MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Please stop bringing attention to Elliot...

Please stop bringing attention to Elliot/Ellen Page & Others

This is stupid! I get some people have disagreements about Page's choice, but just leave it alone. I think people should be free to have their personal choice. Let them be who they want to be and stop going after them if you disagree with their choices. If you keep going on about them, you're probably just keeping what you dislike alive and I seriously doubt you're going to change many or most likely anyone's opinion on the internet.

Feel free to not watch movies by this person anymore, but in my opinion, people just need to stop giving attention to things that ultimately end up being personal choices.

If Page says some stupid shit or cool shit on the internet, I can see that being a topic of discussion, but going on and on about whether she should've turned into a he has been played out and has not been a very productive conversation, at least from what I've seen.

Yes, people should always have the right to express their opinion, but is this really a battle worth fighting? People are going to do what they want to do, so if they're not hurting you, leave that shit alone and focus on more on things that are actually important.




Mental illness isn't a personal choice.


True. What's your point? You should still move on with your life.


My point is that her sex change wasn't a personal choice, just a result of her mental illness.


Are you speaking from experience?


Of having a mental illness? Well, yes. Not the kind that makes you fucked up though.


People find it to be an interesting topic. Eventually it will slow down. I wouldn't worry about it that much.


People are going to do what they want to do, so if they're not hurting you, leave that shit alone and focus on more on things that are actually important.

This is where I disagree with you. I'm not a woman, but many women say they are scared of getting assaulted by trans women in bathrooms. Who am I to say that they shouldn't be scared?


Many women say this? Are you certain about that? Iโ€™m sure some have, but I would guess that more women are scared of walking alone by themselves at night or of being raped and beaten by their male partners, which statistically is far more likely to happen.

To me it sounds like a line people latch on to that supports their own prejudice. I havenโ€™t heard of one woman who has been assaulted by a trans woman in a bathroom, whereas I hear stories about violent assaults on women by straight men all the time. Assaults, rapes and murders are reported with depressing regularity, as we all know.

Of course Iโ€™m not saying it couldnโ€™t happen, but logic suggests that a trans person is in more danger of being assaulted just by being out in public than a women is by being in a bathroom with someone who is more than likely only there to use the toilet next to them, and in the majority of cases isnโ€™t even attracted to women.

Also interesting that this is the argument raised on the Elliot Page thread.. a trans MAN. Would you or I be scared if Elliot walked into a bathroom to take a leak while we were there? Or would we mind our own business and let the person go to the toilet in peace? Similarly, would you prefer a trans woman to use the male bathroom instead? Whatโ€™s your thoughts on the chances of assault if that happened? Who would be in danger then, or do we not really care about that?


I'm not saying most women have said it, I'm just saying I've heard many women say it. I'd have to take a poll to determine if it's most. Personally, I wouldn't be scared if Ellen walked into a bathroom I was using. I'd just finish what I was doing and leave. If someone wants to complain, that's up to them, but I don't fear for my safety. But as I said, I'm a man, so my perspective is different.

I guess women hear stories like these and are concerned about the [possibility of it happening, rather than the likelihood of it happening.

Whether or not this is a widespread problem, I can't say. But I won't dismiss a woman's fears if they are scared of it. I have things that I'm scared of, and I'd hate if someone told me to just get over it.


I'm going to go out on a limb and just suggest that the majority of men who attack women in washrooms are not trans. Sure some may claim that they are, but they are just using it as an excuse. These men would have attacked a woman in a different way.

Do you think that trans women would be safe in a men's washroom? I don't.

Do I think that there are safety issues? Sure. But as a woman there were safety issues before this. It's nothing new. I'm all for gender neutral washrooms, enclosed stalls with floor to ceiling walls, and the sink portion open to the outside whatever that might be.


I'm going to go out on a limb and just suggest that the majority of men who attack women in washrooms are not trans.

I would agree, but I'm sure that that has to do with trans people being less than 1% of the population. In the UK, 48% of transgender prisoners are convicted sex offenders. Almost 20% of male prisoners have committed sex offences.

Do you think that trans women would be safe in a men's washroom? I don't.



There has to be a solution. Right now it's not perfect, but I'd rather a trans women be safe in my washroom than not. I want all people to be safe, I know they won't be, but we don't demonize all men for sexual assaults, let's not do the same for trans people.

In the UK, 48% of transgender prisoners are convicted sex offenders. Almost 20% of male prisoners have committed sex offences. Also the number of sex offences that aren't reported, tried, or convicted, doesn't really give that number much meaning to me.


but we don't demonize all men for sexual assaults

Maybe not you, but I've met a few crazy males and females who do. But your point is fair.


Why are the only stories on this 'women are human' 'news' site about transgender complaints? Not a reliable 'news' source at all.


They provide the names on the article of you want to delve further with different sites.


