MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > When will this Trans/gay fascism end?

When will this Trans/gay fascism end?

I'm not political, but am sick of what is clearly a powerful agenda from somewhere 'above' to brainwash society and eradicate men/gender.

No grass roots lobby group could get huge corporations on board so smugly.

Stalin or Hitler would be overjoyed.


It won't end.

Have you ever read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World? That's the future we have to look forward to in the West.

Have you also seen the amount of mega-corporations actively fighting back against the "Don't Groom Kids" bill?

It really shines a light on the state of today's culture. Also the irony of things like this makes it plenty clear WHY they want to ban the bill that prevents the Rainbow Reich from grooming kids willy-nilly:

Just remember: the Bunghole Bolsheviks can't procreate, only indoctrinate.


Were there homo's in Brave New World? I don't remember. I only remember "do you want to engage tonight" and "by Ford" and soma and Peter Ustinov in the cave with all the cats and the Jiffy Pop robot with the "proteins from the sea"


Ehh, I guess I should have clarified... it wasn't about homos in Brave New World, but about the erasure of societal standards.

...That no one belongs to anyone. That the fabric of moral boundaries have been eroded in place of incessant hedonism.

We're seeing the foundations for that future being laid now, and the moral standards that helped keep society functional chipped away by the Demonrats.


It's an absolute disgrace and the media are just ignoring it for fear of offending pedos...


Very few people want to eradicate gender. Here's one guy who wants to do it though.


When people stop voting for Democrats. When parents grow a spine and take charge of their children. When the profession of psychology stops affirming the delusions of the mentally ill and starts treating them. When the public school system stops being woke. When quacks start getting prosecuted for pharmacologically and surgically mutilating minors.

Which means never.


all those guys at Thermopylae were mentally ill?


It’s not men who are being eradicated. It's women. Haven't you heard the misogynistic tone these days of "transwomen are women," and the constant calling for JK Rowling's head on a platter for trying to protect little girls from puberty blocking drugs, and the eradication of women's only safe zones. Men are also gaining access to women's only safe spaces simply by affirming they "feel" like a woman inside. They don't even have to take the hormones to "transition" to be granted access to women's washrooms, change rooms, rape and domestic violence clinics, women's prisons, and other areas once held has sacred only to women. Rapes are up in Scottish prisons that has affirmed a "how you feel bill." Women are also no longer allowed to use the word WOMAN to say who they are as it causes "an affront" to these people who call us "uterus havers" or "cervix havers" or "pregnant people." The last bastion of women's accomplishments are being stolen by trans-whatevers in the sports field by physically stronger "men" who are stealing women's only records. And the final nail in women's coffins is the men-led Bill's to restrict women's reproductive rights. Those "heartbeat" bills that say a woman has no right to her own body as it is used as a forced incubator for embryos conceived in rape and incest.

JK Rowling and other women are being called detestable names as they fight for women and young girls rights. So don't tell me about the eradication of men/gender.


Ironic that it's women that are driving it then.


Were you asleep the years they taught history in school? Hitler included gay people in his "final solution".

I think you're just generally uninformed, bias and prejudiced.
