Snyder is the far superior director. I love his ambition and style, and I love that he makes thematically heavy, thought-provoking action films.
Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor and 13 Hours were way more pretentious and Oscar bait than any of Zack Snyder's films. Even viewed on just a pure entertainment level, Snyder does a far, far better job with action scenes than Michael Bay, whose films suffer way too much chaotic quick cuts and editing. I could watch the final battle in Snyder's Justice League or the warehouse fight in Batman v Superman over and over. They're two of the best comic book action sequences ever filmed, with brilliant filming, editing, and choreography. Most of Bay's action setpieces are just a mess.
Edit on 5-15-21:
It's no competition with critics, either. Bay has only one film fresh on Rotten Tomatoes: The Rock (deservedly so, it's one of the best action films ever made). Zack Snyder has 5 fresh films: Dawn of the Dead, 300, Watchmen, Zack Snyder's Justice League, and Army of the Dead.
On IMDB, Bay has 3 films with a 7.0 rating or higher (The Rock, Transformers, and 13 Hours). Snyder has 6 films with a 7.0 rating or higher (Dawn of the Dead, 300, Watchmen, Man of Steel, Zack Snyder's Justice League, and Army of the Dead).