Jerusalem is the capital city of....
Israel or Palestine?
shareISRAEL! I hope you were just joking. Jerusalem was the Jewish capital approximately 2300 years before the birth of Christ. There is not, nor was there every a country called Palestine.
For the love of God, people need to read some history and stop relying on the non-historical political nonsense of dopes like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow, and all the other pea brains with a political agenda at MSN, CNN, etc.
Fox News too. Watch the latest "Star Wars" film for a sampling of the reality you'll find on Fox.
I agree with you though: Chris Mathews is a tool. And ditto Maddow. Screw them both.
What does Star Wars have to do with Fox News?
However, yes I agree with you (I think) that people get their quickie news from TV shows which are only interested in ratings. It is hard to actually read and research serious topics such as history.
We seem to be in a society of laziness. Just give me the "talking points" and that's all I need to know. In an age of finding stuff really fast on the internet, very few people want to take the time and effort to research serious issues.
Never said Palestine is a country though.
De jure states can also have their own capital. The capital of West Sahara isn't Rabat and go try to convince a Somalilander that their capital is Mogadishu. Palestine's scenario seems more complex, since it's also considered a de facto state under Israeli law, and the Palestinians view, at least, East Jerusalem as a capital from their own perspective. While Israel claims most to all of Jerusalem as their capital due to, like you said, many historical and religious ties.
Just for the record, I view this whole Israeli/Palestinian conflict as a double-edged sword. Both have their ups and downs. With both of their issues being entirely complex. So I personally won't exactly be taking either of their sides on most matters. But people would always have and offer different answers for this kind of controversy. That's why I started this thread. So you're entitled to your own thoughts on this matter. I think it's also silly to make this conflict related to any kind of political agendas in general.
Amen, PJ! Damn you're smart!
Way to turn a simple answer about history/geography into a gratuitous political rant against what you presume to be the political leanings of the OP.
FYI: Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes scholar. Quite the opposite of being a "pea brain" I'm quite confident her academic knowledge, mental capacity, raw intellect, and encephalization quotient exceeds yours.
Oh puh-leeze, you cannot separate the history/geography of Jerusalem from the politics of the region. The historical fact is that Jerusalem has been the capital of Israel for thousands of years.
So there should be no question or argument there. But because of the politics of the region, it's up for debate. Every other country in the world can name its own capital, but according to the U.N. (The MOST useless organization in the world) it can't.
I have no idea of the political leanings of the OP. Just answered the question the way I saw fit.
Yes I am aware that Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar. Makes me doubt the validity of that award. So she was given a scholarship, so what? She is still a pea brain. I have watched her many times over the years and all I can see is a "know it all" who uses her show as a platform for her left wing opinions.
I should be impressed with her mental capacity and raw intellect?? Ha! If she has those, then why does she resort to endless hatchet jobs on people with whom she disagrees?
You are impressed with her "big brain"? I am unimpressed with her fat head. So a left leaning channel hired a fellow left winger to indoctrinate its (very few) viewers with its left wing propaganda. And I should be IMPRESSED? Nope, don't think so.
When I was young I was impressed with fancy degrees and people like "Rhodes Scholars". Not any more, I have seen and heard too many well educated dummies. They have fancy degrees, but a lot of time that only proves that they are good at taking tests and vomiting out the answers their professors want to hear. Give me good ole common sense any day,
My dad had more common sense in his little finger than Rachel Maddow has in her "big brain." He was a plumber who only had a year of college. But as I got older and (hopefully) more mature, I was constantly bowled over by his plain common sense and the ability to see through the total bull of TV pundits and politicians.
Funny seeing how my comment had nothing to do with whether you can separate the region from politics. It had everything to do with an academic question that has a straightforward academic answer that you somehow turned into political rant against Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, and MSNBC. It was truly a bizarre non sequitur.
But I'm gobsmacked that you could somehow interpret my post as telling you how or what to think. It does make it a little easier to understand how you could come away from watching Rachel Maddow thinking she's acting like a "know it all". I never got any pretentious vibe watching her show, maybe it's all in your head.
In truth, I could care less what you find impressive. I was just pointing out the irony of you calling a Rhodes scholar a "pea brain". You can't expect random readers of your post to know that you're unconventionally using that term to insult a person's political leanings and "common sense" instead of how it's colloquially used to disparage intelligence, especially in the context you used it to bemoan the lack of knowledge to a purely academic question.
Israel. London is the capital city of...
shareIsrael of course.
shareNever understood why the U.S is so obsessed with supporting and defending Israel. They need to let the mddle east solve their own issues. Israeli Jews are Semitic people no different genetically than Arabs - it's just the ''religion'' that separates them. They need to resolve this issue on their own and realize they are of the same blood.
shareZionists aren't Semitic. They are Ashkenazi Jews descended from Khazars.
shareAshkenazi Jews are mixed with Eastern Europeans - yes the ''Khazars''. Even some Roman blood too. Middle Eastern Jews (the real Jews) are not.
shareDNA shows that most European Jews have a genetic strain that is common with Arabs in the Levant, North Africans, and even the peoples of Turkey. But, they also have nominal European DNA. It's bound to happen since Ashkenazi Jews have been in Europe for over a Millennia.
Either way, I don't think taking sides with Israel and exclaiming Jerusalem as the capital while also openly planning on moving the US Embassy there is going to bring about any change, and in fact it just re-invigorates the Islamic religious zealots and terrorists who still seek to destroy Israel's existence.
If you really want to place blame on this whole mess I'd go back to before Israel's existence and place it on the British. The Balfour Declaration created all of the Arab countries by giving power to a handpicked group of families throughout the region. There was no effort in creating a Democratic process of governance so we ended up with what we have today. Add the discovery of sweet Crude and it just adds the wrinkle of conflicts and power struggles.
Well kellycallie, Israel is our only real friend in the Middle east. I don't think you'll find any footage of Israelis jumping around and celebrating after 9/11.
The Middle east will never "solve their own issues". The "issue" for most of the them is the destruction of Israel and the termination of the Jews. And Israel is going to defend itself.
It seems to be the only country that other countries have decided that it doesn't have a right to exist. You know, all those countries in the U.N. with their swell policies on human rights like North Korea, China and Syria.
I am SO hoping that President Trump makes good on his threat and cuts off all those billions in aid to countries who screwed us on the Jerusalem vote.
Why do you put religion in quotations? The same blood? Yikes! Like the Arabs in general and the Muslims in particular give a rat's rear end about the "same blood" or genetics. This aint about genetics! You need to do some serious reading on these issues. Islam wants to wipe out the Jews, and well, the rest of us non-Muslims too if you want to get technical about it.
Bottom line, Jerusalem has been their capital for five thousand years. It was their capital 3500 hundred years before Mohammed was born. The Muslims have their Mecca and Medina. They only want Jerusalem to screw over the Jews. So screw them!
Come on now. Saudia Arabia is not a friend? you know that's not true.
Israel. Duh.