MovieChat Forums > Mark Ruffalo Discussion > worst bruce banner maybe even worse then...

worst bruce banner maybe even worse then eric bana

on top of being a total retard in real life as well.

norton was much better bruce banner and btw TIH is a great movie because its serious in tone and its not just a 2 hours sitcom with fart jokes like all mcu trash


I would definitely agree with this. I feel like ever since INFINITY WAR, Disney has ruined the HULK on purpose to build a platform for the now failed and cancelled SHE-HULK on Disney+. They even went so far as to shrink the HULK on the show to make her look bigger. He had a boxing match in one episode with the Abomination who looked 10 foot taller than the HULK who looked like Mini-HULK standing next to him!! Honestly, I have no idea how they turn this around and if they can at this point. A.I even made a rematch video on Youtube of the HULK having a rematch with THANOS and beating and killing him which would've made END GAME not needed.


I know I’m pretty much alone on this island but I loved Ang Lee’s Hulk and I think Eric did a fine job. Could be Australian bias, but I was all-in with Bana since his majestic performance in Chopper and very keen to see how he handled himself in his first American superhero behemoth. No complaints from me.


What is one of the major cultural differences between NZ and AUS?


What has that got to do with my comment?

Oh I see.

Okay Hercule Poirot. Born in Australia, lived there until the age of 30 then my New Zealander partner and I moved to Aotearoa. Have been back and forth between the countries a few times since and currently in Auckland.

Anything else?
