Why do they cast this guy in movies?
He just seems like some dude that slipped through some nooks and crannies and everyone was like "yeah okay". I never really thought about it until I noticed all the hate. It made me think a little and then immediately it hit me - they have a point.
Ask yourself honestly. Does this guy even make you laugh at all? I don't mean the script he is given - perhaps that could be funny, but does he help at all in making is more funny? I thought about it and he really just doesn't. As an actor he is pretty bad as well. He plays every part exactly the same. Its not like he is even acting - just being himself. His boring self that is.
I think it has to do with him starring in so many stoner movies. Now everyone is like "lool its that guy from that stoner movie haha he must be funny".
He is a complete joke.