less than half that. Everyone is fleeing the area. So it's hard to attract business when there are no customers.
In this town, three businesses closed down in the last year. The only "new business" we have attracted are several prisons.
Can you believe, neither town has a single shoe store or clothing store? In my home town we used to have FOUR shoe stores when I was a kid.
It's just a depressing situation all around. I don't know what the answer is. Our local politicians have done SQUAT to improve things around here. Sorry, don't mean to take it out on you!
P.S.- the simple answer is I that I voted for Trump because I loathe Hillary Clinton. She is a lying, self serving, greedy, phony. It'd the truth. I detest her. that's just how it goes.
No need to apologize. I enjoy communicating with you and others who have different political viewpoints. I only become annoyed if it sounds like a media soundbite rather than a personal opinion.
The American educational system is bad, but I believe that's on purpose. An underclass is perpetuated to do low wage jobs. And the middle class are brainwashed to stay in debt in order to work like dogs. Watch what happens to their retirement funds with the next market crash. They'll work harder and longer.
"They didn't try to attract any new industry or business."
The irony is that Clinton and Sanders were talking about replacing dying industries with new ones and retraining people. The same thinking that lead to my area flourishing. I honestly believe they would've helped communities like yours. New industries come when they receive tax incentives from local government. Your local politicians need to be replaced by people with some economic ideas.
Trump told people what they wanted to hear instead of the truth. Clinton is disliked, but she would've done more to help people who are struggling. Now people will struggle more when their taxes go higher to help the rich become richer. People on my job are already upset and I know they voted for Trump.
"lying, self serving, greedy, phony."
You described Trump, too. I didn't like either candidate, but I had more issues with Trump's policies, divisiveness and disrespectful behavior. I believe the smart thing to do would've been to have the Democrats support Sanders. Americans wanted a change which he represented.
Once again, I recommend the classic, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It's a financial and economics book. It explains how our economy is changing and how people will suffer if they don't adapt. It explains the differences in beliefs of the different economic classes. I'm reading his latest book, "Why The Rich Are Getting Richer."
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad...if it's a self help book, then I'll read it! LOL I have heard of it though.
Interesting, another of my favorite economists is Dr. Walter E. Williams. He has spoken about that issue, i.e., society adapts to new inventions and innovations. He cites occupations like blacksmiths. With the new "horseless carriage", many were put out of business. So they had to adapt and find new jobs.
Sadly, where I live, we haven't adapted!
Maybe I could get rich by writing a book, "Why the Poor Get Poorer".
I was not too crazy about either candidate either. Maybe Mrs. Clinton had some good ideas, maybe I'm too hard on her. But it's not my problem with her personality, I just have NO faith in Washington's ability to solve local and state problems.
Years ago I remember listening to a friend of my parents. He was involved in local politics and the city council. He said that there were plans to invite more stores and businesses into the area. But the local businesses nixed the idea. They hated the idea of any competition. forward a decade or so later. Some stores and businesses closed when the owners retired. And there was nothing to replace them.
The town I live in and my home town saw their J.C. Penney stores close, Woolworths too. Other stores and businesses closed for lack of business because people left the area.
When I wrote that three businesses closed in the last year, it was more like five. I forgot that two family run pharmacies also closed. We do have a CVS and a Rite Aid. There is a pharmacy at the grocery store. But all of the small, family run businesses are closing down. One of our local banks also closed down a few months ago.
If Mrs. Clinton had a great idea to bring business and factories back to the area, I'd like to hear it. But I honestly don't know how she could accomplish it because we have such a small population. What company wants to start up in an area where it will have very little business?
Just a frustrating problem. I think it needs to be solved on a local level. But we have a city government of mostly lamebrains! They have made money for themselves and hired family members for city jobs, but for the rest of us...oh well!
"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is a life changer. On my last job, many people had read the book and were inspired to do things like run side businesses. One guy bought a house as an investment to rent out. I prefer stock investing.
In this week's Investor Business Daily paper:
"In a world of change, the learners shall inherit the
earth, while the learned shall find themselves
perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists."
Eric Hoffer, philosopher
Different types of businesses wouldn't have been competition. Your politicians appear to be clueless. In general, politicians are sleazy, but a few have good ideas.
I didn't like Clinton's nation-building (& Bush, Obama), but I was fine with everything else.
Clinton was talking about new industries. For example, in my city when the market crashed and many stock brokers and bankers lost work, the politicians decided to focus on industries like tech startups.
Industry ideas: Factories that build robots/technology (Clinton idea), bed & breakfasts, tourism, movie/TV shoots, food companies, entrepreneurship and tech start-ups selling online.
People are leaving because they don't have jobs. Your politicians should be helping them to start online businesses where their customers are global - not local.
I found this article about how Indiana is moving away from manufacturing to become a tech hub.
My neighborhood was poor/working class & high crime but they flooded the area with police, then invited industries including a cruise ship, hotels, boutiques, galleries, tourism, bicyclists, racing cars, large stores (people drive in) etc. It's comical because there isn't much to see or do in my neighborhood, but they publicize it as a "sleepy village" to get tourists. Now, they're building million dollar condos and charging high rent. Politician wants high rises. I hope they fight that last one.
Well said, PJ! You are kicking his Libtard ass!
But first, answer my question. HAVE you ever seen the test scores of American students and how they rank with the rest of the world? It is a national disgrace. Tax payers fork over a fortune for children to get fraudulent education. That's what I was referring to.
