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Did people back in the old days ever wish to change their sex?

As in centuries ago, has there been any documented evidence of someone wishing they could change their sex or wanting to identify as the opposite sex?

I know it would have been deeply frowned upon the further back you go in history, being thought of as homosexual, let alone anything else. I'm just curious as to whether this is strictly a modern way of thinking among people.


North American Indigenous peoples had the words lhamana or nádleehi depending on which tribe you were from that essentially is a word for trans. They now use two-spirit.

There are accounts from the middle ages. Eleanor Rykener was arrested in the 1300s for having a man's body but living and working as a woman.


No. There were other ways to get attention, usually by showing up at the red carpet with someone hot and famous.


There have always been a minuscule, statistically insignificant number of people with this psychological malfunction. However, the numbers we see today reflect a social fad, largely among teenage girls and young women, which will eventually fade.


Yes, quite a few.

I read about some of them in an exhibition once.
For example women in 19th century in the American Civil War living and dressing as men in order to fight, other women I think also in the 19th century living as married couples, men as women and plenty of cross dressing in history too including monarchs which may have been transsexual experiences we just don’t know.

If you just search in Google this comes up which is a starting point at least:

War-time cross dressers:

This is interesting about female husbands:


Any body ever discussed that if there were as many LGBT around 100 years ago, and without artificial insemination. How would they have had kids? Maybe they wouldve died out?


This comment / assumption makes no sense - just because LGBT people don’t have children either biologically, by surrogate or by adoption doesn’t mean LGBT people would ‘die out’!


Sorry. What I mean is . If 100 years ago everyone suddenly were born LGBT ( cos apparently you are born like that). Without artificial insemination the human race wouldve died out.


Ah thanks, I see!


There are several methods they used, a few of which, are still used today.

Method 1: Put on a "straight" public appearance, marry a "beard" and have kids that way, but live a secret double life with your lover in a place your regular family and friends don't know about. (This one isn't as common anymore in Western culture, but is still done in other parts of the world).

Method 2: Lesbian couple wants to have kids, so one of them pretties herself up, goes to bars, and gets knocked up. (Still done today if they can't afford artificial means).

Method 3: Gay couple wants to have kids, and one of their lesbian friends offers to carry a child for them. (Still done today).

Method 4: Adopt (though that only became legal within the last couple of decades).

Now from a historical perspective, there weren't as many LGBT people around in times past, partially due to their lifestyle being taboo in regular society, and lack of communication. Most of the time, they had to keep their orientation a secret, or lose everything, maybe even be executed. They typically hid themselves in plain sight. What LGBT people who did exist either used Method 1, or did not marry or have kids at all. But they did not die out.

The more interesting information came from European royals and nobles who were gay. Their status mostly protected them from the wrath of the Church, but they still carried out their LGBT activities in secret. The court could whisper and gossip, or snicker, but they weren't allowed to openly diss the monarch or royal relative, particularly if they were high on the food chain. The few gay royals and nobles who did exist often had to put their orientation aside in order to do their duty and have heirs, otherwise their family line would die out and their fortune/country/status would be lost to someone else upon their death. Therefore, it was pretty normal for them to have legal marriages to the "right" people, get pregnant and have at least one surviving heir, and then go off to do what they wanted in private. For once, arranged marriages worked in their favor.


I'm sure it happened and was probably kept rather hush hush in most cases. I am sure it was nothing like what we get now though with kids being brainwashed into thinking they may not be the gender they were born as.


It’s sad when you read about Phillipe Duke of Orleans brother to King Louis XIV, who was dressed and raised as a girl basically by their mother, I think in order to emasculate him so he was no threat to his brother who was the heir. Whether this had any bearing on his later homosexual habits and cross dressing who is to know?


You CAN NOT change your sex. Sure, surgery can make you LOOK like someone from the opposite sex but you'll never BE one.

Women with a dick attached to them can't suddenly drive cars.

Men with their dick cut off and some tits on them don't suddenly want to talk about their emotions and discuss the colours for the new curtains.

Gender = sex = male or female

All those freaks claiming they were 'born in the wrong body' have a MENTAL problem, NOT a physical one.


"don't suddenly want to talk about their emotions"

You must be a man-child or an overgrown one with arrested development.


Nah, I'm just very factual.


‘Women with a dick attached to them can't suddenly drive cars.’

So, you’re saying that women without dicks can drive cars, or that only people with dicks (specifically men I guess) are better at driving cars than people without dicks (specifically women) ?


Come on, it's common knowledge women can't drive cars. Neither can Asians (men included). It's a fact of life.


Wow, sexist AND racist.
Bravo 😑


Most of the male ancient Greeks had gay lovers, wives and preferred children. Go figure this weirdness went back that far.
I was once at an open (ie. free range) dairy farm and the female cows would sometimes hump the other female cows.
Putting all this strictness on desire could be a modern social construct.

Please don't watch the movie Caligula. Your head will explode.

That said Ellen Page really never needed to bat for pink team. Judging by this board full of whackos she had quite a hungry following.......................or maybe that's the problem. Maybe she is just a Female Going Their Own Way. lol Imagine if women did that to men in retaliation to MGTOWs. There would be mob hangings of MGTOWs in the streets daily, I guarantee it.


Cattle as well as plenty of other animals including dogs will mount animals of the same or opposite sex. This is because of a number of reasons but is mostly to do with dominance and adolescent playfulness. In cattle it’s related to cows being in oestrus, and sometimes if this isn’t happening because of sexual frustration.
Even female animals will mount and play the ‘male’ role with others, or objects, for example a female dog with a toy.

Many species of animal also enter into homosexual relationships at breeding time for example ducks. The need to pair up is so strong that without suitable numbers of females (there are often more males vying for the females than the other way around) the males will pair up with each other and do everything they would with a female mate, it’s just that they can’t raise any chicks of course!

However, there are a few exceptions to this - animals that actually choose homosexual relationships even when there are available mates of the opposite sex but this doesn’t necessarily mean they will not pair up heterosexually! For example Japanese Macaques.
There’s more about them and other animals here:


MGTOWs? WTF is that? Is that like a WMD? Or does it have anything to do with the LGBQTUWYDHLPVACH movement? What do the FBI, NSA, CIA, DOJ and DEA think of it?

And Caligula is a masterpiece. Wonderful wonderful porn in there. I fap to it often.


Men Going Their Own Way.
