MovieChat Forums > Mark Ruffalo Discussion > What a Piece of Garbage!

What a Piece of Garbage!

Because of this guy I can't watch any of the Avenger movies, and that is hard for me because I grew up loving the Hulk. This piece of garbage hates the Police in the United States, until he needs them to protect him every night he goes out to a crappy premiere or crappy Awards Show. This guy hates our military, just watch what he had to say about the poor souls lost in Benghazi!
The crap that this scumbag talks on a daily basis is disgusting an anti-American at its finest. My hope is that one day he really needs a cop and they slow play getting to his emergency. Then my hope is that one day he goes overseas and needs our military, but instead falls into the control of the "Camel Lovers" he praised in Benghazi, piece of garbage in so many ways!
Go make another movie where you have sex with your best friends wife, and fantasize about murdering your children, or make another bust with Meg Ryan, you untalented abortion of an actor. You really know how to bring the worst out in somebody who is normally level headed you no talent hack!
I hope you crash in your car and Christmas Eve and burn to death with your entire family inside the car with you, you insightful douchebag!


Wow... You hate him more than I do, and I hate Mark Ruffalo A LOT


I never wish harm to anyone, so some of your comments are pretty rough. But the man is an idiot, spewing his left wing agenda and people actually listening. I honestly do not know what his educational background is, but what does he really understand about the economy, about politics, about "fracking"?? I've seen reports that his net worth is $20 million. However, the only information I can find about being in the "top 1%" is by AGI, which in 2013 was $429,000. Well, I have no idea what he earns every year but he is certainly way richer than I am.

I refuse to watch any movie he is in. I may have missed out on The Avengers franchise movies, but the thought of giving $0.01 to support this man repulses me as much is it would to donate to Bernie Sanders campaign.

Had to get this in before the boards close down.


"I honestly do not know what his educational background"

He graduated high school with so-so grades and did not go to college. That is pretty typical of Hollywood celebs it seems. Many of the more well-known actors didn't go to college, or didn't even finish high school (e.g. Ryan Gosling, Robert Deniro, Cameron Diaz, Dicaprio, Nicole Kidman, Jay-Z, Alyssa Milano, Jen Lawrence, Rihanna, Jude Law, Johnny Depp, Whoopi Goldberg, RDJ, Keanu Reaves, Tom Cruise, Seth Rogen, Michael Rappaport, Jim Carrey, and on and on). That is not to say someone without a college education can't be knowledgeable about the world. Some of the most informed and intriguing people I know never went to college. However, Hollywood types often display a combination of little formal education with a breathtaking amount of vapidity. Despite this combination, they tend to be so certain in their intellectual superiority. They represent some of the best examples of the Dunning-Krueger Effect anywhere in the world.


Hey just so you know, he is one of the free speech Liberals who cried to IMDB and got them to cave to shut down the comment section in their bio's. He only likes to be heard, but doesn't appreciate the feedback he gets about the stupid things that leave his Socialist mouth. Free Speech is great to him as long as it is everything he agrees with, scumbag!


You should be embarrassed at posting this. I wouldn't want to live anywhere near someone who would print such filth. I'm glad he ruined your infantile fascination with cartoon heroes. Another fantasy world you should snap out of.


Says the loony leftist who lives in an alternate reality.


Yes! Finally!


He's the reason people don't like rich white guys. Kinda ironic


"He's the reason people don't like rich white guys. Kinda ironic"

Lol. Douchebags like Lebron James are worse. As a man who has made hundreds of millions of dollars in the USA, he moans incessantly about how oppressed black people are. At the same time, he fellates China for every endorsement dollar he can. Yup, a consistent advocate for human rights, that Lebron James.


Yep! James is also a POS!



He's a wart on the ass of society.





These celebrities know exactly what they are saying. I think they have been told, say this and that, otherwise your career is over.


So what you're saying is that they're cowards. I agree!

