MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Why is she labelled a gay man on Wikiped...

Why is she labelled a gay man on Wikipedia??

Even if she is a man (which she is not), how the hell is she a gay man? Gay men are attracter do men. She isn't attracted to men and never has.


I think mutilated lesbian is a far more accurate description.


I agree. I'm just trying to figure out how the left rationalizes this nonsense.


I can pretty much figure out the left - it's the far left that baffles the crap out of me.


She should be labeled a mental case or a sissy!


please dont disparage the mental cases and sissys like that, they're much more sane and rational


The LGBTQIA+ Arent mental cases , Mental Cases are Unhinged Creepers that are In Nut Houses and Prisons stop being bigotted


because the whole world seems to have gone full blown retard mode. luckily, none of this dumbness matters in real life.


none of this dumbness matters in real life.

Unfortunately, it does... and it has horrifying consequences...


This isn't a man, it's a mental health mess, who is a woman and always will be one. It just looks like a little sissy boy.


Because Wikipedia is woke, which means affirmation of the mentally ill instead of advocating treatment.


Everyone knows Wikipedia is woke. But even when embracing a woke ideology it makes absolutely no sense to label her as a gay man. She/He is not attracted to men.
