MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > I can see her attempting suicide at some...

I can see her attempting suicide at some point

Not trying to be harsh but transgenders are far more likely to attempt suicide due to their abnormal lifestyle and mental state. She looks like she's lost the plot already from her new profile pic.


This may be the plan. The Woke Folk's first high profile martyr.


What is wrong with you? I'm not a fan of the whole trans thing, but you don't have to be to believe she really thinks she feels she's a man. This isn't some plan or plot. Everything you disagree with isn't "fake news" or a conspiracy.


How would you know what isn't fake news and what isn't a conspiracy ?


So-called "transgenders" are people experiencing a persistent, profound psychotic break with reality. The medical profession's doomed attempt to normalize that condition is one of the greatest crimes of our day.


Well said


True dat.


Who knows? Right now she's like "yeepeee! now I'm traaans!! everybody is praiiiising meee!!! how fuuuun!!!".

Going trans is easy nowadays in the woke community. Going back once she go bored... is not gonna be easy. If she took hormones, changes can be irreversible. And the moment she says she doesn't want to be trans anymore, everybody who is praising now is gonna turn his back on her.

Modern society is promoting gender transitioning as the magical solution to your personal issues. Short term, she will enjoy the clapping. Long term, she'll still have issues, and then the problem of having gone trans.

In a few years, she killing herself? I hope not, but I'd say chances are 50/50.


What a gross conjecture.

Shame on you.


It's statistically more likely. Facts are facts.


Mainly because of societal discrimination. Which many of these threads perpetuate.

Spin it any way you want to, playing guessing games about whether someone will kill themselves is atrociously cruel and mean spirited.

As I said, shame on anyone who thinks it’s an entertaining way to spend their time on this forum. What good can possibly come from being so horrible is beyond me.


where is the discrimination?

how is telling a man that he is a man ... discrimination?


I’m not here to hold your hand and walk you through the mountains of shit that has been dumped on this person since their announcement on this forum. All you have to do is read. Start with the sick, mentally ill, opportunistic, trend-following, deluded, carpet muncher comments if you like. Or don’t. But playing dumb isn’t that cute.


mocking someone for bending reality and demanding the world to bend to his bending is NOT discrimination ...


I don't think discriminating against someone attempting to undo science and logic is a bad thing. Good for everyone who's apposed to blindly accepting this.


Are you a scientist? A biologist? A geneticist?


Yes, all 3.



I'm neither a Scientist, Biologist or Geneticist? (but I've decided to indentify as don't you DARE say otherwise)


Cool let’s place our bets on when and how he will do it then. A few weeks? A month? Will the sick fuck use a gun or just slit her/his/its wrists?

And won’t we all feel all so justified and satisfied when it happens? We were right all along. Look how much better us heteros are than those flaky freaks and their agenda that is destroying our lives.

Have at it then. Enjoy.


They aren't destroying our lives, but they are destroying common sense. You continue to prove that with every reply.


"someone attempting to undo science and logic"



I've made it so clear how little consideration I have for your worthless opinion, it boggles my mind you continue to reply to me. Let me make it clear: You bring nothing to the table regarding conversation. You've proven to be worthless and hypocritical. Anything you'd ever say that contradicts my opinion only strengthens the certainty that I am correct in my way thinking, and anything you'd say supporting my opinion would add zero validation. Your words mean nothing to me, other than an excuse to fill a few moments of boredom to reiterate how useless I think you are while I'm taking a shit.


Wow, lovely.

You really are great.


Thank you.


No thank YOU.

I know you probably rate my opinion as low as Kowalaki’s (maybe even lower!) but it would be remiss of me not to say that you have it wrong about him. He’s a kind and funny person. He really means no one any harm and I know you guys have your differences but to publicly slam him like that is wrong. I don’t expect to change your opinion, you have every right to be friendly or not to whoever you want, but if I was you I’d give him another chance. Like I said, a really good guy. You could do worse than at least finding a polite middle ground.


