MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > As fun as it is to rag on *her*....

As fun as it is to rag on *her*....

....These posts (some of which I'm guilty of, myself) are giving *her* the attention *she* (clearly) craves?
It's going to be hard enough for *her* to get roles, now that (by the whole woke LGBT, BLM, SJW mantra) need to be 'gender-specific' (without taking into account, that Hollywood itself is pretty much cancelled at the moment due to Covid-19)

Perhaps (given her affliction) *she* can be shoehorned into the latest 'Matrix' flick (Given that it's directed by similar misguided degenerates?)

But for the time being, social-media is *her* only outlet.....and good or bad, *she's* trending (partly thanks to posts like mine)


What are you trying to say?


I'm trying to say, I want (nay need) to stop ragging on *her* (regardless of how much fun it is) it gives *her* the attention she craves.

Unlike *Miss* Page, I'm going to be a man....and cease talking about such matters in future.

How 'stunning and Brave' of me, eh?


Nah, just makes you an asshole.


...but I 'identify' as a genius?


Being a genius has no bearing on whether you're an asshole or not.


Geniuses make the best assholes. I think there's a factory.



Just as 'claiming to be the opposite sex' has no bearing on actual being the opposite sex.

I'm trying to be nice here.....I created this post to (hopefully) have 'closure' on the matter (as to not give this confused *girl* any more attention) But you guys make it hard (with your constant counter insults....which contradict your otherwise so-called tolerance to others) But I'll be the better person and accept your insults (as I *know* what I am.....and more importantly *accept* what I'm not) There's no made-up laws preventing you from calling me names (nor would I want them)
But unfortunately, I now fear we'll converse further (just when I was willing to put this matter to bed).....and it's all of your own making....I tried to 'identify' as "done" with this topic.....but you couldn't help yourself with the insults, could you? (Thank the Lord, I have thicker skin than the mentally-damaged people you claim to defend?)

My only recourse is to suggest that you suck *Miss* Page's dick.
How's that for a non-existent insult (with zero threat or chance of possible outcome?)


Oh you made another facetious post to close the matter. Oh well then, listen up everybody, whoever this is says the matter is closed.. by bumping the topic again. Sure that flawless plan will work.

Hate to break it to you but you’re a dime a dozen and as soon as you “close the matter” there will be another just like you to lay the boot in.

Genius? Perhaps not.



Are you denying me my right to 'identify' as a genius?

yes or no?


No not at all. I’m also allowing myself the privilege of identifying you as a childish person with way too much time on your hands.

I know you think it’s clever to equate your “right” to call your trolling a work of genius with the issue of gender dysphoria and transgenderism, but to anyone with an IQ greater than a housefly it’s fairly transparent and sad.

But you’re having fun. And that’s the main thing 🙄



I am not a genius. I only said that as 'idiot-bait' (congratulations btw) and that's why (so-called) 'progressives' (like you) will either eat your own....or apologise yourselves out of existence.

Even when your own 'everything goes' logic (or lack of) is used against can't even reply (without coming across as both disingenuous and contradictory) by then claiming that you (quote) "Allow yourself the privilege of identifying me as a childish person" whilst simultaneously bemoaning anyone that points out basic science about Ellen Page (take a bow Einstein)

You do a far better job of insulting you, than I ever could (everytime you spout this crap about 'gender-dysphoria' etc)



I thought you were closing the matter with your first post. Not doing a splendid job of it are you?

More free attention for Elliot. Have at it.


I intended my post to be my last word on the matter (and had no-one responded ) it would have been.
But since then, insults (and questions) have been hurled at me (to which I feel obliged to address) I'm not exactly talking to myself here, am I?....if you want me to close the matter....stop posting (given that you clearly have no intention of addressing anything I said to you in my previous post?) You're inane replies are merely bumping the topic (whilst bemoaning it's bumpage) That's how dense you are?


I haven’t personally insulted you once, I did say your post was childish and counterproductive and that’s pretty hard to argue against, but you kind sir are the one hurling insults at me. That’s ok, I don’t mind. We’re keeping Elliot trending and you’re still having fun so it’s a win win situation. No need to be sad or salty. We’re all friends here, right Amigo? 😁


Who am I defending and what name did I call you? 😂


Why is he an asshole?


Ironically an "asshole" is one of the few organs that Ellen Page has in common with a man.


I didn't say he was.


Wait... so he should rag on her?


She made movies I didn't give a fuck about before, he'll make movies I don't give a fuck about now.


I liked a film *she* acted in, called 'Super' (but that's about it)


Rainn Wilson became such an outspoken fucktard on social media during the Trump presidency I can't tolerate the turd for a second any longer.


just balance him out with a dash of James Woods' twitter


All Hail. James Woods Twitter Feed.


no big deal. there's only 12 people that post here anyway. otherwise, this place is hidden
