I have some questions. When Page was a lesbian, "she" was married to a woman, the presumption is that they both preferred women so everything was great. But if Page now is transgendering to a male, where does that leaves his/her/its wife? Won't she be as disgusted with Page being a man as I would if my wife became one (or at least looked like one)?
Will they now get divorced, or will Page's wife become a straight female to stay with Page?
What if Page's wife decides to become a trans male. Do they now become homosexual males, or they go out on double dates with real women???
If they both decided to transition to male, will they date real women or are men who transitioned to women OK??
No, they would only have painted themselves into a corner if they actually felt they were obligated to live up to any of the standards they seek to impose on the rest of us. The modern "progressive" leftist is the very incarnation of the ends-justify-the-means mentality. The rules will be made up entirely on an ad hoc basis, and will support whatever they want them to.
You can be a man without a penis now. I'm guessing she will dress boyish, but not have a peen, because like you said, then his wife wouldn't be attracted to him because she's a lesbian. Right?
Maybe the wife loves them regardless of their genitals, dress, name etc. - the kind of connection of souls, of shared interests, dislikes etc.
It does happen!
Absolutely! Her/his wife probably knew about this for years anyway. Love and relationships are far more than just the physical aspect.
On the sex side of things, there are such things as double dildos and strap ons with access to all lady parts for giver and receiver. So I'm guessing they are not new to this.
Comparing a person who is deciding to change themselves to Nazism or Flat Earth believers is interesting.
Nazism is at its worst a path towards hatred, destruction, cruelty, violence and harm. That whole way of thinking is evil, and if anyone believes in it, I pity them.
Flat Earth theory is....an opinion, a notion that doesn’t hurt anyone. I think it’s nonesense, but if that’s what someone else thinks, it’s their - in this case - very misguided and harmless opinion.
Does what is considered nonesense really matter if it’s not hurting anyone, causing destruction etc.?
What is it to anyone else whether Page and their wife live happily in whatever relationship they form to have such seeming hatred for their choices? I’m sure they, like others ‘outside the accepted norm’ learn to grow thicker skins.
Hopefully opinions can be kept just as that, although the spoken and written word can have detrimental affects, even if they don’t cross the line in to harmful physical action.
It sounds reasonable on the surface, but we also have to think of the social effects of this progressive breakdown of reality. People like Ellen Paige are mentally ill and it needs to be treated like mental illness rather than indulged as a harmless flight of fancy, or worse, entertained as a legitimate thought.
As an adult living in a free nation, she has a right to do as she wishes, but clear-headed individuals should speak the truth in the same way that we don't allow the notion of a flat-earth to become mainstream and regarded as good science.
We have already seen the effects of de-stigmatizing ideas like "transgenderism" and those effects manifest themselves in the form of parents putting 8-year-olds through gender re-assignment surgery because their confused child announces that they're a girl when they're actually a boy and vice versa. Or another example would be an athlete being born biologically a male being able to compete against biological females because they've "transitioned."
The fact that there are parents out there who may mould their children into anything which is detrimental to the child’s health and wellbeing, especially changing them hormonally and/or surgically for their own means is atrocious and surely that is a mental illness and worse than a fully competent, willing, able and educated adult who wishes to transition.
I personally don’t think that fully a competent, willing, able and educated adult who wishes to transition is suffering from a mental illness.....because, although transitioning can involve invasive procedures and irreversible affects, how is the desire - nay, the need - to live in a way positive for them any different to, for example, being sexually attracted to the same sex?
(The person may have mental illness and complicating factors but the transitioning is not ‘it’)
Indeed, being different to the norm and behaving in ways not conforming to the majority or society at large in any way has always been accused of being a mental illness......but, as consenting adults, not hurting anyone else, such hatred is uncalled for, surely?
Going back to whether Elliot and his wife can be happy, and the so-called abomination that is Elliot’s transition - your thoughts are against this freedom of choice?
Well I'm glad to see that we're in agreement when it comes to children. As far as I'm concerned any parent who would put their kids through such a physically (and potentially emotionally) harmful and destructive process is grossly irresponsible, and any doctor who would go along with it should lose their license for malpractice.
I should point out that I have a neighbor who is transgender and we've had multiple conversations about the subject. He's a nice person but, in my estimation, also clearly troubled. I don't doubt that he FEELS like he is supposed to be a female, but he's also very clearly not a female. I think it's far preferable for medical science to focus on trying to make people like him feel comfortable in their own skin, rather than try to give them new skin via highly destructive and often very painful hormonal and surgical procedures.
In regard to your question about freedom of choice, I think there is a fine line that has to be tread between personal freedom on one hand and social cohesion on the other. As someone who IS a big fan of personal freedom and a broad swath of rights, I do think that if an adult genuinely wants to put themselves through the ordeal of "transitioning" then they should be allowed to do it. But at the same time, I don't think it's something that society at large should really approve of. This doesn't mean that I think we should be mean or cruel to these people--if anything, they need compassion for their plight--but it also doesn't mean that we should normalize this kind of decision-making and we for damn sure don't need to be introducing these kinds of ideas to our kids and letting them grab hold of the notion at young and impressionable ages. If anyone chooses to put themselves through this sort of thing it should be done quietly and it's certainly not something that should be celebrated in the media as if they're fucking superheroes.
Thank you. I appreciate a more robust discussion of opinion, which for me is a lot better than simply labelling it an ‘abomination’. I’m glad we’ve had this conversation. We do agree on many points no doubt.
I too really don’t care about such things being shouted from the roof tops, but I do think that it helps those feeling lost, oppressed etc (and thus more susceptible to harm) in gaining some comfort and strength in seeing others like themselves. I really think it’s a personal choice and has nothing to do with me.
I don’t think it normalises it though. Impressionable people will always be around and potentially influenced, no matter what.
I’m sure people transitioning have a lot of psychiatric help and support, but they cannot stay as they are and be comfortable in their own skin; that’s the reason they transition. I understand the view some have about using medical science in other ways that may seem more pressing so to speak......but again, transitioning does save lives. I guess there’s the whole utilitarianism aspect though - for the greater good or for the few in need? I’m sure the monetary costs involved vary depending on the country and health care system; I would find it totally gross for plastic surgeons etc to be raking it in for unethical reasons (the same for any surgery).
I’m amazed at what surgeons can do for transitioning people and it’s of scientific interest to see the results of the treatments (hormonal and surgical). The amount of pain - physical, emotional etc - they go through during transition must be worth it.
It’s interesting to hear about your neighbour. When you say ‘he’s clearly not female’ is that because they haven’t fully transitioned yet, or because they have but don’t look very feminine? Some people never fully transition - and some, even then can, unfortunately, never (to the observer) look like the other sex completely.
Their own cult don't even know what the rules are. Several generations of narcissists who were never told no! by their parents is to blame for where we are.