MovieChat Forums > Sara Rue Discussion > Sara Rue Loses 25 Lbs. - PHOTO

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I saw the photo, she's still pretty but she looked so much better with the extra weight and enormous boobs. And losing 5lbs. a week is not normal or healthy; she's mostly losing water and muscle. I'm sure she'll gain it all back though.


I wish she had kept her huge boobs; but everytime she sheds the pounds, her chest gets smaller.
I hope she's happy though; i mean, that's not an easy goal to achieve in such a short period of time, but it will be even harder for her to stay thin, i wish her my best.
I'll miss that glorious cleavage, and i hope she won't go blonde to top it all.


I wish she had kept her huge boobs;

I said the same thing to my wife. I think she is the sexiest big girl out there. I miss seeing her on TV.

-You're going to hit that, aren't you?
-Like a big rig without brakes.


I wouldn't call her big, I'd say she's pleasantly plump. She was bigger in Popular, but she's nowhere near that since Less Than Perfect.


Don't worry, they're still big, and GORGEOUS!!!!

If we all liked the same movie, there'd only be one movie!


They're not as big anymore; i bet she has to throw her bras away everytime she goes on a diet.


Less voluptuous, yes. Less sexy? Not hardly.

If we all liked the same movie, there'd only be one movie!
