MovieChat Forums > Matthias Schoenaerts Discussion > Have only seen a few of his films ...

Have only seen a few of his films ...

... but have to hand it to a man who can play the gentle gardener in A Little Chaos and the frighteningly evil Eric Deeds in The Drop, in which his performance was almost as brilliant as Tom Hardy's.

Only in Show Biz by injection


He is one of my absolute faves. The first thing I saw him in was Rust and Bone which I watched for Marion Cotillard. For him to hold his own against the Oscar winner was impressive. Went back and watched Bullhead and it was amazing. Some of my faves of his are the previously mentioned and Far From The Madding Crowd, Blood Ties, The Danish Girl (but that's more for Alicia Vikander than anything), and The Drop. The Drop has to be one of the most underrated films. Gandolfini wasn't anything special to me, but Hardy, Schoenaerts, and Rapace were outstanding.
