Virginia is a Ho

She got paid well for her services at the time, and she got paid off by Epstein in a settlment, and now she's hit the jackpot with Andrew! I don't see her as a victim, I see her as an opportunist and extortionist.


Then why did andrew settle? He claims he never met her! He claims that photo of the two of them is a Well, why in hell would you pay off someone you claim to not know???? A deal was brokered between charles and queen.


He wanted to fight. The Royal Family said: Let's not let this ruin the Queen's 70 year jubilee! Settle it and move on. This is chunk change for them. They're billionaires.


ehhh fuck this asshole and the whole royal family!! the whole lot of em is scum!!!!!


we agree for once. they are inbred scum


yea a bunch of inbred weasels. money cant buy normalcy


imagine getting born into being that rich simply because you are part of an inbred murderous dynasty.


Nah. The Royals are inbred scum.


After reviewing everything about the case, I've come to these conclusions:

- Prince Andrew is an ugly, spoiled, dirty little scumbag who was coddled and protected by the Queen and her family, and should be horse-whipped for ever getting involved with Jeffrey Epstein or sleeping with women 20 years his junior. I can't believe his royal mommy still calls him "her favorite." If I had a son like that, I'd disown him and let him paddle his own horny-ass canoe.

- Virginia is not as innocent as she pretends to be. I keep hearing differing stories on her either consenting to sleep with the likes of Andrew and Bill Clinton during her teens, or she "got raped" when in a country where 17 was not the age of consent. It seems the story changes with each lawsuit. It's interesting that she now has a net worth of $17 million. I had no idea victimhood was so lucrative a business. And it seems like every few years she magically comes up with new reasons to sue the prince, just to squeeze more money out of him. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but still...


she doesn't deserve it.

She was and is a prostitute.

Prostitution is known as the oldest profession in the world.

Girls have always been drawn to this job for a number of reasons: financial, and personal. Most of them like it, otherwise they would go out there and find an honest living. Or they are drug addicts and this is the easiest way to feed their addiction.

Only Virginia can speak to why she chose to prostitute herself.

A 'massage artist' is a pseudonym for 'prostitute'.

If she didn't know that, the second she realized it, she should have run.

But she didn't.

She chose to continue her services because a) the money was excellent, and b) it was the lifestyles of the rich and famous and c) she was having a good time.

Viriginia got paid well at the time, and she went back to get paid even better the second time around, this time by crying victim.

She's a hustler, and I don't have any sympathy for her at all.


Honestly, Prince Andrew should have never gotten involved with Epstein. That slime was nothing but trouble.


yes he was.

It shows a terrible lack of judgement.

But it was his old friend Ghiliane Maxwell that brought him into Epstein's circle


She's just as much of a scum as Epstein.


she was.

But she was part of the British establishment, she moved in the same circles as Andrew.

She gave Epstein a level of class that he didn't have.

She was his cover.


Yes, Virginia was a whore, and as interested in money as anyone who works for a living, but that doesn't make her an unreliable witness, or make the actions of her clients legal or ethical.

We all do nasty things to earn a living, and we're all looking for that work-related jackpot that would bring in enough to let us get ahead.