I know very little about Trump U, but if you must bellyache about it, why doesn't Berkley or any other liberal campuses which routinely graduate indoctrinated know-nothings bother you?
Sorry about my "whataboutism". Thought I was asking a legitimate question. It started out as a joking question though. People were so worried about Trump's "fake" school and they are not so concerned about the fake education that so many children are receiving today.
If Trump U was a scam, I have no problem with it being shut down. But then again, most public schools should be shut down for giving fraudulent educations.
We also had another major scam artist who was almost elected President, Hillary Clinton. You REALLY think she became a millionaire in an honest way during all her years as a cough, "public servant" cough.
Wish I could dance, dance, dance around the truth and law the way she has!!
Touche, PJ!
Other than real estate, none of "his" products are his. He is just the front man and promoter and in return he gets 50%.
He has no problem in selling his name for cold hard cash, his name has been controversial anyway.
That could mean he is very focused on short term gains, maybe as a president not focusing on long term future is not so great. But in a democratic environment there is no such thing as long term, the best he can do is 8 years, that is not exactly long term for a country.
well Captainbucky---Maybe if President Trump published a dictionary, you could buy it and learn how to spell PRODUCTS!
So...have you bought any of Mrs. Clinton's "products"? Oh I forgot ,all she sells are lies and bullsh@#. The woman has done wonders for her OWN economy.
You could 'but it and learn how to spell PRODUCTS!'
Maybe you can BUY it and learn how to spell one-syllable words before you move on to two-syllables ? Your Trump University education is showing.
Hi Doggiedaddy! Nice to see you. Heaven help me but I missed our old exchanges (skirmishes??) on the IMDB board. I must be a glutton for punishment! LOL
Yeah, "buy" and "but". Unfortunately the letters T and Y are right next to each other on the keyboard and I hit the wrong one! So nice of you to point out my error though, ##chuckle##
I have since gone back and corrected it. Thanks again for pointing out my faults. Only a Hillary supporter could be such a stickler for perfection. HA!
I pointed out the error of "PRODUTS" because I thought the OP should proofread his work. Sorry to say I missed my OWN error. But I doubt if you'd give ME, a Trump supporter any leeway in that area. No problem! Nice to see that you still look over my faults with a magnifying glass.
The hypocrisy of this thread is typical of the leftwing. Trump's book was "good", but not authored by him. Any products with his name on which are good were created by someone else, therefore he gets no credit. But anything bad, he gets all the blame!
"I pointed out the error of "PRODUTS" because I thought the OP should proofread his work. Sorry to say I missed my OWN error. But I doubt if you'd give ME, a Trump supporter any leeway in that area."
Now because you're a Trump supporter, you believe you should be treated differently (granted 'leeway') than others - starting with the OP? Is that because you are - like Trump identifies his supporters - STUPID?
No, by all means,treat me the same as you treat Hillary, with kid gloves, kindness and a blindness to all faults. LOL
But really, what a question coming from you, a stickler for correctness and an all around great speller! So you corrected me, but still didn't find the need to correct the OP. Hmmm...someone's bias is showing. #chuckle#
Still have the sharp tongue and anger that you had on the old IMDB? Well it's a comfort to know that some things never change! You are still as predictable (and amusing) as ever! You are so funny.
I really missed you. I hope you will continue to be a burr under my saddle here. It is so much fun to have a Hillary supporter to mix it up with. Your unabashed anger and hatred is so refreshing.
Oh, btw, I noticed you called Trump "President" on another thread. That WAS nice. (no sarcasm intended). I almost fell out of my chair. I see that you can be respectful some times. Thumbs up to you.
"Still have the sharp tongue and anger that you had on the old IMDB? Well it's a comfort to know that some things never change! You are still as predictable (and amusing) as ever! You are so funny.
I really missed you. I hope you will continue to be a burr under my saddle here. It is so much fun to have a Hillary supporter to mix it up with. Your unabashed anger and hatred is so refreshing."
And you're still brain-dead, as we all can see - and you proudly still show it to the world. Yes, it's a comfort to know that some things never change, though I was hoping in your case there would be a change for the better. Sad to say, I'm rather disappointed.
I'm honored to know you've really missed me, though I can't share the same sentiment about you. Your ignorance and delusions are rather - well, let's just say "out there for the world to see". Keep up the good work.
"Keep up the good work". Serious or sarcastic? Uh, let me So , pray tell, what is my biggest "delusion"? That Trump is a bad boy and Hillary really would have been better for the country? Gosh, where can I go to take back my vote? HA ha!
Not brain dead, just extremely stubborn and optimistic , after all I keep talking to you, hoping I can hammer some sense into your thick lefty skull.
Why are you disappointed in me if you didn't miss me? C'mon, admit it , you did! Shhhh, I won't tell anyone. I wouldn't want to ruin your standing as a leftwing nutjob. Why else would you rush to give me the benefit of your intelligence?
Seriously though, what CAN I do to help you get over your disappointment? Hang a picture of Hillary in my window? Put up a statue to Barack Obama? Burn my KKK robes? LOL
Talking to you on IMDB was some of the most fun I had on-line. Goes to show you how easily amused I am!! ha!! Well at least you don't curse and swear at me like some other posters. I give you credit for some class.
Happy New Year to my favorite frenemy.
I've been to some of his casinos and buildings.
I bought one of his shirts. Very snazzy looking!
He has steaks? Cool! Gotta buy some.
You can't spell the word PRODUCTS, and you're calling Trump's STEAKS dumb?? You're the one that's dumb.