MovieChat Forums > Chris Pratt Discussion > How did this guy lose 60 pounds in 6 mon...

How did this guy lose 60 pounds in 6 months?

He went from marginally funny sarcastic fat/husky guy to a ripped hunk in 6 months? I'm calling steroids.

I haven't been this surprised by a weight loss since Josh Peck.


That doesn't really make sense... You take steroids to enhance muscle mass while muscle weighs more than fat. So if anything he would gain weight. He said he worked hard and cut bad food out of his diet. It's hard work and dedication but it's not impossible.


If you weren't a fat person your whole life it's easier to lose weight and regain muscle. Look at his old pics before he got famous. He was in shape.


Exactly, he wasn't even that fat to begin with.


I don't get what's so hard to believe?

If you work hard for 6 months, you can lose 60 pounds and put muscle on......that would be roughly 2 pounds a week, which is not unrealistic.

Pratt's workouts were 5 days a week for four hours a day, and he had a professional trainer.......the average person doesn't really have that time. But obviously Pratt's regimen was very, very intense.

I mean, he was definitely pudgy and overweight on 'Parks and Rec' but he was basically just your average dude. He wasn't obese. He went from pudgy to cut. Not like he would win any bodybuilding competitions.


I lost 60 lbs in about 3 months. I lost 20 lbs just by being in the hospital for a week. After, I had no appetite for a few months. If I'd used that opportunity, I could have forced down protein shakes and, having been given the money and time to work out 6 days a week with a personal trainer, a dietician, and nothing else to focus on, I could look like Pratt. I'm his height, his build.

Men can lose weight fast. It's just kind of a thing. We just have to stop eating and work out like a crazy person.


If you cut (or eliminate) your caloric intake, (1) you won’t be able to train hard because your body’s only source for nourishment is your fat and your body REALLY does not want to burn its fat, so (2) your body LOWERS YOUR METABOLISM to counteract your goal of burning fat.

If you want to monkey with your diet to burn fat and train strong, eat a small meal every 3 hours. This keeps your glycogen levels consistent (and not spiking up and down) throughout the day. You’ll have much more consistent energy and you’ll feel better.


Wish I could.


6 months with a live-in trainer will do that to pretty much anybody. There's tons of supplements to help you along the way without messing with roids. He actually had the exact starting body type you want to have to pack on the muscle. Big square frame with dense meat evenly distributed all over you. If he was a scrawny skinny guy, he'd need the roids for sure.


I started to take my calorie counting, what I eat and training serious in November, in May I lost 30 Kilo, now I am even 40 Kilo below the start. If I do this with once a week personal trainer and just the goal to be more healthy, I am sure a Hollywoodperson with a million dollar carrot will do it with ease.


You'll have to translate your post to the old English system. We Americans aren't on the metric system and don't know how many kilograms make a pound


Metric system is so hard. ;)
My google search resulted in 66 pounds. So 1 kilo is 2.2 pounds.


That's too much math for us Americans.


Only for some of us, and it’s actually arithmetic.
