Born into entitlement
I dont care !
I would rather say that she was born into a life of duties.
what has she done for the past 70 years?
shareMore than you probably.
shareI doubt it. she is more than welcome to come work the night shift with me, which averages 13 hours/4 days a week, sitting in front of 3 monitors.
shareShe probably would of but she died yesterday didn't you know.
sharewell dang, living to 96 is not normal, I am sure she had a pretty easy life with the best healthcare on the planet.
maybe Kate can renounce her title and wealth and get a real job. would be interesting to see her in construction or a road crew.
What do you mean living to 96 is not normal? My Grandparents both lived to their mid 90s and they definitely didn't have an easy life.
sharethat was prob genetic, I had a great aunt who lived til 95, her daughter lived til about the same age.
as of now, the average death age is 73 or 74. just saying that the majority of people dont live to 95. its still a rare occurrence, but with the advancement of medicine people are living longer.
I gotta be honest with you, the way you described your job sounds pretty easy too
sharewell its not, people think sitting for long periods of time is easy.
find yourself a job in a network control center. either transport/fiber or ip. work 12 to 14 hours a day 4 days a week for the next 20 years and then get back to me.
or you can just sit in front of your home computer all day or in my case all night. working nightshift is the worst and ruins your life.
shareTry standing and lifting drinking periods. Millions of people do that type of work. You sit all day and look at screens. you should have enough time and energy to do some workouts on break....I can't believe you compared your job to Queen Elizabeth who had virtually ZERO privacy all her life....
shareill take zero privacy for 30 million a year for me.
shareZero privacy is a big element of the Royals life that few seem to consider. Imagine if every aspect of your life is monitored and carefully considered. Everything you do is either in the glare of full media coverage or if indoors, there are staff everywhere, listening, potentially gossiping or leaking to the Media.
You can't just pop out for a walk, you can't nip to the shops or to a bar or restaurant.
Their lives are so different from everyday people, from birth to death, that it is impossible to compare who's working life is "the hardest"
Yes, it might seem nice if you never have to cook, clean, do the washing etc. I sometimes think about what it be like to live in a house so big that if you want to have a word with the chef about too much salt or something, it takes you 20 mins to walk to the kitchen.
Get another job if your current one is ruining your life.
Maybe she was, but William and Harry are clearly not.
Here is William:
His royal treatment maybe customary, his obvious enjoyment instead of embarrassment shows what kind of person he was.
Here is Harry:
And he abandoned his duties. Despite went to elite school like Eton, he was not tertiary educated. And despite that he landed cushy consulting jobs. The guy is the very definition of the privileged.
William looks uncomfortable and embarrassed to me.
You might say that Harry was Margaret to William's Elizabeth.
I am actually very surprised there are even people disputing something so obvious, but OK, we are all entitled to our opinions.
shareShould he have disrespected the tribe by refusing them instead? You do understand that tribes relationship with Phillip don't you? Who are you to mock their customs? They were honoured to carry the grandson of someone their tribe revered.
He could look solemn and respectful. I bet that is what Queen Elizabeth would have done.
Like I said before his royal treatment was not in question.
How is smiling disrespectful? Massive reach there. You're getting bent out of shape because of a picture of him smiling.
shareYou can't be serious, I think you are the one who is reaching. But like I said before, we are all entitled to our opinions.
shareNo don't dodge the question, how is smiling disrespectful?
sharehis obvious enjoyment
No you're not honest that's correct, you can't explain why smiling is disrespectful and you think you can deduce how someone is feeling from a picture. I remember a similar situation with a certain young lad in a red hat smiling.
Do the Vanuatu look like they feel disrespected? Typical bleeding heart type getting offended on behalf of other people "oh those tribesmen are too dumb to realise so I'll take offense on their behalf"
Yes run away because your arguments fucking suck.
yaaa I gotta work too bro. give me 30 million a year, 200 million to me and my extended family. and you bet your ass ill work for you almost 24/7
shareIt wasn't her fault she was born that way bigot.
shareRetard take below me.
edit: Times 2
Lol. How is the OP a bigot?
shareIsn't it usually bigoted to hate someone for the way they were born?
shareSure, but his post doesn't in anyway indicate hate. "I don't care" is purely indifference, which is certainly not bigotry. I'm sure there are lots of things out there that you don't care about. Can I assume you don't consider yourself a bigot?
sharelol it was tongue in cheek anyway, just parodying the willynilly accusations of bigotry that get thrown around.
"I don't care" is purely indifference, which is certainly not bigotry.
I agree that bigot is overused, but still, better keep your day job.
shareWell humour is a matter of perspective, maybe yours will change when the stick up your arse finally breaks hey?
shareLol. I'm far from a stick up the ass guy. Since you're the one getting cunty about a little turn of phrase, perhaps you should consider your own stick, and the possibility that you aren't funny?
sharemaybe yours will change when the stick up your arse finally breaks hey?
Geez, you seem a little touchy. Settle down snowflake.
shareHey if I'm "cunty" then you're a "sensitive little pussy"
I made a sarcastic comment, you didn't like/approve/get/whatever it. I think I will survive. Let's move on shall we?
At this point, you're coming across more like a little bitch than anything. I'm already gone bro.
shareSure thing pussy. Thanks for the reply 4 hrs later to tell me how far gone you were "bro"
shareAm I still living in your head you little bitch? Sorry I have a life and dont live on these boards to remind people what little bitches they are. I'm really done now, because obviously you're such a loser you have ample time to keep replying with your bitching. I conceed to your pathetic loser ass free time.🤣
shareLol. I'm far from a stick up the ass guy
simp less. she never cared about you
shareEveryone in the west is born into privilege.
share🤣 Ah, the voice of ignorance. Drive through rural Tennessee, Kentucky or Alabama...or many other states. You'll see poverty that reminds you of the slums of Bagdad.
shareliterally not the voice of ignorance. those people in Baghdad would kill for a minimum wage US job and the relative peace of the US.
doesnt meant the US is great or perfect, im the first to criticize inequality. But you cant deny the social stability and opportunity of rural Tennessee vs Bahgdad
Now imagine driving through a country that isn't the richest the world has evr seen.
shareThat doesn't make any sense bro. I don't even know what you're implying.
shareIt means however poor people are in the west, they are ALWAYS living in a more prosperous society than those NOT in the west.
shareAh, and I'm now saying you're full of shit and wrong.
shareYou're saying America isn't the richest, most prosperous nation on earth?
So you're a simpleton?
Google it dipshit. America isn't the most affluent country. Not by gross domestic product OR income per capita. A simpleton is a dumb little fuck who runs his mouth without knowing facts, as you just did.
shareYeah, you're a simpleton. LOL
shareLol, nice intelligent counter. You could have just said "huh, i guess I was mistaken", but you chose the bold choice of doubling down on your ignorance for everyone to see. Typical liberal, when the facts interfere with your argument, you resort to insults.
shareLOL. Not only are you a simpleton but I bet you're one of those simpletons who shouts... 'you think you're better than me?' at the wrestling.
sharesilver spoon, with a 30 million dollar "allowance" every year. given to somone with a value of 500 million.
Lemon socialism.
socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor.
How can you say that? She never even got a passport.