MovieChat Forums > M. Night Shyamalan Discussion > No longer the laughing stock?

No longer the laughing stock?

I'll admit, I loved ripping on this guy because his last few movies were so laughably bad. I honestly only survived 13 minutes of After Earth before I shut it off. But I heard his last movie the Visit was pretty good, so I might just have to check it out myself.

Was The Visit good enough to make him no longer a laughing stock?


But there is a difference in a black actor in a movie and a movie that is mainly a 'black movie' and we all know America is pretty racist, as least that's how it comes across to those of us across the pond.

I doubt the film is any better or worse then it's white counter parts, but the extra hatred is partly driving due to it being a black movie.. sadly.

That along side people were told to hate the director because Americans are sheep and do what critics tell them to do or believe.
