---he knew the brothers from the show; gave them a check to commit the act. Whats the check for, then?
-- the same brothers who were employed on the same show are the ones who attacked him on some random morning? Unless they knew it him when they attacked him, or they allege that they didn't know who they attacked and it's a big coincidence?
==brothers purchasing the equipment used in the supposed attack
==brothers admitting they faked the incident (why would they lie about it, to gain what?)
..and the rest.
I cannot imagine how this smug=looking actor explains this away.
There is some other evidence to show how badly this was planned out:
He goes to Subway at 2 in the morning, in Chicago, when that polar vortex was out, so it was freezing. Who, in their right mind, goes to Subway at that time to get a sandwich? Especially if it was icy outdoors?
He also was in an area where white people with good sense would stay away from, least of all any who would wear MAGA hats in public.
Third, he had them do all the exact same things bigoted people used to do back in the 70s and 60s to blacks. I have yet to hear of a hate crime from within the past 20 years that involved bleach and a noose.
When you see him defending himself in the news, whats eerie is how sincere and emotional he comes off. It makes you even more fearful that someone can lie so well (hits too close to home).
I apologize if he has defended himself with detailed explanations about the check, and why the men who confessed to lying , and associated on the same Tv show, happened to be at the exact location that morning and what their supposed motive was.
Well....he is an actor. He can fake sincerity if he's good enough to trick people into thinking Empire is a great show, (even though almost nobody watches it).
Yes, though acting for a film takes a different mindset. Seems people can successfully lie and fake sincerity without being a professional actor--and that's what is disturbing. It means we cannot trust our own instincts to spot a scam since people can lie so well, akin to a sociopath.
We cannot trust our own perceptions about people we know either; family, friends, etc. I suppose I should not overthink it, but it only makes for insecurity to not know who is lying so well to you.