No arrest, prosecution or jail time for criminal Jussie
Not to worry, Jussie will still be a hero of the "woke" and won't be prosecuted for his crime(s). He's in at least two protected classes, black and homosexual.
Not to worry, Jussie will still be a hero of the "woke" and won't be prosecuted for his crime(s). He's in at least two protected classes, black and homosexual.
Trump supporters are fair game. No harm, no foul.
And should anyone be surprised that "celebrities" rushed to tweet how evil MAGA supporters are? They have no clue what conservatives are about. They only believe what they've whipped themselves up to believe. If you support Trump, you are a racist, homophobic, misogynist xenophobe. No other possibilities exist.
Look at the racists on this board. When this fake story broke, they immediately started posting and (yes) gloating because they thought a Trump supporter couldn't help but attack a gay black man. It's what Trump supporters apparently do. Not only did they believe the story was true, they hoped it was true to provide evidence of their convictions.
Let's see if the leftist racists on Moviechat post any mea culpas for immediately believing a story so bizarre that it really screamed for some sort of investigation.
> Let's see if the leftist racists on Moviechat post any mea culpas for immediately believing a story so bizarre that it really screamed for some sort of investigation.
Naah, not gonna happen. I've seen this many times, not just here and back on IMDB, but elsewhere. Far more likely they won't post in this section of the site at all, for a while. They'll wait until interest in Smollett dies down, then sneak back here at 3 AM and delete their posts. Then they'll claim they always found his story to be very dubious and said so from day one.
Wanna hold them culpable? Start taking names and screencaps.
They desperately need this narrative to be much in fact they WANT hate crimes to happen in hopes it fits the narrative
What a fucking time to be alive.
Yes let's pretend Trump supporters have been pure angels just because of Jussie. Lets pretend Heather Heyer is alive, pretend the pipe bomb hoaxer never existed, pretend that Trump hasn't been stirring up hatred for non-Fox media and everyone who disagrees with him.
Sheesh. Just use this example to rewrite the last 2.5 years. Lets pretend Trump, the President, is not a compulsive liar, all because of Jussie. Lets pretend Trump didn't CAMPAIGN on racism and fear of Hispanics. Lets pretend Trump wasn't one of the most prominent Birther idiots, sitting next to his CRIMINALLY RACIST (literally) buddy Arpaio.
You gotta be really desperate to use one actor as a political vindication.
It reminds me of the Roseanne debacle. Right wingers SCREAMING that only Conservatives get fired for controversies, CONVENIENTLY forgetting that Kathy Griffin had lost her career over an overcooked anti-Trump publicity stunt.
You really really have to pretend to be a victim here, because it matches the reality you wish to construct.
You gotta be really desperate to use one actor as a political vindication.
Leftists desperately need black people to stay on the big government misery plantation the left so "compassionately" built for them. Congratulations to you for voluntarily leaving the plantation, I can't imagine the pejoratives you've received in return. I'd bet it's the usual, I don't think the race hustlers have come up with anything new beyond Uncle Tom, race traitor, cornball brother, etc..
shareI think this is so blatent, the left will have no choice but to eat their own on this. Unfortunately, they'll pretend it's a one time incident, despite it being a tend of recurring incidents.
share3 years wuthout parole
shareYeah it's rare that black people get prosecuted and sent to jail unlike the ever persecuted homosexual celebrity. In all seriousness though he will very likely cop a plea, recieve some sort of fine & probation, along with some "therapy" then fade into relative obscurity .
I doubt his career will survive this as he isn't nearly famous or important enough.
Blacks are not "over prosecuted" relative to the crimes committed, that's another lie. The myth of black victimization is well into its fifth decade (I'll use the Great Society as the launch point, close enough). Look around, stop reading from the 3x5 card of allowable opinion.... heck it's getting to the point where consequence-free crime is becoming the newest black entitlement. Look at places like Chicago, St. Louis, etc. where leftist DAs are defining down violent crime and proudly proclaiming that their jails are emptying out! Yay!
In the meantime, I guess I will wonder how many blacks in Chicago, St. Louis and many other centers of wokeness have been killed by other blacks in the time since little Jussie pulled his stunt and got all of the fawning media to jump on board. Oh why do I bother, surely I already know the cause of endless black-on-black murder.... WHITE RACISM!
4-6% of the population (ages 18-30) and responsible for 50+% of the violent crime. Yes, it's definitely a white problem.
shareWhile i can somewhat appreciate
your enthusiasm this rant of yours that you seemed so keen on making was kind of beside the point .
The point being that he isn't more likely to get a some sort of legal pass for being biracial. Certainly not like his being & gay & Jewish orherwise might.
He's being charged & will likely take a plea deal with no jail and hopefully will never be heard from again. The lying pos deserves all the negative fallout he gets for this bs lbgtq hoax
I confess.... you gave me an opening with your oh-so-subtle black victimhood take ("Yeah it's rare that black people...") and I blew it wide open. Please forgive me, I'm way beyond burned out on the myth of black victimization.
Let's see what happens, I'm still not convinced criminal Jussie does any time, but I am walking back my original belief that he won't get prosecuted. Not that my original belief has changed, just that more of criminal Jussie's actions have come to light and it's just too much. So I agree that we'll end up getting a plea of some sort, with probation and a tearful plea for forgiveness from criminal Jussie, since after all evil Orange Man Trump "created the environment" that made him do it. One of those non-apology apologies from the victim class.
Guy, you are fully welcome to your ws talking points about black criminality. Not interested. My interest was the topic of this Smollett clown and the fallout he's getting for his lbgtq hoax.
Either he's somehow "protected" for being black(biracial) and homosexual (I guess his being Jewish doesn't count) and won't face serious consequences or he isn't so much protected and he will suffer the fallout which in fact seems to be happening.
Ahh yes. "White Supremacist" for not buying the decades-long black victimhood bullshit. You just couldn't help yourself, huh? Oh and go back to my original post, I did say at least two protected classes. There's dozens of them, maybe hundreds by now, so I never implied that I had all the bases covered.
Anyway, let's see what happens to criminal Jussie. Looks like he went too far and some charges will have to be filed, but I'm still not sold that any real consequences are coming. Real consequences defined as a years-long stint in the Do-Right Motel, that is.