Ellen* her*

Stop shouting.




There is no such thing as "your truth" or "my truth", just THEEEEE truth.




Mainly because of societal discrimination.

People don't commit suicide in record numbers because of mean comments unless they already have serious underlying mental health issues. Transgenders attempt suicide at a rate of over 1 in 4 (27%) and 9 out of 10 have at least thought about it. No other demographic has this level of suicide ideation. Not even black slaves attempted suicide at that rate and they went through far worse discrimination.

You think you're helping the trans community by cheering them on, but you're only perpetuating their mental illness. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Yeah, you would think me showing compassion to people that are already suffering instead of ridiculing and attacking them would make me feel ashamed of myself, wouldn't you? Strangely it doesn't.

I'm hardly cheering anyone on by saying these threads are way over the top and being unimpressed by people putting suicide forth as a productive subject to ponder. But keep attacking anyone who dares to challenge your words. It's a great look and not defensive at all.


You're showing compassion in a completely misguided and phony manner. You're perpetuating the misery of these people because it makes you feel better about yourself so you can pretend to be benevolent and tolerant. When in reality, the net effect of all this is a continual decline in their overall mental health.

You call this thread over the top but over 1 in 4 suicide rate is ridiculously high and is worth a scrupulous analysis instead of your lazy conclusion that it's because of discrimination. You're being lazy because like I said, you don't actually care. You just want to feel good about yourself.


No I have trans friends so I’ll admit it’s a somewhat personal issue to me.

Do you even know any trans people or have you become an expert through MovieChat?


Ah just like I thought, you're unable to defend your stance so you have resorted to yet another lazy retort. This time it's 'I have trans friends so that means i'm sincere'. It's the trans version of racists claiming they have black friends.


So I guess that’s a no then, you have formed an opinion based solely on what you have read and your own personal prejudice. Maybe talk to a trans person, get to know them, and then get back to us with an updated psychological analysis, Doctor 🙂


You'd be wrong buddy, I know several transgenders including one that is in my immediate team at work. Your attempt at deflecting attention away from the fact that you're unable to defend your stance is noted though.


What stance? You’re clearly just upset that I think hypothesising about when a person will kill themselves is nasty. That was my point here. Can’t see why you are on my back about that, but whatever.

Maybe talk to your workmate and start asking them about when they will kill themselves. Surely that would’ve more productive than letting rip about a stranger on the internet. Let us know how that conversation goes down.


What stance?

You almost had one at one point but every time you're challenged you fall back on the vacuous task of crying about mean comments. Spineless.




Shame on YOU. You liberals are relentless with your outrage and portrayal of everyone who disagrees with you as awful people. The OP didn't say he was rooting for it, he asked the question. There was absolutely no emotion in the OP, let alone something indicating he WANTS her to off herself. It was just a simple question. A topic of discussion. That's what these sites exist for.

Gross ass liberal. Thank God Trump lost, because he's an awful person and a conman, but the public SOUNDLY REJECTED your way of thinking. There was no blue wave. People are tired of your PC "progressive" bullshit.


Thank you for your reply, but I stand by my position that hypothesising on if and when a person, trans or otherwise, will kill themselves is unnecessary and unkind. Whether or not there was emotion in the OP it has still allowed people to pile more hostility on someone who I think has clearly had enough now. Of course people can talk about what they want, but aren’t you doing exactly the same thing you are chastising me for, suggesting that I don’t have the right to put forth an opposing opinion or challenge something I think is wrong?

Also, I don’t think this is an issue of liberal vs conservative. Why mention Trump at all when I was only talking about a post I find to be cruel? Perhaps you need to take that discussion over to the politics board.


There is no hostility in the OP. 100% untrue.


I was talking about the replies and the general trend in all the threads in this person’s profile since the announcement. 100% hostility.


Nope, you responded to the OP like this:

"What a gross conjecture.

Shame on you."


Reading the comments around here it's no wonder.



Came to say something along those lines.


