MovieChat Forums > Zoe Saldaña Discussion > Nina Simone controversy = Political corr...

Nina Simone controversy = Political correctness has jumped the shark

These are some Twitter reactions to Zoe playing Nina:

"@Dani_Burnss The fact Hollywood can't cast a dark skin woman for a movie about Nina Simone is disgusting."
"@NaturallyTiss Boycott this Nina Simone 'biopic' if you real. God knows Nina would be disgusted."
"@e_alexjung I know Zoe has responsibility for taking the part of Nina Simone, but you know there was some white guy who thought this was A GREAT IDEA"
"@____PantheR The colorism of getting a light skinned actress to play Nina Simone when you could've actually casted a dark skinned actress/singer."
"@DamoneWilliams_ Nina Simone was a dark-skinned, thick-lipped, wide-nosed, nappy-haired Black woman whose career and life were directly affected by ALL that"

Basically, folks in the African American community are upset because Zoe isn't "black" enough. It doesn't matter that Zoe's a great actresses. It doesn't matter that the film is probably only getting made because of Zoe. Her name being part of such hits as Guardians of the Galaxy Star Trek & Avatar probably allowed the filmmakers to raise the money to make the film. Everyone forgets the movie industry is a business and not a charity.

The African American community doesn't want the best actor possible to play Nina. They ONLY care about the color of her skin.

They are JUDGING by the color of the skin.

Yes, Racism is alive and well in the America.

In the history of biopics, very rarely does the artist portraying the subject look exactly like the artist. Steve Jobs WISHES he looked like Michael Fassbender. Anthony Hopkins endured 4+ hours of painstaking MU FX daily to portray Nixon and Hitchcock. Will Smith looks nothing like Ali or Dr. Bennet Omalu. Ever see June Carter Cash? Does she look like Reese Witherspoon?

You find the best actor for the role and if their performance is great, you don't see those differences. For crying out loud, when England first started doing stage, women were not allowed to act so men played the parts. A man played Juliet.

It's called "acting" for a reason. The outrage needs to stop. Seriously, you want to know why Trump's going to be president? It's that a majority of the country is tired of the nonsensical scandal politically correct BS. Instead of celebrating that Nina Simone is getting a biopic with a major star, folks are pissed she's not "black" enough?!?!

My goodness, all those complaining deserve President Trump.


I think people are mad for reasons other than zoe not being "black" enough... actually the fact that she had to wear dark makeup and a fake nose is proof enough that her features are nothing like simone's but that's besides the point... there are so many other actresses that could have been a better choice to play simone..but zoe was picked because of politics, all Hollywood cares about is $$$$, saldana has proven herself capable of being a box office star, and that's what they want

I completely agree. Although I like Zoe, IMHO, she isn't right for the role. However, just like you pointed out, this biopic would never have been greenlit if a name actress was not playing Nina Simone. I think Viola Davis would've been a better choice but Hollywood has more faith in Zoe's bankability. Ditto for the upcoming Anita Hill movie starring Kerry Washington, whom I consider miscast. Ultimately, as we all know, the real color at the center of this controversy is green.

Keep the faith.
