MovieChat Forums > Andy Serkis Discussion > Most overrated 'Actor' ever

Most overrated 'Actor' ever

I know any people will hate on this but honestly, you're telling me you couldn't pretend to be a giant beast ape, or a degenerate hobbit, or anything if you're only motion captured?
We all know we could in a heartbeat. Only thing is,he knows famous people.
He's a great pretender.
But is not an actor.


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I am not going to hate you just for your opinion. Everyone has his or her own opinion and no one can agree with them unless their arguments don't suffice.

Anyway, I do disagree with you. I could pretend I am a giant beast ape, a degenerate hobbit, a drunk captain and so on, but for that I have to be a believable. If I would swing my arm up and down like I am doing jumping jacks, I would look like a fool. I would say: but this is me, pretending to be a giant beast ape. And they would say: have you even had biology in your class or what?

That being said, his way of being a giant beast ape looks so real, his voice adds dimension, people could say: well, I don't know how they teached that giant beast ape to speak, but dang they did a pretty nice job. But who is this Andy Serkis guy and why does he get credited for it? Is he the trainer? No, he is the guy in the so-called giant ape suit who acts like a giant ape. And the crowd goes: *beep* That guy?

Giant ape guy, degenerated hobbit guy or drunken captain guy, this guy can act behind the screens and is a valuable assistant to directors and writers alike. The only thing you can't credit him for is the love he refuses.

Of course I exaggerated some things here, but the basis stays the same.





I haven't seen lotr. But I thought his portrayal of Ian Dury in sex and drugs and rock n roll was brilliant.


I didn't know that there still are people that haven't seen lotr...


He is an excellent actor - Personally I like the fact that you can see him mature over the course of his career.
Gollum for me was a seminal moment in my film watching life - I'm glad to see he hasn't been pigeon-holed even though he did Kong and caeser with similar brilliance. I wish him luck as the director of The Jungle Book.


If you watched the extended edition behind the scenes footage on LOTR and saw just how hard he had to work you'd understand. Although Gollum was CGI, it was all based on Andy's real movements and facial expressions so he was actually jumping on rocks and crawling around in rivers all day which was physically exhausting and he did have to act in the same style as any other actor.


