MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, p...

Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, panic attacks, suicidal...

Not a well individual.

- Now, he claimed that starring in the 2007 flick and being forced to dress a certain way for it 'almost killed' him, while chatting with Esquire recently.

- He admitted that he suffered from 'intense' depression and anxiety, and would 'struggle with food' - losing so much weight that he 'collapsed multiple times'.

- The star said he constantly wanted to 'flee' from his body and that he would have 'severe panic attacks' over wearing girly clothes during promo for the film.

- He recalled being told by production company Fox Searchlight that he had to wear a dress to the premiere, which he called 'extremely f**ked up' and 'gross'.

Recounting a run in with a 'transphobe'.
He said transphobia is 'so extreme,' as he remembered one time when a 'really big dude' started screaming at him and calling him a 'f****t' while he was trying to cross the street.

Out of fear that the man would retaliate, Elliot said he didn't respond and 'stood completely still, staring straight ahead' as the man yelled, 'You f****t! Don’t look at me! You f****t, f****t!'

The man told him, 'I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna gay-bash you. This is why I need a gun.' He eventually ran into a convenience store for safety.


"I'm gonna gay-bash you.". Sounds like someones fan fiction.

And maybe she should have taken care of her mental health instead of pursuing fame and fortune. And then shun everything that made it possible for her to get all this weird surgery.


hahaha yeah this sick individual is so lost on her delusions she needs to make up hate crimes



"He said transphobia is 'so extreme,' as he remembered one time when a 'really big dude' started screaming at him and calling him a 'f****t' while he was trying to cross the street.

Out of fear that the man would retaliate, Elliot said he didn't respond and 'stood completely still, staring straight ahead' as the man yelled, 'You f****t! Don’t look at me! You f****t, f****t!'

The man told him, 'I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna kill you, you f**king f****t! I’m gonna gay-bash you. This is why I need a gun.' He eventually ran into a convenience store for safety."

LOL, sounds like something out of the Jussie Smollet playbook...


Yeah, no one talks like that! "This is why I need a gun" - ridiculous! She's extremely mentally ill.


remember when you defended a disgusting Neo nazi who literally called you subhuman. damn you black conservatives are truly self hating with no spine


LOL, you're like those annoying Chihuahuas that keep nipping at heels!!


even a chihuahua has more dignity and a spine than you do. that will forever be a stain. you backing down from someone who called you a subhuman low iq criminal who should be aborted. while saying "da libs are worse"


No, refusing to get into a 5 year pissing war with a person of very limited intellect and a racist to boot is a lesson in futility - not backing down, which is why I stopped arguing with him and why I stopped arguing with you the last time you started yapping.

Most brighter folks know that winning an argument with someone of intelligence isn't easy, but it's impossible to win one with an idiot.

Just say something else stupid or racist or both and we'll just call this one done as well.


I love when you Called me racist for.... calling out overtones blatant white supremacy. thats how much of a weak bitch you are.

I know man run away nice cop out. you'd rather sacrifice your dignity than admit your fellow conservative said disgusting thing but. "da libs are worse dan da white supremacist who says im a low iq criminal that should be aborted"

imagine the lack of a spine and sad scumbag you'd have to be to say what you did.


She assumed it was a 'dude' whatever that is these days.. Careful now they'll come for you.


"I'm gonna gay-bash you."

No one has EVER said that to anyone. Ever. This is getting so out of hand. 🤣😂🤣

Never take your mental health for granted. Just wow.


I don't know where El goes from here. Obviously, leading man or leading lady roles are off the table now, so the best el can hope for is some character actor roles, buy i am guessing the the roles looking for El's characteristics are very few and far between


Mania, depression, suicide.


She's a fcking idiot.


The dumb bitch cut off her tits. There is nothing less rational than that, so lies and exaggerations are nothing after that.


"Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts.

She realizes all these things are symptoms of mental illness but cannot make the connection that believing she is trapped in a woman's body is just another symptom. She should go to counseling and figure out what her parents did to her when she was young.


"Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts"

Don't forget "pathological penis envy".


She gave it up, and now it's all she can think about.
