I am not going to hate you just for your opinion. Everyone has his or her own opinion and no one can agree with them unless their arguments don't suffice.
Anyway, I do disagree with you. I could pretend I am a giant beast ape, a degenerate hobbit, a drunk captain and so on, but for that I have to be a believable. If I would swing my arm up and down like I am doing jumping jacks, I would look like a fool. I would say: but this is me, pretending to be a giant beast ape. And they would say: have you even had biology in your class or what?
That being said, his way of being a giant beast ape looks so real, his voice adds dimension, people could say: well, I don't know how they teached that giant beast ape to speak, but dang they did a pretty nice job. But who is this Andy Serkis guy and why does he get credited for it? Is he the trainer? No, he is the guy in the so-called giant ape suit who acts like a giant ape. And the crowd goes: *beep* That guy?
Giant ape guy, degenerated hobbit guy or drunken captain guy, this guy can act behind the screens and is a valuable assistant to directors and writers alike. The only thing you can't credit him for is the love he refuses.
Of course I exaggerated some things here, but the basis stays the same.