What a Piece of Garbage!
Because of this guy I can't watch any of the Avenger movies, and that is hard for me because I grew up loving the Hulk. This piece of garbage hates the Police in the United States, until he needs them to protect him every night he goes out to a crappy premiere or crappy Awards Show. This guy hates our military, just watch what he had to say about the poor souls lost in Benghazi!
The crap that this scumbag talks on a daily basis is disgusting an anti-American at its finest. My hope is that one day he really needs a cop and they slow play getting to his emergency. Then my hope is that one day he goes overseas and needs our military, but instead falls into the control of the "Camel Lovers" he praised in Benghazi, piece of garbage in so many ways!
Go make another movie where you have sex with your best friends wife, and fantasize about murdering your children, or make another bust with Meg Ryan, you untalented abortion of an actor. You really know how to bring the worst out in somebody who is normally level headed you no talent hack!
I hope you crash in your car and Christmas Eve and burn to death with your entire family inside the car with you, you insightful douchebag!