
needs second chance


Without expressing contrition?


He still hasn't admitted that he lied about being attacked by a pair of MAGAs, right?

I mean, on one hand, I think people who commit acts of violence are worse than people who lie about them. On the other hand, the latter are *still* pieces of shit, and the only thing I can say in Jussie's mitigation is that at least he didn't falsely accuse any *specific individual* of wrongdoing (but then again, if he had, he'd have been caught out even sooner).

Honestly, as much as I hate MAGA, and regard many of them to be white supremacists, in this case, I think they're owed an apology.

Our ability to call and rot out *genuine* acts of violence and racism is seriously undermined by bullshit like this.


I agree with a few of your points Harvey, but you’re wrong about (unless I missed your sense of sarcasm and/or dry humor, if so, then well played), “at least he didn't falsely accuse any *specific individual* of wrongdoing,”
he falsely accused the Osundairo brothers of committing a homophobic/race related hate crime against him.
He through them under the bus like a couple of cigarette butts.


Maybe I've got my facts wrong, but I thought he hired the Osundairo Brothers, who are Black, to beat him up, in order to make it *look like* he'd been assaulted by white supremacist MAGA-hats.

He may have thrown them under the bus when they were caught, but didn't he initially make-up a lie about generic and unidentified MAGA-hats?

Also, I agree with your above point about contrition. You'd think that should be the starting point of all (potential) second chances.


Jussie did indeed hire the Osundairo brothers to beat him under the ruse of them being white, MAGA supporters who were also racist and homophobic bigots. Although once caught in his web of lies and subsequently charged with filing a false police report, he decided to double down on his story and in doing so, denied hiring the brothers all together, testifying in court that they attacked him, acting as white supremacists to mask their true identities.
It only goes to show how loathsome a person Jussie is, not only did he fake a hate crime, but once caught red handed, he attempted to weasel his way out by sending his patsies, two black men, to prison for a violent assault which he orchestrated.
Fortunately for the Osundairo brothers the jury saw right through that BS.


Good point, and, like you say, it shows how odious Jussie is, that not only did he lie about (admittedly hypothetical) white people, but he also tried to sell out his fellow Black men.

Thank goodness very few Black people ever defended his ass (even before he threw the Osundairo brothers under the bus, most Black people were rolling their eyes at his account of a pair of white supremacists claiming he was in "MAGA country" Chicago!?! Dave Chappelle does a great skit on Jussie's nonsense).


That Chappelle special was hilarious!


t least he didn't falsely accuse any *specific individual* of wrongdoing

What he did was far worse. Instead of naming an individual, he labeled an entire movement as racist and homophobic, and actively attacking people. If people had taken this seriously, it could've lead to left wing groups attacking Trump supporters in retaliation. He could've potentially created a lot of civil unrest trying to create a narrative. If you name 1 person, it's a lot easier to isolate their believes to them, but when you create a boogyman that is out there and attacking people anywhere anytime, its gets dangerous.

Our ability to call and rot out *genuine* acts of violence and racism is seriously undermined by bullshit like this.

Exactly. Never Cry wolf.


"What he did was far worse. Instead of naming an individual, he labeled an entire movement as racist and homophobic, and actively attacking people. If people had taken this seriously, it could've lead to left wing groups attacking Trump supporters in retaliation. He could've potentially created a lot of civil unrest trying to create a narrative. If you name 1 person, it's a lot easier to isolate their believes to them, but when you create a boogyman that is out there and attacking people anywhere anytime, its gets dangerous."

I definitely see what you're saying (hence why I said that as much as I generally detest the MAGA movement, in *this* instance, they're owned an apology), but my point is, because there was no specific individual who was the subject of a false allegation, in this instance, no one was in any real threat of being wrongly apprehended/charged/convicted.

I do appreciate the intelligence and logic behind your argument here, but I'd still argue that Jussie's false allegation concerned a *pair* of hypothetical individuals, rather than a whole movement (and, fwiw, we thankfully *didn't* see any reprisals), although I also appreciate that without a specific pariah, it does remove an allegation of any context, and all we're left with is an amorphous MAGA 'bigot', whereas with a specific, named, individual, I suppose we could all just say "Yeah, but they're an asshole, irrespective of what political movement they subscribe to."


Never heard of this clown until he concocted his huge scam. He'd just be coming back to his former super-obscure Z-list "celebrity". He's only famous for being a lying sack o' shit.
