MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > Hah alot of hate for him on this board

Hah alot of hate for him on this board

funny dude though, can't deny him that


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Actually, the words "annoying and talentless a$$hole" come to mind.


Hate on Simon? You have to be a numpty. He and Nick have made 2 of the funniest movies I've seen.Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Tossing old lp records at 'walkers'..I spit my drink...laughing. What have you contributed?


I think it´s just one or two people. Not sure why hate Simon Pegg. I have been his fan since Spaced and he is still the same guy, only some people can´t get over the fact he got famous outside the UK and has a pretty successful carreer now.


One or two? Haha guess again... try more like all of the Star Trek and Star Wars fans. If you don't know what it's all about, a quick internet search will solve your mystery.

There was only 1 trilogy


I meant one or two here. It is very "in" to hate people now, especially those who achieved something and are famous.
I see nothing wrong with Star Trek or Star Wars. Sure, the second (Abrahms) ST was not too good but he managed to revive two franchises, we even got a new ST tv show due to the newly raised interest.
And why hate Simon Pegg for it, is beyond me. That he said something what some people consider as bad? So what? We all say different stuff. To *hate* a person I don´t even know is a bit silly.


Why is that? Please enlighten us. How is annoying and how is "talentless"? He's one of the most talented comics in history.

Save the trees. Wipe your ass with owls!


Star Wars

I don't really have any respect for anyone who thinks those films are good. They’re not. (They’re) a monumental misunderstanding of what the (original) three films are about. It's an exercise in utter infanticide ... (like) George Lucas killing his kid.

Star Trek

“To the detractors, I offer a polite *beep* you and suggest you find a new stick to beat us with, if being a huge, boring neggyballs is necessary for your personal happiness.”