Comments don't lead you to commit suicide unless you already have deep underlying mental health issues. It's not the comments that's the problem, it's pursuing this abnormal/unhealthy lifestyle which almost never leads to lasting happiness.


First of all, depression affects over 264 million people worldwide, and to say that all of those people lead abnormal and unhealthy lifestyles is false, and also that it's a deep underlying mental health issue. I'm not going to get into anything about trans people with you because you have obviously made up your mind and I'm not wasting anymore of my breath on that, but to think that comments on the internet have no effect on people is complete bullshit.


You can't compare transgenders and people with clinical depression, unless you're admitting that transgenders and mental health problems are directly correlated which only proves my point. Clinical depression is not a lifestyle, it's a mental health condition that can affect anyone. Transgenderism IS a lifestyle, and there is a direct correlation between transgenderism and attempted suicides.

And I never said cyberbullying doesn't affect people, I said it doesn't lead people to take such drastic measures such as attempting suicide unless they're already touched in the brain.

reply can affect anyone. And if you read what I shared you would see that people with depression have committed suicide because of cyberbullying.


Also, have you looked at why trans people would wish to attempt suicide?


Because they realise that taking hormones and pills and mutilating their genitals was NOT the answer. It only gives them some delusional temporary relief from their real underlying mental health condition. Except the only problem is, by then it's too late. Unlike alcoholism or taking drugs, you can't easily reverse the effects of a transgender lifestyle. People like you encouraging them are only perpetuating their misery.


Again, this is not what I'm arguing with you, you have your mind made up and I'm not bothering with that, I am just simply saying that words matter. Whether they are typed on a screen or said in person. If a person aims their words to hurt someone, they are the problem.

Caring about people does not perpetuate their misery. Being there with them when they talk to doctors, and supporting them does not make them miserable. Accepting them as people, doesn't make them miserable.


Being there with them when they talk to doctors, and supporting them does not make them miserable.

In fact, it does. Supporting them to go through with irreversible gender change operations can cause untold misery when they realise it was a permanent solution to a temporary mindset. What's worse is, they are now beginning to treat children with these hormone treatments which cause permanent deformities.


Not the topic I'm discussing with you


You're not discussing anything, you're unable to engage in a proper debate without deflecting.


The topic at hand was whether comments could make a person commit suicide. I have discussed that. You say that I can't have a debate without deflecting, yet you are the one who has strayed from the topic.

I've read what you have said to others on the topic of trans individuals and I know that your mind is made up. I could share articles, other info from doctors, personal stories from trans individuals, or statistics and I know it won't make a difference in what you think, so what is the point?


My response -

You can't compare transgenders and people with clinical depression, unless you're admitting that transgenders and mental health problems are directly correlated which only proves my point. Clinical depression is not a lifestyle, it's a mental health condition that can affect anyone. Transgenderism IS a lifestyle, and there is a direct correlation between transgenderism and attempted suicides.

And I never said cyberbullying doesn't affect people, I said it doesn't lead people to take such drastic measures such as attempting suicide unless they're already touched in the brain.

Your response - can affect anyone. And if you read what I shared you would see that people with depression have committed suicide because of cyberbullying.

You're unable to have a proper debate and instead repeat the same non-sensical argument which has already been refuted. And whenever you're stumped you'll say 'I know that your mind is made up already' which is code for 'I don't actually have a rebuttal so I will repeat my catchphrase'.


I'm not stumped. There is no point engaging with someone who has made up their mind about trans individuals. Like I said, I've read your comments to other individuals, and it's not worth wasting my time with you.


And yet you've responded 8 times with your trusty trump card when you don't have a rebuttal. Makes sense.




On your horse.


once the hubabaloo settles down from this PR stunt & she doesn't see her name trending on social media,
that will be her time to attempt


I would hope not. I find this to be a stunt for publicity. But, regardless of my opinion, there's no decent reason a person like this to go that direction. It's tragic that so many do.
