MovieChat Forums > Anthony Rapp Discussion > Given that he's gay, his revelation is s...

Given that he's gay, his revelation is strange

Most gay guys would probably notch up being hit upon by a movie star as some sort of coming of age bragging rights, or 'missed opportunity' upon reflection.

If he grew up to be a straight guy with wife and kids, you might say 'oh I can see how uncomfortable that was upon reflection', but he grew up to have sex with men! So why is being flirted with so bad to him?


He probably did brag about it to his friends, until it became trendy to be a victim in modern culture, so now he's using it for that.


<< it became trendy to be a victim in modern culture, so now he's using it for that. >>

No, he seems like a nice person who is being supportive of his fellow performers who have come forward with stories about Weinstein, etc. That group is almost exclusively women, and he knows it is difficult for them.

So he is standing with them in solidarity, in essence saying, "You are not alone ... it happened to me, too."


Maybe, but his story is nothing as horrid as the Weinstein stories, up to & including rape. Basically, when he was 14 he went to a party, and he met a 26 year old Spacey at the party, who tried to seduce him. He said no, and Spacey... took no for an answer. That is nothing like the Weinstein rape stories.


I'm not clear on the point you're making.

<< his story is nothing as horrid as the Weinstein stories >>

I might see where you're going with this ... no one was restrained, there was no nudity, Spacey wasn't Rapp's employer, there were no threats of retribution, etc. But we don't have to rate whether Spacey's incident is or is not "as horrid" as the Weinstein incidents. It is still an incident of someone being sexually innapropriate. And in this story, being sexually innapropriate with a minor.

Are you American? We have strict laws about age of consent here.

<< That is nothing like the Weinstein rape stories. >>

Not all of the Weinstein stories concern rape. Some of them were sexual come-ons, such as invitations to watch him shower, or requests for a massage.

I agree that this incident, from what we've heard from Mr. Rapp, does not sound to have traumatized him in the way that some women were very disturbed or traumatized by Mr. Weinstein, and/or others. But that doesn't mean it's legally or morally okay for an adult to lie down on top of a 14-year-old and attempt to seduce them, sexually. In New York state (where this happened), anyway.

When I posted << [Anthony Rapp] is being supportive of his fellow performers who have come forward with stories about Weinstein, etc. >> I was not just talking about incidents women have had with Weinstein, but the #metoo campaign that is about people coming forward with their experiences of having unwanted sexual advances (or worse) made on them in the entertainment industry. That is what I was trying to include in the "ETC." part.


And why on earth did this guy wait 32 years? Seems to me to be an extremely cowardly move, both having waited that long and jumping on the #metoo bandwagon now. And that's considering that I actually don't care about Spacey - I am not some rabid fan who'd defend him no matter what.


You are a provocateur ....!




I read that Spacey "mounted" him at the party, not just walked away.


"He probably did brag about it to his friends, until it became trendy to be a victim in modern culture, so now he's using it for that."

Unfortunately, I have to agree with that. I say "unfortunately" because it is quite sad that we are there now.


No 14-year-old on Earth likes being hit on by creepy, unattractive older men!

Bear that in mind.


<< ... being hit on by creepy, unattractive older men! >>

Well, just to clarify one thing ... this is what Spacey looked like in the Broadway play he was acting in at the time. The incident reveals him to have been creepy, but not physically unnatractive.



Eh, pretty ordinary looking guy. 6/10 on his hottest day.

Which isn't hot enough to get away with having a creepy side.


I know, I know ... I'm just saying, technically he wasn't unattractive.

A friend of mine (female) (about age 25) lived in New York during that period -- as did I -- and she had a HUGE crush on Kevin Spacey when he was in the play LOST IN YONKERS. She went to see it a few times just for him.

I know this SOUNDS creepy, but it was really more kind of a starstruck thing ... but once or twice she waited for him to come out of the theatre and followed him on foot for a few blocks. I guess he was very magnetic? She was FASCINATED by him! (In retrospect, he might have been happy to go out with her, as his beard!)

I want to assure you my friend was completely normal! Jeez ... I should call her about this. She must be heartbroken!


Please, it's not like Anthony Rapp is particularly good-looking. He looks like a rodent.
At that age for sure Spacey was the more dashing one of the two of them.


What do looks have to do with a clearly unwanted sexual assault one has to escape from?



When you're 14, having a strange man crawl into bed with you and grab you is terrifying, even if he's hot. Which Spacey was not, even in his prime.


When I was 14, being hit on by an older woman was a fantasy. And I don't think it was just me... Gay men are probably not any different.


Exactly. I was sexually mature when I was 13. I had regularly recurring detailed sexual fantasies about my 7th grade teacher. She was at least 26. She might have been as old as 30, I never knew her age. I'd say her attractiveness rating would be about on par with Spacey in those old photos Cookie LA posted. She wasn't particularly attractive, no one in their right mind would have described her as "hot," but I wanted her to use me as her own personal sex toy and I would have been over the moon if she'd ever actually done so. I was ready and willing and raring to go at that young age. And she wasn't the only older woman I fantasized about. I hardly ever fantasized about girls my age back then... I knew they would have been just as clueless about sex as I was. It was always about older women showing me the ropes and how amazing that would be. The idea that I would have been traumatized, damaged and scarred by a sexual experience that I wanted so badly is completely laughable and ridiculous. And I know that I am completely average in every way, so I'm sure all of the above is true for the vast majority of males my age. At least the ones who grew up when I did, before the world became the milktoast pale shadow it is today.


His career is over regardless..oh well



well he was hit on, not raped. Creepy if you’re straight but as exhibit A shows, he doesn’t seem to mind guy on guy action.


<< well he was hit on, not raped. Creepy if you’re straight but as exhibit A shows, he doesn’t seem to mind guy on guy action. >>

Well, the whole point is that at the time of the incident Rapp was 14 years old and Spacey was 27 ... you don't exactly call it "flirting" when you pick someone up, lay them down on a bed, and then lie on top of them (!)




Nowadays, 14 years olds get pregnant.


By you?




That moment you don't have anything to say anymore.


Not all of the women Weinstein sexually assaulted were raped. This was sexual assault. Just because he's gay doesn't mean he wants to be assaulted by a man.


So true. No one want to have someone force them into a sexual situation. I had similar friends with Rapp and had several conversations with him and he seemed like a pretty level headed guy. Not sure why he would bring this up now, but I believe he did it to bring more awareness to this sort of thing. I don't think he wanted to destroy Spacey's career or anything like that.


But if he did want to destroy Spacey's career, IF, he did a great job! He waited thirty years and got it done with a few well-timed sentences.

Don't fuck with this guy.


Someone else had mentioned this about how strange it was he was 14 and alone in this man's apartment watching T.V. by himself. I wonder where his parents were? Maybe child actors do things like that all the time, though. Although when I was in high school my friend, who is gay, was seeing a man that was 15 years older than him. I didn't know it at the time until after high school and they moved in together.


<< Someone else had mentioned this about how strange it was he was 14 and alone in this man's apartment watching T.V. by himself. I wonder where his parents were? >>

Rapp was invited to a party at Spacey's house/apartment (they werte both acting in Broadway plays at the time), got bored because he was the youngest person there, and went off to watch TV in another room (I believe)

I don't know where his parents were...or if they even lived in Manhattan.


parents of child actors/actresses have never been known for their great parenting skills - except for a few like Ron Howard.


You gotta be some sort of evil to pimp your kids out to Hollywood.


Maybe because he was 14 at the time. I'm sure gay people don't like the notion of other gay people making sexual advances towards minors either.

Your point is total nonsense.