Exactly, have you gone to those links? They don't back up what this blog 'journalist' said at all. It's embarrassing. There is a massive difference between RAPE and inappropriately touching a girl's breast on the outside of her clothes.

Saying that she was raped and making up details that do not relate to the case isn't just bad journalism. Why would you trust a news source that warped the truth like that?


The first link:

As the chat progressed, Mr Nieves allegedly shared with the conversation partner images of a small child performing indecent acts on his penis.

The third link:
Elizabeth Lancaster, a lawyer for the father, said the boy has been charged with two counts of Forcible Sodomy, a count of Anal Sodomy and a count of Forcible Fellatio in relation to the incident.

Which one of these isn't rape?



"Elizabeth Lancaster, a lawyer for the father, said the boy has been charged with two counts of Forcible Sodomy, a count of Anal Sodomy and a count of Forcible Fellatio in relation to the incident."

That is what this terrible mistake of a website said, if you click to the actual article from the local news ALL of that is a LIE.


Behind a paywall, but it cuts off where right after they make the same claim too:

Confirmed here also:


Dude . . . you've got to be kidding me with these 'sources'
That first link only repeats what the father says and not the actual evidence of the case!

Then a link to the Christian Broadcasting channel? Oh sure, they don't have a bias at ALL. Do you not understand why that website wouldn't be a reliable news source? I'm really asking here.

and some tweets? Do you know what the difference is between news and commentary?


Missing the part where it says that they quietly transferred the student, I see.

The tweet wasn't commentary. It's from a verified account where he states that he's been charged. Actually, he states that he was charged a second time for an incident at the other school.


Missing the part where all of these tweets are biased hearsay, I see.

Again, how do you tell the difference between news and commentary on the news?


If I gave you a CNN link would you say that it's biased?


If it was commentary and not news I absolutely would reject it . . . why is that such a hard concept?


It's not commentary if he's saying that he is being charged.


Dude . . .that is exactly commentary because what this guy 'said' and the actual 'facts' of the case are different. Do ya read me homes?


He said someone else said they were charged. Whether he was actually charged or not, doesn't change the fact that someone claimed someone was charged.


That's a completely separate issue from what I was talking about in my post and you can bring that up, but I don't think a movie chat forum about Elliot/Ellen Page is the correct place, just because this person is a transgender.

I really hate replying to this because all I'm doing is keeping this alive, which I was ignorantly hoping would get through to some people.

I get that those are discussions that should be had, but I just don't think making Page the eye of the storm is relevant, at least to your issue.


I'm not a woman, but many women say they are scared of getting assaulted by trans women in bathrooms.

I don't think so. Women are scared of getting assaulted by a guy with a wig who gets access to female bathrooms because he says he identifies as a woman. But that's not a trans woman, that's a pervert.


But that's not a trans woman, that's a pervert.

Statistically they're basically one and the same:


Actually, your link supports my point.

According to your link, transvestites are included as transgender. In a nutshell: the law puts in the same basket wearing a dress with having been in hormone therapy for a long time and living as a woman.

Obviously, if you categorize any pervert wearing a dress as a transgender, you can get high sexual crime statistics in transgenders. Duh, who would have imagined?. But the problem there is not trans women, the problem is the law.


i agree!
leave her be!!


I agree with the heart of your sentiment but ...

you said "Let them be who they want to be and stop going after them"

Funny how you don't think people you disagree with should be free to say what they want. This very thread is "going after them"


It sounds like you're replying to me and I never said this shouldn't be for anyone else. I think you're assuming I'm with a particular political party and even if that was true, I didn't imply anything of the sort. I find myself more on the libertarian side and think people should have the right to their own personal choice, left, right or wherever you land.


I didn't bring politics into it at all. You want people to shut up. Voicing opinion is also a right ... until it isn't. Enough people want free speech to go away and it just might.


The people whining about Elliot aren't actually trying to accomplish anything

They just need content to get their little rage boners aroused so that they can get off for the day


"Personal choice" ? Since when sex/gender is a personal choice? You can't choose stuff like that. She's deeply mentally ill, she needs treatment, therapy, not surgeries


I don't think it's up to you, that's my main point. If you think Page shouldn't shouldn't be able to be recognized as a male now, legally, that's a different discussion, and so is whether you think it's a mental issue. I'm just trying to say it's stupid that people are making a big issue out of the decision Page made.

I 100% think there should be discussion about this type of choice, but to single out someone seems a bit shitty to me and there might be better places to talk about it, but it's also your right to do it. I'm not gonna stop you, just felt like throwing in my two cents.


Fully agreed.


I'm just trying to say it's stupid that people are making a big issue out of the decision Page made.

Then it shouldn't have been broadcast on the media for the public to consume, and Ellen Page shouldn't be posting about it at all on social media for the public to consume.

Don't want people to talk about/criticize it? Don't broadcast it.
